Steampunk Water Culture

Big buds are getting back to normal still heh heh.

PCK clones are growing now. Yah the rats gnawed on them as well!


ohh yah the PCK mother plant! I can smell it already when I go in there.


Ding…Dong… the Rat is Dead! Crushed it’s head like a 20pound sledge.
So you can visibly see the OGK plants here have perked up huge. I totally gave them a new dose a few days back. If your eye can tell the difference between this pic and the one I took 7 days ago, you might have a green thumb.


Congrats on a successful hunt! :smiley:

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I think there could be more rats! Year of the rat, I call it! OK here are all the veg plants, or at least, some of them.PCK clones, OGK plants, and big bud.


Some blooming plants…we’ve got PCk and meat breath! Report is buddy is still struggling to grow a good batch of meat breath. Weed still got seeds!


There’s a few glory shots of the PCK! Everything is slowly turning pink, a sign it’s getting to the home stretch.


PCK took additional abuse! I gave it a dose. Hard to control the mega plants!


Meat breath is looking supernaturally good. In my mind it’s not bulking up as good though. Strange!


I think the rats are dead. Famous last words, eh? So I’ve got to clean up the rooms again. IF there’s another bullshit rat hiding down there…ohh don’t get me started! Got to keep looking around for signs of critters, after everything is spic and span. Already swept the floors, mmm the glory.


I wish you the best.
Hopefully no more vengeance hunts.

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PCK is Pakistani citral kush?

Definitely, it was sent to me by @TestOfOath and it’s really PCKxICC5. I have run it once, but this time I’m going to crunch the numbers and perform the latest investigations on the hash. It was a really gooey hash, so I’ll try and turn it into a pile of trichomes and then rosin. The terpene profile was nuts, I swear I detected every flavor on the planet lol! The buds get a kind of pink hue.


I think today I can get a sample from the PCK and see how it’s going in terms of yield!


Even though I never checked… I would place these plants between day 54-57 in terms of bloom. Based on the trichomes and color of the bud!


I’d put it in the 20 grams per kilo slot. Time will tell :smiley:


You’re sellin yourself short. It’ll do better than that!

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Potentially! I judge it based on the space between the trichome stalks on the surface of the bud. It’s definitely going to be better than buddy’s dried out buds that produced 16.2 grams per kilo.

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I think I am going to test and adjust the meat breath nutrients. They are definitely not bulking up, but also not changing from their super natural green state of health. So, something strange is going on, because they should be looking like they need a new dose by now.

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yah…about that. They are on pure tap water, I measured it. Why do they look so good? fucking weird man. Oh well I’ll get on that EC problem, boost it to 2.5. That’ll get them pumping! I hope I didn’t botch it by sitting there thinking they weren’t growing for so long before actually DOING something. :roll_eyes: