Steampunk Water Culture

There’s the veg/bloom room. Lights just turned on, you can see the meat breath plants are floppy still.


ok I added the PCK clone to the batch. It’s already showing signs of life. The seedlings are legion!


I cut off most of the damaged leaves, aaand I have to replace some of the strings… someone doing the trimming just cuts through the strings for reasons unknown!


A couple of the seedlings haven’t grown any root, so they are probably writeoffs! That’s ok I have lots of thrivers!
Veg plants need more support!


Two of the seedlings, one Goji and one OG Kush are the suspects! They have a strange thing going on where the roots aren’t really forming much… yet. I mean, it’s not over, 'til it’s over! Big plants are… still growing! Blah blah, I’ll clone 'em soon. You can see I moved the potato into the veg room where it can bulk up on LED light.


Are the plants with root problems clones or seedlings? If its clones, you might have some unhealthy baceria in the water and you have to clean out the whole bucket. If its seedlings, it could be recessive genes showing up. Also, some plants are better to handle a wider variety If baceria in the rootzone. So some clones might handle the bacteria culture better then other :v:t2:

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Seedlings. You see the one 4 over from the right on the first row? It’s a tiny seedling still and it had this wack stalk that’s like stringy. Root looks fine but no growth, so far. Also the first one on the farthest row, which is Goji OG has this spindly stalk with no secondary roots. Some seedlings start out wack, but they might pull through. If not I just toss those suckers! Not going to bother incubating those fuckers. Waste of time. There are so many seedlings lol!


Yeah, people have different takes, i always toss the all seedlings that cant keep up with the rest. “Slow starter” are often a sign of bad cellular metabolism which is not something i wanna grow or breed. But its just my take :laughing:

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you know something? I’ve come to the realization that gravity affects each plant. The growth shoots from the potato only come out of the top of the tuber, never the side or bottom. No matter how you orient the potato, it detects gravity.


Only one single seedling hasn’t grown roots now. I re-positioned it, but it looks like it’s failing to thrive. The other one with the strange stem finally grew side root hairs. They aren’t developing as fast, but I think it’s not genetic, just seedling-hijynx.


I’m gonna bring the dyson into the lab, so we can have a rumble… It’s eureka vs dyson!!
Errr I mean the plants are growing nicely! No battle bots here!


Things are doing good in the garden! It’s a holiday today, perhaps a tincture day! Oooof I feel kind of strange, and I definitely shouldn’t have eaten the peanut butter. When you’re allergic to it, it makes you feel gross afterwards.


wow it’s like they grew overnight! :wink: I have been putting the tall ass seedlings further down in the rubbermaid and putting the neoprene higher up in the hole. I need to create a good gap before I pump the nutrient concentration up, or else the seedlings could get nutrient on the stalk and die.


Holy!!! Tragedy in the inner circle, I gotta make tracks boys and girls! I’ll be seeing you all tomorrow.


Sorry to hear that, go take care of you and yours. We’ll be here when you get back. :+1::seedling:


Yah that was a pretty dark episode! That’s how you know you’re really alive, shit keeps happening! Thanks for the well wishes @ReikoX, I’ll be doing fine. …Another one bites the dust!

There’s my seedlings and the PCK, of course. I got a bunch of lights out photos!


The individual plant is the slurricane. They have grown huge lately!


I’d say you have the grow dialed in.
That’s what? 6 weeks since you tore down, sterilized and started up this batch? They are sure growing quicker than if they were in soil!



Yah it’s been 42 days since the tear down! If I hadn’t foolishly tried to keep those large plants, things would have gone smoother. I’m not sure when I’m going to go into bloom, but it’s going to be pretty quick!
DWC will power-grow way faster than anything. Fast and stupid! lol! Watch this…

hydro pimp melon.

greenhouse melon. Any questions?? :wink:
Those were Minnesota melons, known for being the size of a soft ball.


Seedlings and their root! My friend was over and asked if the PCK clone was dying, hehheh. I told him it’s actually grown a new leaf in the last week.

If you ask me, it’s regenerating nicely! Cause yah, I almost wiped it out even though I had made 11 clones and totally fucked that process lol!