Steampunk Water Culture

The PCK did break the mold on the observations, and that’s good. They didn’t sex until the 8th node, which is the latest for a male I’ve ever seen! I like the seedling observations, really helpful. It grew a leaf bract and a pod on a stick, which is really easy to notice. Ahh I was wishful thinking they could be female :wink:

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You can see root nodes on the clones. They’re looking good! I have to cull the male clones I made though hah hah. I think I remember which ones they are.


Here’s the TK monster! I had to support it vertically now.

big bud beasts!

Meat breath in bloom, they are just starting and I put them at EC 3.


All these images are lights out, so you can see what they actually look like in normal lighting.


Roots, bloody roots!!!


Big buds!

meat breath, FLC, PCK, and TK!!!


Blooming meat breath! I’m going to try and get around to moving the plants over into bloom. All the clones are rooted and I know which ones are the males.


bloom and veg! You can see the clones there as well, they are rooting up nicely. I just rinse the measuring cup out in the clone water, it really helps them out. Probably half or a single ml of solution each time, but just enough to make the clones do good, but not promote algae growth and the resulting rotifer colony.
I’m pretty sure now the plants do way better if I hit them with EC 3, then shove them into bloom, and not fuck with them. OK!


I got the big buds moved over. Gonna boost their EC tomorrow! Also I’ll check the next batch of plants, they should be ready to go soon! Since the clones are rooted, I can toss the male plant in the big bucket. I’ll put like a TK or FLC in there instead. To top it all off I put the tiny seedling into a bigger pot and back in incubation. I should have just pulled the pin and put it in hydro. When it sexes, I’ll clone it into hydro.

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Here’s the incubator! Cuddling with the organic peppers.


The experimental crop in veg, and the blooming plants. Meat breath and big buds.


Crops are doing fine! Pretty soon I’ll enable extraction during lights-on, to cool things down. Spring is definitely here, the birds are going nuts.


Pretty sure this is FLC-BX1 rooted up nicely.

And these are the TK roots!


Hey, thanks for that gift @Neb It was a surprise delivery! I will definitely experiment on them heh heh heh!

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Initially i was rather un impressed with the Goji but i just did a poor job growing them. The ones i have going in flower right now are looking pretttty nice. I think youll find some decent stuff.


PCK seedling with some dirt on 'er. Growing spectacular since the transplant. I am spraying the soil with BTK in an effort to kill off a few of the gnats. They can get to be like a cloud on those organic seedlings lol!


A couple plants left in veg. Gonna move them over soon! All the clones are rooted or proto rooted. I think the FLC-BX1 is still the early-rooting champ dog.


experimental veg plants!

Meat breath are starting to put on some bulk. Hopefully I didn’t stunt their growth too much!

aaaand the bizarro-world big bud plants. They will wind up with 30 centimeter colas and become hash!


Forgot to mention, I think I went a little overboard and got some nutrient burn on a couple of leaves. OR something. I can go test it and see what I did, if I got up to EC 3.5+. On the meat breath! Those things are fairly sensitive to changes.


Oh I forgot! Listen to this story. The source of all the fungus gnats was this cooler filled with decomposing vegetables! In particular, decomposing beets. I’m not certain who put it there, but I could smell something…
Nasty! Gnats were boiling out of there like smoke from an active volcano. I did my speech about how you have to store the vegetables. A few bagged in the fridge, some cooked and frozen in bags, then pickle or ferment a batch, and additionally dehydrate a bag full as well. The upside is, those rotten vegetables are feed stock for next years crops. They are safely in the rotating composter, moldering away.