Steampunk Water Culture

Was that the tk clone ? If it is cant believe how big it got


Yep that was the TK clone, and it really grew fast! I’m eager to try making it into hash heh heh, that’s always my goal. The TK plant might be the fastest growing plant I have tried so far.


re lamping is a pain in my bung hole. You have to undo the clamps, take off the ducting. Then screw in a new bulb and clamp the ducting back on. If things are in operation, you have to go dark, and then do it all once the bulbs cool off.


Ye 'ol seedling!

Veg plants! I’m thinking I can put the extraction on 12/12 for exhaust, and move the other plants in. It’s kind of a transition time where I have to juggle temps.

Bloom room!


Roots are bulking up! It’s almost time for planting season heh heh.


now the gnats are down to a dull roar, I’ve opened up the veg and bloom room to the outside world again. Those fucking things were everywhere, flying in my face and landing on the plants.


clones are regenerating. I had cloned the meat breath when the plant was low on conductivity, so they took some damage. They’re growing new leaves now.


aaand the bloom room. Things are bulking up!


The fungus gnats are on their way out the door. I applied BTK to the soil of every seedling in the incubation chamber. I can only count a few gnats today. I’m sure if I keep spraying the hell out of the soil, they’ll be a problem that’s long gone. The upside is my basil are mostly all sprouted now, and I’ve been spraying them as well. “Someone” blew the shift on the biohazard controls, by storing those filthy ass beets down there. Rule number one is to clean that shit off, then store it. I’m positive the gnats came in clinging to the dirt on the beet roots and spread from there, slowly building in numbers over time until it peaked when the beets were turning into pudding.


The PCK seedling has really taken off. It’s almost too tall for incubation!!


The male clones are doing really good. But most of the clones/plants are growing slowly now.


Bloom room! things are definitely gaining verticality.


I got 2 retrofit lights for the floro fixtures, but they aren’t working. They are LED bulbs that snap into a T5 HO socket, except they flicker then go dark. If I rotate them in the socket they light back up, but then go dark again. I am seriously wondering if it’s the fixture? Of course, I don’t have another fixture to try it… so now I have to rustle up another T5 socket to test them in. blah!

Things are growing. The only unrooted clone is the one that got dried out, and that’s no shocker. It’ll get held back by that screw up.


PCK males are doing great! hah hah


hey hey hey! I think there are just some rust spots in the socket for the lights, and that’s why they’re doing funky things. Got to clean out the dust and crap, I’ve actually had them lit and working good, now. I vacuumed out the dust, just have to scrape the oxides off the copper. Fun times!! I’ll take a photo once I’ve got it reassembled and working. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in use, personally.


nooope! No dice on that working out, and I still have no idea why. A complete waste of time, yay! At least I know what I shouldn’t do, is try to make it easy by just changing out the bulbs. It definitely didn’t achieve anything. Next time just get a string of LEDs with a cord on 'em and toss the old fixtures in the recycling.


Grow is riddled with flying insects hah hah. What is this, some kind of Stink bug fly?


Bloom room! The stink bug is near that white splotch, and I’m waiting for him to fuck off. I don’t want to touch it, or else I’ll stink too. I guess I could scoop it up in a container and put it outside.


That one big bud plant looks kind of strange, and it’s oxygen was cut off for 24 hours. I’m not sure if I have to solve it’s problem, or it’ll green back up? I give it one more day, and if it’s not looking normal by then, bam, I’ll change it’s bucket out.