Steampunk Water Culture

Brought even more clones online! These are meat breath. I expect them to do better than all the other clones, because I dumped them into a clone machine with nutrient and full light. They should grow as they clone.


Here’s the gnarly bloom room! That one sensi plant always pokes up to say hello!


Phew took a couple days off there. Just played computer games and renewed my drivers license. Good times! It was the coldest day of the year so far at -20C. I should make more ice to prep for the next hash batch! I think the clones will all root and grow, the probability of failure drops with each day they survive :wink:
Even with all the failures in the experimental run with the bugs, I’m probably at 99.99% success.


A Plethora of photos! Wow check out the C99 in the second photo, it’s like jack frost touched it.
sensi, c99, sensi, meat breath. Sensi with the light at the end so you can get a sense of how tall the 6 footer plant is.


Here’s a video I found that I think you science guys will enjoy!

@JoeCrowe @ReikoX


lol I recognize bugbee there.

zeeeeee clones are rooted! Growing as well.

nuts-ass bloom room! I am going to have to get off my ass and scrub some buckets!

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lol! So many hilarious bugbee sound bites, I love it.

we got action! Further bud development, and I think I have to test the EC on the meat breath crop. They are tossin’ up gang signs.

The clones are doing great! I know the FLC-BX1 looks kind of ragged there, but it’s growing as well. The root nodes are there on the clones, just not really rooted up yet. If you give 'em some light, bugbee style with nutrient, they can grow and clone.


I’ve landed another sponsor for the group, so I went out and got some cheese and gingerale to celebrate. lol! This one said the govn’t stores couldn’t produce the diggity-dank. Sometimes one of the group will tap out due to life changes, so I got to go rummaging to find another one. It’s way easier to tap in… with the award under my belt. That’s some serious cred to medical patients, who’s tolerance level is sky high. hah hah don’t tell anyone I said that ok? :wink:


The power! It keeps going out… this is the third time today. Lucky though… the C99 plant is kicking some ass. I swear it smells like wild flower honey. As long as all these power outages don’t trigger too much stress, I’ll be stylin’.

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I must have missed it. Link to the powdery mildew talk?


oh shit on here I’ve done a number of chats about powdery mildew. I can sum it up as this:
mix 1 tablespoon per liter of 90%+ sulfur with water and spray that on the plants twice in veg, 2 weeks apart and the mildew is toast. Never spray in bloom.
Let me find a link…

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I managed to squeeze off a single photo before the camera went nuts. This is the FLC-BX1, in order for this clone to fail now, I would have to toss it on the ground and dance on it’s grave. You can see the nodes are growing.
This is the 15 day mark in the cloner, and they are all rooted.


I increased the EC on the meat breath, and I also re-upped the “clones” in the rubbermaid there. They are really old plants to be calling clones, I suppose!

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This little cannabis plant is probably 6 months old. I’m not even sure why I sprouted and grew it! I can probably come up with something useful.


reminds me, everyone on OG should watch that bugbee video. He hilariously craps all over everyone’s favorite broscience. curing, lighting and even organics. So many soundbites in that growing video, it’s classic bugbee. “Just because people are doing it, doesn’t mean it’s correct” - his advice on “flushing” the plant.


fuuuuuuck me. I didn’t water the c99 plant enough and it got burned on the bud leaves from the conductivity rising to 4 or 5 I don’t even know. It’ll be ok, but I sure screwed the pooch on that one. Good news is, the plant is stacking on some serious buds. PAcking those babies tight like a good little plant. I should take a photo, gimme a sec. Pics or it didn’t happen!

Look at the damage. Not good.


Power outages again! Good times! Lucky thing it was down the entire darkness period and came back on for lights on. Saved by the bell or what? hah hah and some other old timey sayings. There’s probably a month or less in the bloom phase, but I’m not sure about the sensi. Crazy ass looking plants, if you ask me. I broke the super-tall one over and tied it at 90 degrees. That’ll be interesting! I’ll take some photos later on of everything.