Stinging nettle questions

Took the scenic route with the dog to buy some baccy . Plenty of nettles in flower but all seemed to be male, I don’t know if sex is environmental with them but i passed 20/30 stands and couldn’t find any seed baring plants.

I hate those. They take over everything.


Legend has it that in India Buddhist monks lived for two years drinking nothing but Nettles tea. It is very nutritious. You can eat them as greens if you double boil them to get rid of the needles.
If you do brush up against Nettles, mud quickly relieves the itching and burning. They do make a good fence for plants. Of course if somebody spotted your plans they would plow right through them, but it’s not the type of area people would be traveling through if they didn’t see any plants oh, so it does keep people away.
Nettles are also a sign of fertile soil. If Nettles are growing there, it’s good soil to use for your plants too.
A very powerful tea can be made from Nettles. My uncle used to pack a sheetrock bucket full of nettles, and then smash it down to maybe half full or so. And he would cover the Nettles with water and put the cap on the bucket for several days. If you have waited long enough it should smell strongly of manure when you take the top off. At this point you leave the lid on but loosely. Stir this concoction a few times a day if possible. After a bit of time it will start to fizz like soda. It is done now. You cut this concoction with regular water, using a 3 to 1 ratio, with one part being Nettles tea. I’m going on for 20 year old memory here with this information but it’s very close to being accurate. I’ve seen plants grow half of a foot overnight after being hit with Nettles tea. Great stuff!
@Nagel420 … I drove through Florida about a month ago. It sure is some pretty Farmland out there. Now they have lots of solar in the fields. I think I would rather see hemp😁


We have this instead of nettles… but buggered if I’d try and compost them!

this is just a seedling of a ‘giant stinging tree’ it pops up in recently cleared areas… it’s covered in millions of tiny hollow and brittle silica spines connected to a venom reservoir at the base, so you brush against it and the spines stick in you and inject venom and then snap off in your skin… the pain is immediate and intense, even a small sting of say 3cm will make all the lymph nodes close to the sting swell and ache like a mofo for 24 hrs or more … and the silica spines break down in your skin very slowly so that every time you go in cold water for up to a year afterwards the stung area throbs and aches.

I am more nervous of running into these than I am snakes!


That’s a little to heavy for me.

I want to deter people, not scar them for life!


To heavy huh I use to know a old timer he would plant crops in fields and stick razor blades in the stems come harvest anyone tries to steal them ….whoops


@Yetigrows : DUDE! I HAVE SO MUCH! I can give you rooted masses.

@GreenBhoy - I planted Dock in my yard near the nettles but it’s didn’t take… so I just have to suck it up!

I also use the stuff as quick-ties in the garden :laughing:


Nettle tea, nettle soup, nettle fertilizer…

Coconut oil is good for stings.

I often pick some leaves on walks for tea with my bare hands, I find that when getting stung just a little bit on the regular it itches less and less.

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You mentioned you have family and friends not far from me?

Bring me some, stop by for a beer and a burger?


When we visit Kitchener you’re on! :smiley:


Sounds like a plan!

Lol. That’s serious stuff right there. How about trip wires or boards with nails

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That’s awful imo and could put the farmer in prison.

I’m pretty sure booby trapping your property with intent to injure or maim is a crime.

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Yes a felony at that……

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Glitter bombs and dog shit land mines


Well, I think I’m halfway there…I have a dogshit factory!

Yeah I hear that but this was forty years ago probably longer lol

Oh wow, what an excellent deterrent lol. Some serious cacti would be a nice F you too lol. The ones with hairs that are worse than fiber glass insulation and destroy you for a week :joy:


I live in Ontario, cacti won’t grow here…:wink:

Lucky, used to have to pick needles out of my dogs for hours when we lived in Texas, freaking nightmare. :joy:

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