Steampunk Water Culture

Oh my! The SSL certificate thing was a kick in the balls. You can see the seedlings need more juice!


Mamma mia! One of my lights is down, I think the blackness of the bulb indicates why. lol! I don’t have time to re-lamp, so I’m going to move the plants over, so they are half under the third light.


Man do they ever grow fast its unreal

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Phew I’m still trying to land back on the ground after the unicorn, lol! Still orbiting around the moon. Things are doing great in the veg room! I’ll probably make the clones and change to bloom tomorrow or the next day. Depending on what happens!


aww yah! Gonna fill up the clone machine and get ready for the next pulse! Seedlings are doing ok, but they need more juice! I am going to lower the water level and juice them up!


There are my two bloom patches! Big bud, and TK, then slurricane, meat breath and big bud. I should group the big buds together now lol!


A Few dead leaf tips, but other than that, we’re doing good! Plants are definitely running low on EC again.


its kind of crazy how long you can neglect seedlings when you start them this way. I haven’t added any nutes or water since I started mine I think over a month ago lol. They don’t look super pretty but I think they will come back just fine :sweat_smile:


lol! yah they’re usually pretty resilient. I only gave them a tiny splash of each nutrient, because of the water level. Nutrient and light can come into contact, but only if there is hardly any nutrient there, or else… opportunistic pathogens start multiplying.


You can see the leaf there, it means I need to boost the EC.


Potato is growing nicely! lol I still haven’t done anything to the seedlings, but I will. I promise :wink:


Kevin said to go ahead and reverse males to make an S1. Said that’s how some excellent strains were made. Nuts shit!


Hey I probly asked you before what nutrients are you going with?


I am using bc technaflora.
I use boost, grow, bloom and awesome blossoms. I have all the other add on shit, but I never use it.


So any cal mag supplement?

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I have that, it’s called magi-cal but I did a trial run and didn’t notice a difference. I suppose it might be for those extra-tricky plants? Not sure.


I saw those guys doing their crazy dabs over at the dab table. I started asking questions! He says yah that container is full of isopropyl and I toss the rig in there between sessions. If you own a 1000$ rig you should keep it clean so it lasts longer.
In my mind I was like pfft who owns a thousand dollar dab rig…
Shit, that’s me. Now I own a thousand dollar dab rig lol I gotta take care of it.
You can see one plant fell over! It’s secure now and will be turning back towards the light.


ok I planted tripod! She had several roots coming from the stalk that were about 5cm long. Intensive care is over and we’re going with recovery mode. People were hilariously amazed when I told them that fatty I rolled was pakistani chitral kush. The flavor was boiling off those buds in comparison to some of the ones I smoked which were actually in the competition. When I told them I was growing in water culture it was like I heard that technique is off the hook in growth rate! How long have you been growing like that? 20 years! How OLD are you?!?!


Cal-mag is something you need of none of your micro nutes got it or you run coco or If you are using RO water. Ive never heard of the nutes you use but in most cases nutes come with a little bit of cal-mag. Some plants is said to need more cal-mag but ive never experience it. Ive run soil, organic soil, ebb n flow, DWC, RDWC and coco/perlite 50/50. All with RO and I only needed extra cal-mag for the coco since the nutes i used already got cal-mag in it.

Your grow are looking fantastic! Excited to see everything flower out!


Heh heh thanks, I’m some kind of single source maniac. Not sure what the potato is doing, but it looks good!