Stinging nettle questions

Any UK member (or any member at all) have any access to stinging nettle seeds?

I vividly remember as a kid visiting family in the uk getting stung by these plants.

I’m thinking of using them as an added security barrier around my outdoor grow next year.

Thoughts or suggestions?


Here you go.

They grow wild too so you could maybe even collect the seeds yourself.

All the best.


They grow wild all over in the bottom/wetland ground here. They get 4 to 5 feet tall and will keep humans out. I wrecked my atv in that stuff one, and of course I wasn’t wearing a shirt… I immediately jumped in the creek to say the least…


Brutal, I love it!


@corey trying to put a new twist on the stinging nettle challenge?

I’ve seen it around here in the northeast… The do like the wetland and swampy areas…

@Yetigrows Also might look into black caps / blackberries / raspberries… Especially wild ones (got lots of black caps here). They make a nice bramble / thicket of thorns that keeps deer out as well, and ya get the bonus of snacks to eat when you tend the ladies… And they can grow pretty fast as well… Finally, they are easy to multiply with cuttings or being pinned down…


Already planted blackberries and raspberries there.

Nettes will go between those and the fence.


I don’t think they would work as a physical barrier , more to block an area off from casual view . If you knew something good was behind them, you would just grit your teeth and charge through

nice! you evidently have some determined deer!

When I grew in college, my ladies were in the middle of a black cap thicket. guerilla grow of course… You had to get on your hands and knees, crawl thru a “tunnel” of thickets that we made with some rope, and a bunch of sticks tied into a few a-frames. To get to the plants, you pulled the rope, which would pull the a-frames “up” from the ground (they would be laying down otherwise, allowing the black caps to almost touch the ground). Once pulled up you had a little triangular tunnel to crawl thru. No deer ever got to them in that place! But man, thorns in your knees SUCKS…

The things we do for our plants. LOL


I grew up with these nettles in the UK. Here’s a little known thing. Wherever there’s stinging nettles there are Dock leaves.

If you get stung it’s fucking painful but rubbing the Dock leaves on the skin takes it away.
You’re welcome.


Who said anything about deer?

The blocking of view is part of it.

Slowing down anyone trying to get to my plants is another. Time and noise and 130 lbs of this guy.


If you go with the nettles, it’s another harvest you can have


Awesome, thanks for that!

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lol, just an assumption when it gets to brambles and stinging nettles. lol. The humans around here aint got the drive to push thru brambles to find plants. LOL

Shit, there were hemp fields planted a few years ago near me in Florida, NY. I clearly remember the morning I noticed em, it was 6 am, and had to drive past em to get to a job. I smelled em first and was like “WAIT! I KNOW THAT SMELL!” So I look around, and sure as shit, the black onion fields are now filled with hemp, and I believe a good portion of CBD flower kinda hemp, not just industrial hemp. I’m talking 200 acres, as far as the eye could see… Yes, it was a glorious sight, regardless if it was hemp or high quality thc, seeing that field of dreams was incredible…

Anyways, harvest time comes. Pretty much the fields had a water ditch with access points / culverts along the road being the only deterrent. Hop the ditch, drive across a culvert, you were in the field. No fences, no cameras, none of that shit. Nobody, or very few, bothered cutting the plants near the edge of the road. Wouldn’t take but 2 mins to hop out, jump the ditch, cut n run… STILL the teenagers around here weren’t bothering with the effort. At harvest time they were all 6-7’ tall plants too…

Well, after harvest, there were so many beaten up by the tractors wheels on the edges, they just leave them. Not a lot compared to the entire amount there, but for you or I, ALOT… I know a few older guys went out and collected some of this “waste”. To be honest, it was pretty damn good CBD, I felt the effects smoking it, was great for just before bed. My manager at work lived near there, smoked, etc… At that years christmas party he gave me a box, shirt box size, figured it was clothing or something then he’s like “don’t open this till you get home”. LOL. Put it in the car, anxiously open it at home. yeah, he gave me like a pound of CBD branches / nugs that was left wayside after the harvest. AND there was plenty left behind…

So, either the majority had no clue it was smokable or they are just plain lazy by me… As a teen I smoked the neighbors cutleaf japanese maple because it looked like weed, had no clue, smoked leaves, not buds obviously, and BLECH. I guess we were a bit more determined… LOL


Make an EXCELLENT Tea to give your plants!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Flordia ny really you moved to soon my man hahah

Just live over the border really, most of my life, in the woods of joisey…


Falling into nettles as a kid lol


I fucking love nettles! One of my favorite preparations we used to do with them is toss with a little water and throw them on the grill. Spritz with more water in a spray bottle if needed as they cook. When they came off we would finely chop and fold into some goat cheese(may have been cut with some cream cheese or heavy cream for texture).

Fantastic spread on toast, some grilled spring onions on top or in the mix, maybe a pickled thing and some sea salt on top. Super tasty.


I think you can make nettle tea as well,


You can, typically dried first. Makes excellent tea, packed full of nutrients, good for humans and ganja alike!!

Nettles tincture can give some relief to people who have bad seasonal allergies.