Steampunk Water Culture

It’s valheim, and I’ve been hard at work building my castle!

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Clones are doing good. I expect 100% rooting, even though I crushed one of the PCK clones.

These babies are up for cloning next. I am doing daily inspections on the plants! Next, I’ll move them into bloom. yay! I was going to wait until this batch is rooted, but I’m feeling adventurous! What’s the worst that can happen? :wink:


awww yah! In a couple of days, I’ll move everything over! The sex of the seedling is showing and it “looks” female to my regular human eye… So I’ll toss it under the scope just before I move it in, and make sure.


Plants are progressing! One of the clones got dried up from not touching the water, but I think it’ll survive, they are amazingly resilient.


It was the one that I placed in the corner where the air hose is. TK. I moved it so the water can splash on it.


I moved another one of the short clones into a better position. It was starting to get dried out. I’m thinking I should just fill the rubbermaid up more.


Those photos I took will serve as the evidence for which clone is which strain after playing musical chairs hah hah!


Things are looking really good! I’m stoked to move the other plants over soon…very soon! I just have to make sure things area all prepped. I’ll vacuum the floors again and toss out any leaves! CLEAN CLEAN! You can never be too clean.


Clones are looking like they are all going to root, including the ones that got dried out heh heh.


Look at the ridiculous big bud plants, I swear all they do is grow lots of huge ass leaves.


The meat breath look like they need a nutrient boost soon. Getting some sideways leaf curl!


Phew I gave the veg plants a leaf chop! The meat breath plant in veg was running on pure water, so I gave it a super boost to EC 2.5. The FLC clone has gone insane, I chopped off full branches growing from the base. Gonna give the meat breath plants in bloom a leaf removal then a super boost as well.
I cut off so many huge leaves on the TK clone, because there’s no light penetrating that canopy. It’s grown so much!!! Whatever I did to it, she likes. hah hah! When the bloom light comes on, I’ll cut the leaves then vacuum the place. Should be ready for the next generation of plants then! Ahhh the glory is in the scrubbing and cleaning lol! And the tossing out of plant debris. ooo I also have to look at the sex of the seedling, but I think it’s looking female still. The symmetry on tripod is amazing!


Except the damned thing is male. Crikey Mon!!! We’re batting zero percent.


Things are doing good, and I’m not going to remove any more bloom leaves.


Big bud!

meat breath, FLC-BX1, tripod, and TK!


I found it’s way easier to wash your plants using a sprayer of water and some time. The tub of water and the shower was far too damaging and difficult.


Here’s the clones! They are looking good as usual. I think they even grew a new leaf!


The top plant is the meat breath, and so is the bottom one. The leaf is in the bloom room! Has a tiny bit of damage from me.


wow, after looking at that leaf photo… I’ve got lots of limestone in my water. I can’t even see that crust with the human eye, it’s so thin! On the very edge of the leaf on the serration, you can see a white ish mineral film from washing the plants. You may think I’m insane, but I’ve got my friends coming over to help me scrub the room further and get all the cobwebs. Wash the doors. Wipe down the water tank! Glory days are here, everyone! vacuum and wipe the shelves. I’ve been looking for the panda film.
edit: I found it!


My hopes and dreams of popping a female seedling PCK rest on the shoulders of this little plant. The one that wouldn’t germinate or grow roots. I think it’s survival odds are 100% at this point hah hah. It’s been in incubation chamber this whole time, slowly gathering the strength to live again.
Oh I do have 16 more seeds to germinate heh heh, it’s not over yet.