Steampunk Water Culture

This is FLC-BX1, it indicates the nutrients have run out by tossing up a patchy leaf.


The most rooted clones have also grown the most.


well I have another complaint to lodge with management. 30% of my LED arrays are already burnt out. It’s hard to tell just looking in the room, but I went and looked at the lights directly, and saw multitudes of dark LEDs already. I suppose replacing those old school arrays has moved higher on the priority list.


OK so I dumped the bucket with the strange looking plant and re-dosed the nutrients. I also cleaned out the airline T it was clogged. And I tossed out one of the males. I should just extract some pollen from that remaining one.


mmm dried out another clone, but this time I refilled the reservoir. It’s not even that dried out, it’ll be fine by noon.


You never give up on them!


heh heh I only give up once the plant is covered in penecillium. This sucker just got a “little” dried out!


Looks like the big bud is recovering.


I juiced up the FLC-BX1 plant. The clones are looking sleepy. but the PCK seedling never droops over night.


She’s recovering, you can tell by looking at yesterdays photo.

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Here’s the radical FLC plant, it’s off to the races!


Meat breath! You can see the trichomes from a distance now.


hahhah you KNOW I took the UV light down to the bloom room. It was amazeballs! The plants glow red, and the trichomes glow white, with really bright patches located on the old buds at the nodes.
I got another crazy tip. Bug damage, like the mold, shows up really well. Most bugs like the silverleaf whitefly glow and the chewings on the plant glow as well! Easy to pick off the bugs in the dark lol!


here’s the male PCK clone. You can see it’s duplicate behind it. Even the shittiest clone which was the dried out FLC clone has rooted now. Won’t be much longer before the meat breath are growing nicely, as most of the clones are by now.


I’ve seen some “things” maaaan. Once the green has leeched out of a cannabis leaf from exposure to HPS, it starts to really glow. Almost seems that the older the plant extract, the more it glows. That includes the glow from something like hash. The fresher it is, the less it glows. Even the rosin is like that. The glow must be related to the breakdown of something contained in the cannabis plant and the extracts. Dried leaves in the compost bucket don’t glow, but really old leaves and parts of leaves have a super bright shine that’s neon. When the sun goes down, I’ll hunt for some glowing plant material fresh off the blooming plants. Wait… I just had a thought…


Baby buds! yay!

This was the last clone to show any roots. It was the first one to get dried out in the rubbermaid. PRobably the other FLC clone, because the two clones I moved around were surplus ones! In the long run it doesn’t matter which is which because they’re probably going in the compost.


ahhh the veg plants. I should start training the canopy!

blah and the disappointing meat breath plants. They are definitely not as big as they should be, because I didn’t follow the meat breath protocol for growing them.


I tossed the lame male clones! They are decomposing as I type this in!


Oh my! I think there is some kind of bug I’ve never seen before infesting my grow. I saw it on the poinsettia the other week, but I swear to fuck I see larvae on my plants. Whatever it is, can really fly, but honestly I’ve never seen it. Perhaps I mistook them for fungus gnats? Crazy shit man. Anyways with that surprise, I knew for sure the strange ass bugs came from the plant my dad purchased at the store. The only thing left to do is wipe it’s ass out. I also have to see if it’s spread to anything else once I know what it looks like. I sprayed it with BTK which seems to have an impact, but I think I’ll probably end up doing a zero on the crops this summer. OK but also how did it spread down there? hah hah every answer just brings more questions. The plant itself was here for months and months, spreading filth.
I thought it was perhaps thrips or white flies, except it’s still a mystery what the bug is. I’m going to image a live larvae tonight. Get some answers!


ok, it’s true. Whatever that bug is, in larvae form is there, and it looks like the btk killed quite a number of them. Oooof, well… Guess I got my work cut out for me now. I’m still really interested in how it infested my grow. I could wipe it all out right now, but I wonder if it’s already infested the bio secure areas. I wonder what kind of imported bug it is? It came in on a christmas stupid plant thing, and turns into some kind of flying bug that looks like a midge or mosquito that’s 2mm long. The carrier plant is in the garbage, but then I got itchy and decided to really investigate because I’ve been suspicious about things for a while eh?