Steampunk Water Culture

I wasn’t really going to admit this yet… but I’ll take the plunge! I’m growing a potato in deep water culture. There I said it. I chitted the thing until it had one big sprout, then I put that into a rubbermaid with neoprene on the stem. hah hah I can’t stop growing bizarre things in there. Eventually, once it’s growing good I’ll photograph it. Right now, I can just see new roots forming and reaching down into the nutrient solution. No real action yet.


Haha, just look out for rot and mold on the potatoes.


oh my! things are pumping! Group photo, Slurricane leaf photo, meat breath, and big bud!


I use the microscope to see if any abnormality on the leaf is a bug bite. So far no dice! According to my photos of the bite marks, it’s a dark patch where the plant cells have been liquefied. Nothing like that on the leaves, only light colored marks I’m sure I made with my clumsy human hands. Here’s the funky part…
Bug corpses have been falling from the top of the cool tube onto the plants directly under the light. And they are bleached white! Duh! That’s where the white bugs are coming from, they are dead corpses falling off the light. I’ll get up there and clean the tubes off, eventually. Man, I thought they were some kind of albino bug lol!


The single plant is meat breath! Aaaaand I took a photo of MR Potato Head!


So now I’ve started the seedlings! I’ve nestled all the Goji OG, and the OG Kush in a mega seedling run. I’ll be using the clone machines to rear those babies and I’ve got a specific experiment in mind to gather observations. I am going to do the plunge on if I can determine the best/worst hash yield in veg mode.
For that, I will be using as many females of the same variety as I can muster from those sprouts. Then, I’ll snap photos of the veg trichome caps and count them. Then… I’ll make them into hash and see what I can come up with. Observations and dot connecting is where I shine! Thanks to @Neb and @Gpaw for the donations of Goji OG and OG Kush, respectively. I’ll be extracting hash and the truth out of those seeds. Invaluable!


Sounds awesome. Have thought about breeding your own hash plant?

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Yah that’s the long term plan, when I find two super producers of hash, I’ll try and cross them into a mega-plant.

Nice, remember to stablize the mothers before you cross or else you might end up with searching for that mega strain your whole life. Have you tried some original hash plants, like libanese or pck?


The PCK yielded decent, but I don’t have the hard numbers yet. In the past, a great hash plant I had was AK47! I think big bud and AK47 were both cannabis cup winners.


Yeah AK47 is a Great one. I think most Skunk crosses are good hash plants. Are you only after yield, what about effects and such?


If it makes me happy, it’s a go. Know what makes me happy? Lots of full melt hash heh hehehe hehehe! It’s a numbers game. Also, I won at the bubble hash making portion of the contest, so to other people it’s good as well. Meat breath won’t be winning any competitions, but big bud will!


OG Kush has two sprouts!

There’s my line-up for the grow round! Plants are packing on the bulk.

Slurricane and three meat breath plants. I am going to increase conductivity on it by .5EC so it matches the rest. Except TK, it’s doing good on a low dose.


Ah i see. Ive always been a fan of Bruce Banner and its awesome for pressing nugs. Wonder If it would be a heavy yielder of hash aswell? Have you tried making hash from Bruce Banner?


hehheh nope, I haven’t had a chance to give it a go with that strain.


Well i think Goji OG will give you what you are looking for :+1:t2:


Well, they all sprouted, so here’s hoping for some good producers!
I have so many seedlings, I bet there are 20 something there.


The entire crop! It’s actually going to be pretty soon when I bud up those meat breath. Since they triple in size!! The shorter mutant plants are the big bud.


I think the potato is starting to re-inflate itself. There are far less wrinkles in it’s skin now! The thing is fascinating lol!

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mr potato head.

Meat breath and the whole batch.

There are those hilarious bug carcasses. If I wasn’t 100% sure the bugs are dead, I’d think these were freshies. Instead these are light-bleached bugs from months ago.