Steampunk Water Culture

I’ll probably toss em in a sack tomorrow, but it is fairly chilly. I’ll see how they are then put up a heater if they haven’t dried up enough by then.


Here’s the entire grow, for now! Promises of heavy harvests on the horizon lol!


ohhh my! I swept and mopped, and I think I cleaned up almost everything. I think if I vacuum the dust mite webs from the corners of the room, we’ll be stylin’. I still have to plant the remaining clones from the rubbermaid into the buckets I’ve scrubbed out, then I can make the next clone batch! I think I’ll make the hash batch tomorrow, and get some of that crud out of the way. Oh almost forgot, I fired up the new ballast so I got first light! Now I should be able to get productivity as well as produce the experimental batches. As long as I keep hatching new genetics!

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Oh I forgot to mention! I saw a few pollen sacks on the meat breath, for sure. The thing was, there were no seeds at all in this batch. I must have seen at least 20 half-ass pollen sacks myself, during the trim. I guess there’s no pollen or something? I should have taken one out for microscopic examination. Ohhh well!


oops I forgot the text :wink: I title this grow: Star wars, a new hope! Just kidding.


Check out the TK clone, the 90 degree bend is gone.


Wuh oh Scoob! Where are the terry flaps at? Yo… better not be a male.


Oh in case anyone is wondering that crap all over is the BTK, I sprayed it all over my plants after my friends left. They didn’t want to suit up. I want to make sure nothing crawly this way comes. I should get a vacuum cleaner for the lab and use it on them. Gave me the heebie jeebies!


Male spotted! Look at the stalk coming from the base of some leaf bracts. Definitely male. Fuck… Lost that bet with myself lol!


here’s the seedling that made it through intensive care!


Tripod and Co, with Co being a male… Ohhh well! Oh wait… I think there’s a use for a male this round. I was going to do some pollination under the microscope. :man_facepalming:


The veg room! I think I can add the other two plants today, make it a full-to-the-brim veg room!


We got progress! I think I’m going to strip down some of the leaves on the plants. Specifically the big bud ones, because it’s all shading itself. Those plants are strange!


Phear my radish.


I had to take a break from my mega cleanup. I’m cleaning up in the veg room as well, even though there are plants still growing. I think I’m going to take all the plants and put them in a bin, then clean everything up and put them back. I removed so many leaves on the big bud, I can see the growth shoots now. As long as I’m at it, I might as well give 'er the old spic and span, because I haven’t done it in the veg room for a while. The plants themselves can take a couple hours just sitting there with no life support. I had some moldy leaves at the base of the big bud. The nodes are so close together, shit gets trapped down in the collar and fungus gnats get at it. I squished a couple of those fuckers! I think they are coming from the seedling area where the citrus trees are at. I should get some bti and finish them off as well.

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wait a sec…This is an opportunity… for shenanigans! ooooo! Hey… brain is thinking stuff.

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What is the most radical thing I can do that will rock your world? Stay tuned, I’ve got a radical idea that’s fucking bonkers!


ok, you can see in the magnifying shot there are no parasites. What I’m going to do, though is wash all my plants. I can promise a good scrubbing! So I noticed that people do IPM and also cut off their leaves. So what’s some nutty thing I could do if an infestation of spider mites were rampaging my grow? Break the cycle of course. So I’ll pretend I got the parasite and I’ll undergo a protocol 0 before I enter bloom. It’s the perfect time to pull a stunt like that and it came to me after I cut all the leaves off those big bud plants. I was wondering if it could even be feasible to do it and how much effort it would take. I’ll post photos of the process, it’s going to be a one-of-a-kind thing.


hahhah really strange story eh? I went to the liquor store to get some everclear and the guy asks “you making tincture with that?” Yah I said, I make some cookies after I evaporate the alcohol. “So you’re not drinking it?” No, I said, I hear that shit is carcinogenic. “yah that’s right” he replies.


ok, I’ll take some photos tomorrow. I’ve taken the tripod seedling and two clones… put them in buckets. Also took the clone machine and scrubbed it with hot water. I’ve got a garbage bag for my plants to reside in while I clean up. What else… I’ll be making more clones soon. Oh yah! I sealed up the veg room, because the stupid fungus gnats were flying in there from the citrus plantation. Usually I just ignore them until the farm planting season is over. They get thick lol!

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