Steampunk Water Culture

Here are the big plants! Soon, my pretties! Soon…


Looking good and I hope you are fine now :heart: your plant are aiming for the moon! Im excited to see your plants in full flower!


Yah things are returning to normal…ish. hah hah I mean, I got a COVID exposure call, but in another 4 days I’ll know if I got it or not. I went to my friend’s house to watch westworld and they were infested 5 days later. After 10 days, I’ll know I don’t have it. Which is another 4 days yeesh, so I had to skip the memorial service to avoid giving it to anyone else in case I was infested. Ahhh life! lol!
Plants are 60cm tall! I’m gonna prep the next clone machine for clones!

There’s a meat breath plant! It’s the largest one.

The whole shebang!

seedlings, and mr potato head! My friends are fascinated by that potato, never seen anything like it!


I’m seriously wondering how that tiny mutant plant with the shit stalk keeps growing and living!


future bloom room! :wink:


Things are progressing!


Oh that seedling with the bizarre stalk and no root growth is finally doing something. I see side roots and… growth on the plants leaves. The stalk is still spindly and the plant itself is resting on the ground. I’m interested in seeing what happens to it!


There was an earwig eating my potato plant, that creepy fucker! I squished it flat! WTF if an earwig eats one of my seedlings, I’ll be pissed!


Some plants are making an attempt to fall over! I am scrubbing out the clone machine to get the next batch cloned and blooming! yay! I will probably start bloom in a week or less! Depending on “things” like how much work I still have to do in the garden lol!


The male plants are on their next set of leaves already :wink: I jest, but not really.


I got the clone machine out and scrubbed it up… again. So, I’m ready to clone! That crazy mega leaf is from the big bud. It’s got genetic crazy-leaves! It was one of the reasons I kept it, originally! I took the group photo from a different angle. Also, I boosted up the TK plant! That plant can survive on almost nothing, it’s really strange that way.


oh yah, also, I didn’t get the COVID hehheh that was a close one. Either they had the delta, or it was still in incubation when I was over at their place. Good news! I wasn’t looking forward to being sick for a couple of days. I’m waiting impatiently for the bivalent doses that I’ll be getting later on this year.


ohhh yah! The PCK pulled through and has roots. The potato is disintegrating in hydro, so it must grow new potatoes from the rhizome! It’ll be interesting to see what happens, and I gave it more nutrients. The dead earwig is still there, it’s carcass, a stern warning to those who would chew on the leaves.


PCK lives. Pops said the GOG seedlings are very uniform and the OGK are varied. True, but I wonder if it’s just because there were far more OGK seeds?


Yah that one big bud plant fell over! Also, someone called the cup organizers looking for me… yo that’s strange. Probably looking for some tech support! Then called ghost busters! The only question is, why did they call the unicorn people looking for me??


Well, it’s definitely a tech support issue. Old ladies need someone to pay to tell them the path they need to take in order to achieve a functioning system again. Someone who won’t login to their system and steal their bank credentials lol! The relationship between the purchaser of said service and the supplier is based on trust. These days it’s not just some fancy gaming unit, it runs your entire life. It’s never about IRQ and DMA settings anymore, bah hah ahh! oh my! It’s amazing how things have changed in the arena since year 2000.


Seedlings and the roots! I’m pretty sure I should increase the EC now, so it’s a good thing all their roots are so well developed!


The plants are as big as the vacuum cleaner now! I’ll switch 'em over after the unicorn, I think. I went on a big bug hunting spree to make sure and I didn’t find any. No earwigs either!


OK time for a freaky seedling photo. There are a few out of the 17 OGK seeds and only one strange one in the GOG batch. Statistically it’s about the same sue to the smaller batch of GOG seeds. All those seedlings are OGK!


Yah, so the tech support thing was fairly standard for the modern age. Credentials not in browsers, printers plugged into HDMI ports, and computers from last decade. Search engines changed by who knows what. All in a days work. The loot is really going to be in transferring the data to the new computer. Couple hours worth of data searching there. Oh and then a new system I can splash down on. oo baby! I wasn’t born into this world so I could wait for old systems to boot up. Punt those fuckers to the curb! Git yerself a modern CPU with a flash drive.