Steampunk Water Culture

You can see the cuttings are growing if you compare yesterday’s image to today’s.


OK no bugs still! I’ll cut off the damaged leaves today, I think. Since the new undamaged ones are getting large. I don’t want to stunt their growth by removing too many leaves! Except, I also want to see if any new damage forms on the leaves. So I remove the damaged ones and I keep waiting. After a couple weeks of no sightings I’ll declare them extinct lol! I definitely know there are none left on the clones in incubation. If they all root like it seems they are gonna… I made 11 clones lol! One shy of an entire grow. Why didn’t I make another one? Who knows. The tiny clones are easy to see if there are any bugs, because all they have is newly-formed leaves with no damage.


hum de dum! Here’s what’s the happs! You can see some leaf damage from me, so I’ll cut that shit off and keep checking for damage/bugs. The more time that passes with no bugs spotted, the more likely it is I’ve finished them off.


ok I think I cut off all the damaged leaves. There were scratched ones from the furious scrubbing or something. Holes through the leaf and crap. So I want to make sure all new leaves grow back looking perfect. The one that fared the best was oddly the TK clone. I think it had damage on one or two leaves. The meat breath looked the most beat up. A few tips of the leaves on the PCK clones dried up, which is odd, I think. We’ll see.


yikes! Lost a single PCK co clone. From light+nutrient exposure! So I lifted the neoprene up a bit, because it was on the bubbling end. Must have splashed/wicked some nutrient water up there, it can be dangerous. I’ll keep an eye on them, the rest feel firm, not mushy.


Oh Forgot to say no bugs. The dog keeps getting wood fibers on my clones though, and sometimes I mistake that for a bug. I poke at it and see if it moves, lol! Then I use a puff of air to get rid of it. Yah… the dog. Little bugger! I’ll go take some photos.

fuckin’ little rat ass dog and shit wood fibers. Drive me nuts looking for bugs!


TK Rides again! It was either that or I’m down a few plants. The TK is ironically the one that did the best… Don’t even know why.


Plants are doing pretty good! Probably be a couple more weeks before I clone 'em and start bloom!


Speaking of clones… These are PCK tripod. I’m very suspicious about the brown tips on some of the clones, but I’m pretty sure that happened in previous attempts. I think I might be using too low a temperature in the water bath. 4C. Might be less harsh if I go with 10C… but I’ll do those tests later and refine the process.


oh my! I might have even botched the whole clone making operation. I took them out for examination and noticed the nutrient water is soaking the neoprene and all the way up the stems. Fuck me! I raised them up a bunch and hopefully they’ll dry out some. Usually I’m pretty careful with that, so we’ll definitely see whats up. Now I know why there are brown tips.


hah hah now I dried out the clones. Oh my! If they survive this, it’ll be a shocker!


ok! Well life is returning to normal with the extermination of the parasites. Now if a few of those PCK clones I made pull through, life will be grand! IF not, well… suicide. lol! You know I’m just kidding, but if anyone is in crisis phone the hotline FFS! Personally I’ll bounce back super quick from something lame like that, cause I still got seeds from that strain. Speaking of which, I’ll be sprouting the next round of testers soon. I’m planning on OG Kush and Goji OG, both of which are seed gifts from lovely OG users! Bloom for my regular lineup will probably start in 10-14 days.


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ha hahh good news, I can put the cyanide capsules away, some of the clones are rehydrated and could probably survive and root. I’ll leave 'em alone until they do.

Things are ready to fire back up! Veg room has been totally cleaned up again. When I make new clones, they are going in there.


You can see a lack of parasites. Pretty sure I won the battle and the war! I will keep inspecting and inspecting until it’s been a few weeks then I’ll be sure they are dead.


Things are still doing good! I’ll take a photo of the girls in a bit! Most of them are bulking up good, but the smallest one hasn’t grown that much I think I’ve been molesting it too much with the inspections. I’ll chill out there and start leaving them alone. Yes, there are still PCK clones rooting! They didn’t all die lol! I should have stuck with one clone per site in the cloner, but I was lazy. Paid the price!


hah hah I totally fell asleep without posting any photos. Things are doing good, even the clone I kept taking leaves off for examination. Yo I’m leaving it alone now wink wink


They’ve come a long way from being sticks!
The PCK(s) are still rooting! I’ll take some photos after they root, but believe me, I’m pretty sure they are going to root even after the horror show. I have 2 empty buckets… waiting for them.


We got… slurricane, meat breath, TK and big bud! I still do a cursory glance for bugs, but I think they’re fucking dead. Eventually I’ll give up looking hah hah, that’s the most irritating part, the search for monopoles. 100 tests and still no results :wink:


I’m gonna call it on the thrips, they ain’t coming back! I don’t see any damage on the new growth, and the plants are getting large and in charge now.