Steampunk Water Culture

I have the clone machine out to rear those seedlings in. I have been using the gravity-orientation method to hatch the seedlings. I’ve seen lots of people do it, and I think it’s a superior method. I suspect I can do away with the salad container part of the process and stick to just using the plastic bag, oriented with the roots down.


It have never helped me with gemination. Happy to see you finding success with it! Might give it a try again sometimes.


Not really for germination, but I want the root to grow down between the paper for better extraction and planting in hydro.


There’s the gravity orientation, it keeps the root from growing into the paper towel!


There’s the grow from both angles. I’m itching to start bloom :wink:


I did the maintenance on the dehumidifier. I took the thing apart and wiped all the greasy dust off the fan, but I still have more to go. I have to do a deeper dive and clean the gunk out of the pump float res, so that the pump will empty the dehumidifier again. Right now it cuts off early because of all the gunk built up in the screen prevents the float from actually detecting the water level. Probably do that tomorrow because I’ve got to make some pies today! Strawberry!


Ahhh, fired up the veg room, life is grand! Soon, I’ll be getting out the other clone machine and whipping up a batch of clones! yay! The higher my plant count, the happier I am! lol!
OK Photos are: Goji OG, sprouted. OG Kush, all sprouted. Potato, and finally the clone machine with OGK on the left and GOG on the right! Eventually I’ll make a mark on the rubbermaid itself, but for now, I have this image and what I typed in to remind me. :wink:


Here’s the uhh HPS veg room, I’ve got to do the clones very soon! You can see my trusty sidekick in there, the grow vacuum cleaner! Essential tools, the mop, vacuum cleaner, and the broom+dustpan. Plants are really green and growing now I boosted them to EC 1.5. I keep measuring their size to determine when to start bloom… I’m getting itchy! And it’s not fleas. Yo that’s the blooming plant itch! Only one cure…


rather than breeding 2 super hash producers together have you considered selfing the big bud and hunting for a higher yielder in the s1’s?


heh heh, before I even came to OG I had done an S1 on it. The plant can do that itself, because it’s so funky. Not that it was some crazy pheno hunt, but the one plant I did was indistinguishable from the original. I have a few more seeds I could try, that are resting in the fridge. At least they are definitely female, lol!


I mean someone should plant those seed ya know to er em test them out. It would be a shame they just waste away


Yeah, they start to look ready for the Switch :heart_eyes:

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Got up at 5am this morning and wiped down the cool tubes. No more bug carcasses! Seedling are doing great.

Annnnd the big plants are pumping!

Took a nice lights-out photo since I was there cleaning the tubes :wink: Pictured are meat breath and slurricane.


Looks like you got some deficiency issues on 3/4 of the meat breath and slurricane. How are your PH swing?

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Those dead leaf tips are actually from before I added more nutrient, and the PH should be 6.
I’ve got all the seedlings planted except 2 OGK because they were still small, with one having just shed the pod.

Awesome! When ive got deficiency in dwc is when my PH isnt swinging the full PH range so the plant have problems with uptake of some nutes.

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I use the ph drift method where it starts out lower and slowly drifts up until I add more nutrient which takes the ph down again. I never chase the ph, that’s for sure! The plant will do fine in a single point range, but in my system it never varies by an entire point plus I never add ph down/up. I usually do a .5 PH drift.


Yeah, thats what ive done i dwc aswell. Great minds think alike :heart:

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That potato is radical! “things” are happening in the water.


Here’s the seedling array, and I am going to put the PCK in there as well. It needs to regenerate!