Steampunk Water Culture

Only thing left to do is decide how to handle it. Tomorrow is when I lower the boom! We’ll see how it shakes out.


ok here’s what I’m going to do, with Chance of unexpected consequences. I will push all big plants into the bloom room and then zero out the clones. I’ll only have clean clones in veg and I’ll spray around some btk all over the place. The chance I’m taking is this: perhaps the infestation is already in the organic seedlings and will spread further or back to my crops, while not responding to BTK. Then I have to deal with an infestation in the future, when this current crop is done. Ironically it would have been far easier to break the cycle if the seedlings hadn’t been started. Hopefully it’s just some kind of mutant gnat and there’s nothing to worry about including the stupid springtails.

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The yellow plant ain’t so yellow.

But I think I’m starting to see some minor damage to the plants. I guess I was playing too much humankind and not watching the fuck out. The only question remaining is how did it transfer to the grow from that crazy plant arrangement my dad was growing from the store. Unfortunately, I’ll never know. The mothership for THOSE bugs is gone now. So two mother ships destroyed so far! The cooler of rotting beets and the christmas plants. What next?


ok! things are moving forwards now. I have transferred all plants to the bloom, and I’ll take a photo of that. I’m going to randomly try and get some pollen from the male plant heh heh, for a side project with microscopic imaging. The veg room is empty now, except for some clones and the small plant. I’m going to scrub them all together and plant them! Here’s the thing, is I have to ride out the organic garden planting season which is less than 2 months away. Then I can clean all this mess up in the organic zone.

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ok their days are numbered now! sets his watch

There’s the male PCK seedling!

Triangle kush!


here’s the veg room! Just some cleaning up to do. Tomorrow, I’ll decontaminate everything!


here’s the clone I dried out and never gave up on :wink:


bloom room is packed!


It wasn’t an EC problem that made the plant yellow, and that’s the only thing I tested. EC was 2. That was the reason I dumped it out and put a new batch in, things weren’t adding up! I was starting to suspect a micro nutrient problem due to ph shift, but you know me. I’ll just drop the hammer and change it out. That solution works every time.


Remember the PCK survivor that originally had no roots? That’s what this stick is. I totally scrubbed it and cleaned it, but you can never get all the dirt filth off the roots. I’ll leave that behind when I clone it… if it’s female, that is. Probably take a couple of days to regenerate.


Yo the craziest thing happened just now. There are hundreds of bug carcasses that I didn’t see yesterday.

These are those “things” I have no idea what they are.

It’s like they moved in a swarm that died on that plant. Fucking crazy man, if I didn’t have proof that it was real, I would think I’m losing my fucking mind.


Maybe they flew in, realized that if they stayed they’d be conscripted into countless experiments that would make Dr. Frankenstein blush, and decided to just commit suicide en masse rather than let you play with them. :stuck_out_tongue: Either that, or maybe the plant’s pest-resistant and you’re seeing it play out on micron scale before your eyes?


I have to find the mothership or else I’m going to go crazy. Where are they hatching from and how come I never see them until they are dead? I am going to search the organic farm supplies and also do some alcohol swabs. I WILL find out where they are coming from. I am going to check all buckets as well. There has to be some kind of trace I can find. If that fails, I’ll set up sticky traps. That will help triangulate their position.
Forgot to mention: they were all located on the male PCK seedling, which was clean when I moved it in. No piles of bug carcasses. I should have taken a better photo before I moved them in so it was easier to see.


big bud!

experimental crop!

and meat breath! I have another meat breath photo as well

It can grow leaf buds and leaf leaves.


awww yah, blooming is happening. The big buds are definitely starting to bulk.


30cm roots in the clone machine. It’s probably time to add more boost and grow! The irony is the meat breath plant I dried out is actually growing the most out of the meat breath batch. The champdog is still the FLC, it rooted way before the others by a week probably.


Yesterday I gave these suckers more juice.

My stick plant is growing!
I vacuumed up in there, so I’m ready to finally hang the polymer and seal up the lower half of the room again.


hmm unfortunately the meat breath photo is blurry, oh well! Things are happening in bloom, that’s for sure. I am going to wash off the carcasses that are on the plants, then I can see if there are any still left alive. Their amazing ability to fly into the burning hot light is… uhhh working out for me :wink:


My stick is growing! Fairly smooth transition from dirt to hydro, didn’t miss a beat.


Clones are growing and things like that!