Steampunk Water Culture

ok ok! So I only bring in things that I cleaned up. By that I mean I scrubbed that shit in hot ass water with a stiff brush! All over! Those sheets on the floor I use to deflect spills? Cleaned the same way. Hot ass water scrubbing ahh fun! I’m going to scrub up enough gear I can do a run. Then I’ll scrub the plants and do it. Phew it’s some hard work, but I cleaned up so much crap it was amazing. Dog hairs. Crumbled leaf debris. Cobwebs. Then the pure filth on the polymer. Woah! Years of grime it seems. Dust mites. Empty bottles of nutrient! lol! I could write a book about all the debris, it was endless.


Got all the buckets in there. Gonna take a break! Hot and steamy work, that’s for sure. I’ll go on an outdoor vacation and enjoy some sun!


I’m getting positive feedback on the PCKxICC5, they are all about the flavor of it. Hard to put your finger on what it tastes like but it sucks you in. You are transported to flavor country from which there is no escape :wink:


ok you can see the stack of cleaned up equipment is growing! Almost enough to start the grow back up. I’m only missing air hoses, pumps and neoprene pucks. I’ll have it all done later tonight or tomorrow for sure. Then the final plant cleaning and I’m back growing. Good news is the PCK bud clone has thrown off the bloom hormones and returned to growing. So when it regenerates, it’ll look normal.


Dexter would be proud. lol

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Heh heh.


All I have left is to clean the air pumps with a damp cloth and set this system back up!


OK now I’m down to the final phases. I just have to scrub and plant the plants! Everything is bubbling and ready to go. All is go for tonight! It’ll finally be over. I removed all plant material from the plants.


Here’s the basic protocol to eradicate any infestation. Strip off every leaf and submerge the plant in a bath of cool water for 30min. Take it out and rinse it off with the sprayer and plant it in the freshly scrubbed grow room. Also I washed off the clone machine. Everything is fresh and ready!


Forgot to mention, @Gpaw, the eagle has landed. I’m going to try and do some mass seedling runs, see what happens!
Right now the veg room is shut down, and ready for the scrubbing. It’ll be so much faster to scrub this small room, that’s for sure. Time is up, now I will rinse and plant the plants! Next photo will be of a full veg room… here, hold my coffee.


fuuuuuuuck me! IT’s over! Now, I play the waiting game. lol!


Boom! There’s the cleaned up crops! Not even a spider mite can survive that attack.


LOL people want to get their hands on the genetics I’ve got growing in there. Told 'em it’s going to be a while before they regenerate. Removing all the leaves definitely slows them down until new leaves form. I give it about a week.


Give us a run down of what’s in the buckets?


In terms of the plants, we’re looking at big bud in the first 4, meat breath in the second 4, then in the final 4 buckets are PCK tripod and Co, as well as 2 slurricane. In the back section is TK and one slurricane. Those are off to the side for now, until they get a little bigger. I’ll fire the veg room back up and make clones in there for the next run or two. I cut the TK down too early at 69 days, so I’ll revisit it again.


Progress is being made! You can see new leaves growing. The TK is regenerating nicely as well, you can see it in the rubbermaid with it’s pal the slurricane.


In case anyone was wondering, I put the bloom room on 18/6. I am using the HPS lights to speed up the growth rate of the plants. The big buds in particular really respond well by elongating the stalks.


Shiiiiit, the TK failed the hash test. Gonna have to trash that plant! It yielded better than the SENSI plant I had tested but not enough to even compare to PCK or meat breath. Ohhhhh well! Better luck next time :wink:
Big bud is still the uncontested master hash producer.


So all the clean up and eradication protocol and up and running again question though did you get behind the loose-ish panda film on your walls… I’m mean your pretty much zeroed everything other than that from what I’ve been following.


On some of the walls the panda film is actually the vapor barrier, so no I didn’t clean behind it. Never had to do that before to finish off some critter.