Steampunk Water Culture

oh, I start with 40ml boost 20ml grow in veg, unless the plant is larger I’ll give it 80/40 boost/grow. When bloom starts I change to 90/90 boost/bloom and after the first 2 weeks or until I feel the flowers are pumping I put in the awesome blossoms as well at 2ml/liter or 40 ml. All measurements in milliliters.

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Ahhh yes thank you for clearing that up in the books it goes

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ok I finally have a few min to make some clones. The good news? I can go over the whole process and variables! FUN!!! I got a Rubbermaid full of water with a T and stainless nut in there bubbling away. See those wet-ass neoprenes in the photo? Don’t put clones there. If moisture and nutrient wicks up into the light, it can result in pathogen growth. Best not chance that. I have lots of high and dry, non swampy locales.


water 17.2C, I rip the clone off the mother plant, strip a few leaves/nodes, and then put it so the stem is in the water.


Even though I could put nutrient in there, I usually wait a few days then put a splash in. The roots come out much stronger and thicker that way. EC is .2 that’s just the way it is out of the tap. I’m not using city water, it’s a well with traces of iron oxide and limestone. I don’t drink it unless I have to! There are creatures… alive… in there.


This is the fifth year bug free after the spider mite experiments. I also taught more gardeners how to wipe out powdery mildew… I gave a talk on it last week! I wonder how many of them just dismiss the knowledge without actually trying it?


I was casting a critical eye on mine too.
I’ll break down a buy some new ones after the Christmas bills get paid…

If you reach even a couple folks, the knowledge will spread.



clones are looking good, I got it all winter with the doors closed!


So is the clone stem submerged in the water? Or is it a inch away from water?

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I make sure it’s submerged, so when I lift the lid there is a drop of water on the end of the stem. Sometimes when they are above the water, the drops don’t land on the stem and keep it alive.


Thank you good to know

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clones are kickin’, I moved one to a lower spot so it’s short ass stem could touch the water. The clone off to the side is FLC-BX1. Didn’t toss 'er in the garbage, and I’ll tell you why. I’m still curious about that thing and the wet dog smell kind of goes away after the rosin dried.


compare sensi A to sensi B. One of them grew strange gangling stalks and weird curled leaves.


entire bloom room! I’m prepping to get more plants planted and shove them in there. I got an outdoor use ballast to power the light.


clones clones clones! You can see things are happening on the end of the stalk there. Probably tomorrow I’ll give em a drop of nutrient or two. One of the clones I ripped off a huge chunk of the xylem of the mother plant, so that’ll be interesting! Only do that oopsie once in a while heh heh.


you can see the insane plants there. The meat breath canopy is so even, but the experimental plants are radical! I have started the reveg of the c99 in the veg room there. I have to get it back under control before a real run.


FYI I sprayed every plant in the house to make sure if there is a thrip hiding out, it’s dead. I know you can’t see any damage on the cannabis plants, but I know those fuckers can fly.

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You can see the C99 is starting to grow in veg again.
The last image there is the grapefruit tree. I force-bloomed it hard, this winter.


hah you wanna know something? Usually christmas is my opportunity to fly off to the fortress of solitude, but this year… natural disasters and pandemic disease means the family is coming over for dinner. I have to put up with human beings??? shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Gimme that rosin hit. ha hhah just kidding I don’t mind human interaction.


Here’s the mutant sensi plant. I’ll get to the bottom of if that is a genetic thing, or not. The thing is almost as tall as I am, but other than the mutant stalk thing it’s doing just as good as it’s non-mutated sister.