Steampunk Water Culture

veg plants! I have a nuts lineup for experimental plants. Meat breath, FLC-BX1, PCKxICC5 aaaand TK! I think I learned a lesson from the last round… at least I hope I did, bah hah! Don’t run half of your crop as experimental plants because it won’t pay off, foo!


Scrubbing plants that large is very difficult. I have to fill the bath tub with cold water to submerge them! Then I carry them off to the bloom room in a garbage bag. That’s their new home!


I gotta work on this one myself lol

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ohhh shit, if I had to do that over again I wouldn’t. Too much effort. If you want to break the cycle of some kind of infestation, do it when they are clones, not huge fucking plants. I might just skip the other smaller ones, I really just wanted to try it on those big ass plants. I did, however, get some floating gnat carcasses but nothing else.


ok I completed the task. Not recommended! I did scrub off some filth, I think it was from the one seedling and those big bud plants. Just looked like root crud to me, nothing serious. I think all the gnats were concentrated in the meat breath root balls, for reasons unknown. I think they prefer meat breath lol! I will go back down there in an hour and plug in the oxygen supply once all the water has evaporated. I have to EC test and dose uhh the TK and the seedling(s). I definitely put them in the wrong buckets after it was over. Some how I mistook the FLC for TK when they were all flattened out in the garbage bag.
Forgot to mention once everything was out of the room, I also scrubbed the floors. DEEP CLEAN DAY!


Holy shit nice score

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I only broke one branch on the TK! Thought I would have done more damage, but no. I did wipe out the gnats though. Strange story eh? Guess the little fuckers were hanging out in the root balls of the meat breath until I washed them down the drain. Suckers.


I grew those mega SENSI plants and threw them into the garbage. Yikes! That cost me huge, but also provided the final test for the hash yields. The third light was down… all of it took a hit to the harvest.


It took 40 days to grow that radish! My mom saw it and asked if I could grow one for 80 days and see how big it gets, hah hah!


ok, I went in and gave those two plants a good dose. I have yet to deal with the male plant, but I might just keep him in the rubbermaid, for now. I boosted the EC up to 2.something. I think the broken TK branch will mostly resurrect because I see some of the growth tips are re-inflating after the damage left them limp.


TK branch is almost re-inflated. Took some minor damage, but it’s recovering. Big buds are almost ready to be cloned. They are strange ass plants, I’ll give 'em that.


Annnd the bloom room! Plants are cruising in there, I have to water and check the EC.


Here are some images of the broken branch. It was the most damage I’ve seen a branch take, yet still manage to heal itself with no intervention.


Big buds, and also the experimental batch! Today I’m doing the clones… I am hoping to clone all the varieties I have on tap, except the male. We’ll see how it goes!


Took 5 meat breath clones from that spindly plant lol! It’s like a stick now. It’ll regenerate :wink: I left lots of side nodes to grow out. Meat breath in bloom is doing good! I’ll take a few more clones today. I had to use the scissors on one clone, I couldn’t rip it off. Tough stalk.


That’s the golden rule of clone mothers, always leave a node :+1:



Looks like tripod is finally coughing up the goods. I’ll do a dissection tomorrow or something when there’s a little more growth. This is the top node, finally giving up signs of it’s sex, that’ll be good once I know it’s trash or not. I’m leaning towards female with a slight hermie possibility :wink:


Oh yah, well I made some more clones. I have two of each experimental plant: TK, and PCK. I also made 2 FLC clones. I just keep examining that plant, it’s got the largest trichome caps I’ve ever seen.


Tomorrow I’ll clone the big bud plants. Then it’s almost time to start the next bloom cycle! yay!


What game is that?

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