Steampunk Water Culture

Alright! We have evidence of life, some of the leaves are already facing the lights. I suspect that even the damaged parts will resurrect!


Yah, seems the meat breath plants do better if you don’t fuck with them. This small plant is definitely going to be regular-sized when it’s heavy into bloom. The PCK seedling is doing incredible with a heavy dose of nutrients, Looks like the 50/50 first guess got it right. hah hah you either give it too much, or usually hit the right dose. It’s pretty rare they need a half-dose to survive.


Ahh the fresh clones are already tossing up some new growth! Didn’t take long to start the turnaround from being shipped! I’ll probably cut off most of that funky growth after they have a new set of leaves.


The tired looking plant phase is finally over for the PCK and the TK! I’ve often wondered why it even happens.


aww yah been some damage to the big bud plants. No damage to the plant I had changed out already, but it’s probably getting close to needing more.


yah we have more new growth, I’m excited! Look at how the leaves have re-inflated since they arrived!

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Things are marching along. At least in this production, I have only 1 experimental seedling amidst 12 plants. The last round with the 2 sensi plants was like half of my productivity. And it was garbage, lol! stupid light was down, etc. Ohhhhhh well! This next harvest is going to stock up the freezer for many months! 'Cause the freezer is empty! Can’t be making any more hash, maaaaaaaaaaaaaan!


brr we’ll see if I get the cove! In about three days, I should know if it’s around. The same 'ol story… My parents went to a birthday party… I got a call they were headed this way. Met them at the door with a “hey, you’ve been COVID exposed!” wearing my face mask. If I hadn’t got that call, I would have probably been exposed myself. I think I’ll go live in the lab for a week, nobody comes down there.


Clones and seedling are doing fine!


This is the TK plant, it’s ginormous!

And a glam shot there of PCKxICC5.


Seeing any more of those unwelcome visitors?


Yah it’s going to be another three weeks before I can wipe them out. I have to synch the schedule with the greenhouse seedlings unfortunately, or else I would have kicked their asses already. Stupid thrips are like the second easiest parasite to kill.


Actually, there’s something really odd going on and it’s to do with that dwarf plant. The little cannabis plant that I keep barely alive is going on like a year old or something. I never do anything except keep it barely alive hah hah, and it’s female too. No, the strange part is no bug has ever got at it.

You would think this lame plant would be covered in thrips. Real bizarre because every other plant they could gnarl on, they did.


Perhaps it’s just not a good target, seeing as how it’s surrounded in citrus plants. Cause the peppers next to it are thriving with thrips.


slurricane! Growing some new leaves.


They don’t cause that much damage, they are just irritating, that’s all. Lookit 'em hiding out.


Sneaky bastards, I had to look a few times to find it. Fortunately they should get caught in the 220 micron wash bag. :rofl:


Good news, it’s half way over the cove exposure limit! Man, listen to this COVID crazyness.
So everyone has come down with the cove, it’s ripping through like wildfire this wave! So I’m triple vaccinated with a cocktail of COVID vaccines because I’m a CV patient, so is my brother, and my sister. Parents are old, so they all got the third dose as well, except not CV patient style. They save the good shit for us :wink: I guess it’s got to pay off some time lol! Never had to test the effectiveness personally, but my brother got to. He’s the only single person in a hive of infected humans who never got it. Seems like my parents don’t have it either. Guess who has it? Everyone who wasn’t triple vaccinated. My uncle the COVID denier? He’s scared yo. shakes his head The virus doesn’t care what you believe.


It’s going to give me great satisfaction to end them. I should write an X on the day I wipe them out lol, but I’m not exactly sure when the weather will improve enough to move the seedlings to the greenhouse.


This is a shot of the slurricane roots. They were planted in a cube of rockwool that I was going to remove, but then I thought the plant could probably still be supported. So that worked out! The roots were at the bottom of the rockwool when I put them in the hydro, and those white shoots are all new growth.