Veg room! The PCK plant is expanding with a couple of new growth shoots. When buddy sees it next, he’ll crap his pants it’ll be so big.
The bloom room! I gave everything a boost to about EC 3.2, except TK and Slurricane. They are like 2.5 if I had to guess. Probably should have checked, but the plants had indicated before that was the dose they need. Hey…I used that EC meter to determine they were really growing in plain water at this point… I use it! If… only to verify what I already know.
Looking good bro! What games do you usually play?
Pz out my growmie
I’m still playing 7 days to die, but I can pretty much mow down the zombies by now. It’ll probably get boring before too long lol! Although I do like shooting stuff! It’s how I unwind, with some simulated ultra violence. Might start up some rift breaker, but I’m always looking for some fun game to play next.
Awesome, got any more plays lined up after you are done with 7 days to die?
Awwwwww aren’t they cute when they’re sleeping??
LOL Listen to this crazy story…
I’ve been wondering where the plant keeps it’s memory of events? Like…WTF, somewhere inside that thing it knows when the light is going to come on. WHERE???
You know what I’m going to do… I’m going to see when the plant starts turning towards the lamps. It knows the light is coming and gets all set up for a good light dose. Seems to happen not long before lights on.
I noticed this whenever I watch time lapse videos when the lights go out and on the plant always reacts before the lights do
lol It’s 12:45 and I missed it! The plants are already for lights on. This is the same TK plant from the far right side that looks down turned in the first image I took of bloom.
Things are definitely progressing! Probably another week before the clones are rooted, but they are looking good!
Slurricane is shiny! And sleeping. Wake up lazy plant
awww yah! There’s the PCK, and I can’t wait to crank another batch off this plant.
heh heh buddy saw the PCK plant was doing good so I gave him a rip of the hash from it. He says that plant made this hash? Grow little plant grow!
Haha, I love when that happends! It makes you proud, like a papa
awww yah! Things are doing good. I hope to be sexing these seedlings VERY soon, so I can start the next batch. Got me some gmoxdragons hp and black first. Looking forward to more genes in the pool
Blooming plants. I hope they’re ready by tomorrow! I have a feeling I’m still 60 days out, though. Yikes!
My pet spiders are pissed off. There’s only a few fungus gnats left to feed on! I examined their webs to make sure nothing was there that could feed on my plants. Everything is nominal.