Steampunk Water Culture

I’m loving JoeCrowe’s Hashplant Thunderdome:+1: :laughing:



These days it’s hard for a plant to earn it’s way into the grow. Competition in the blood/thunder/hash dome is intense! I chew 'em up and spit 'em out!
It’s a great data harvest though. So it’s all good! I know people are out there growing the same plant… I wonder how their hash yields are?


Overdosed the slurricane plants. At least now I know they are sensitive lol! I cut the dose by 50%.


Here are the slurricane plants I overdosed. You can literally see the damage! The larger one is recovering faster, and I think the smaller one took a huge hit from that. Even if it croaks, I’ve got another one waiting in the wings to replace it if I need to.


Here’s the whole thing. Today I am going to break out the microscope and look for thrips instars. I don’t take it for granted they are dead. Got to make sure.


Nothing so far… It’s like the search for monopoles :wink:


I accidentally put a TK clone in the bucket instead of meat breath. I’ll have to pull a presto change-oh and swap it in/out. If you do the stem rub trick it’s easy to tell 'em apart in the stink zone.


I think I saw an instar on one of the big plants! I think it might be impossible to clean large plants. I’ll keep my eye on it and I might just revert to clones of the large plants. There ain’t fuck all on the small ones, that’s for sure. I wonder if it’s some kind of probability because there is too much surface area left on the large ones.


I prefer just cloning my keepers when they get large and throwing the moms in the compost when they get too big. Still haven’t had any bug problems but I’m doing my best to keep the surface area to a minimum so they stay away lol!

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hah hah an all the searches come up non-resultant. I mean… wtf is this? A bug exoskeleton or skin shedding? Or just some dust garbage.


I know thrips spen part of their life cycle inside the plant, is that what we are seeing? The thrips in the leaf?


Yah they are probably leftovers from me cutting the leaves off before submerging them in water. There were probably too many leaves left on the large plants. Oh… I wonder if I just did it a couple more times, if that would get those leftovers taken care of. I’ll keep track of anything I suspect I see then go for another round. Worst case scenario, I have to follow my own advice and toss those large mothers, and only rely on small clones of them. I’ll contemplate the options!


This one here I suspect I might need to run another tub of water for. It’s the PCK tripod plant. Either that was some fragment of wood or some bug lol I should catch the one I see next time and verify.


I have to change out this TK with the meat breath pictured there. For some reason I fucked that one up and put the wrong plant in.


There’s the whole grow. You can see lots of leaves forming now!


lol well that’s the frustrating part… When you think you found something, it’s really nothing at all. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ck! me!


Ok positive ID. So I suppose decontamination trials on the large plants failed. That’s fine, I’ll go further and faster! Decontaminate clones of the large plants instead, in a separate area.


There are the PCK,tripod and PCK,co! I took down the large plants and zeroed them out. Put them into the isolation chamber! This is like a day later, after I made the clones. Didn’t have time yesterday to take a photo… yikes!


Sadly my batch is down to the cleaned up clones, I don’t get to do a fast restart like I hoped to be blooming plants in a week. Except that idea failed! I shoulda known… follow the rules ok? :wink:
big bud, meat breath, TK and slurricane, are all in the buckets for the next grow. I’ll underline the rules for next time lol! Don’t botch the mission, fooo!


I got them all now. I’ve been inspecting like mad to find any stragglers, but they are fucked. Good riddance to bad eggs! Next phase is I cut off all the leaves I damaged lol so they look normal again. Not those cuttings though, they are fine. I didn’t really damage them with extra rough handling.