Strawberry Hill Seed Co

I take it you are throwing down dibbs on testing that one eh? hehehe
check out the male that will be used from the Long Valley Royal Kush side

He is super frosty and has real strong astringent odors at 26 days of flowering.
I didn’t leave much on this plant as far as lower growth goes as I stripped them hard before flipping to make it easier for pollen collection. I might try and reveg him regardless but in meantime I am going to collect as much pollen as I can for future use.

next week is the pollinating window in the greenhouse and I’m all set to complete this summers breeding tasks. I am still waiting for the OGKB 2.0 to start dropping feminized pollen but so far no flowers have opened. She is reversed though… all the budsights have reverted to growing pollen sacks so fingers crossed she gives me pollen in time for use next week. If not I will have to make the crosses with that pollen indoors with clones.

Still waiting on clones of Grape Pie,Pre 98 Bubba Kush, Gorilla Bubble bx2, biker #6 , Lui x G13 #3 … and the male LUI x G13 that I took a few clones of as well. All are taking thier sweet ass time rooting but are still alive… hopefully they root because the plants are well into flowering now.


I guess I am. I know there are other’s, but didn’t want to be greedy. Thought it appropriate to let some others have a chance 1st. Now if you don’t get much interest, which is unlikely at this point, I’ll be happy to take more to work into the schedule.


My sense of humor doesn’t translate well into text LOL
You are welcome to test them all though hehe :wink:

Still working out the details for the Strawberry Hill Tester’s Club.
I’m basically going to be looking for a group of growers who will be able to dedicate garden space and document the grows and do so reliably. This will mean a lot of people won’t be eligible but I need to set a certain bar and rules for entry into the Testers Club. There will be rewards throughout the year and at the end of each year winners will be chosen for prizes I have not yet figured out but they will be significant :wink:
So I’m working on that in the background and once I’m ready to part with the seeds from the fall harvest, I’ll start a thread and it’s off to the races


Coastal Blueberry outside at about 5 feet tall and wide, and inside makin’ babies with Blue Kush pollen.


Nice ones @CanuckistanPete ! How do you like the Air-pots? Got my 1st plants running now in 3.6 gallon. I’m liking them, but they dry pretty quick.


Ya, they do dry quick, and you have to watch watering them, but I like them.


You water every day? If it’s been very warm or dry, I split watering into twice with less.
Glad I’m not a water dumper. That would make a mess quick.
Sure wish I kept better records. Tried a couple methods of tracking, but not happy how they are now. Hard to find when and what I did.


I am selecting my seeds for this next run!!!

Cleaning tents up.

Going to pick a 2-3 female seeds to run in a solo tent after mid veg / sexing 10-12 or so regs

I’ve got to get a full harvest of max yield . No seeds, going to do a more controlled grow. Fewer genetics and first time genetics…so I will review what I’ve finished and pick some out@

Hopefully have some seedlings above soil by August 20th

Edit * lol not sure why I posted this In your thread @SHSC-1 LOL

Well maybe because I’ll be selecting some of your seeds hehe @ :wink:


OGKB 2.0, reversed with STS, almost ready to start dropping pollen :wink:
I’m so excited!! This is my first attempt at producing S1 pollen and I tortured tested this clone only for almost 3 years so i know she is super stable. Can’t wait to knock up a few selections with this one


I need to try STS next, I used CS on my first reversal and the sacks won’t open up it seems. :thinking:

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Might I suggest making your own. It’s way cheaper and it’s easy. I used the @Sebring method. Here’s how. :wink:


Nice dude!
I was just looking for smt like this!
Thanks :green_heart:


ya Sebring’s method works i can attest to that :wink:


I can say the same, follow the video and you will have good STS to work with.


Perfect! Thanks for the feedback @SHSC-1 & @darkillusion

Saludos :green_heart:


I reduced the recipe down to a smaller amount because I didn’t want to store stock solution.
So at first I used a recipe from a friend who has done this many times.
I have Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate so went with the 3.9 gram amount
The math for his rescipe was .5grams Silver Nitrate whereas Sebrings calls for .8grams.
I reduced those numbers down to .05grams/.39grams so I could just make 1 liter altogether and it would be ready to use with no further dilution.
The results weren’t very noticeable at first so I mixed up a stronger batch according to Sebring’s numbers and the magic started happening fast.

So I used .08grams of Silver Nitrate (if you have a scale that weighs Grains that is 1.23 grains
Mix that into 500millileters of R/O water
Then .39 grams Sodium Pentahydrate or 6.01 grains
Mix that into a seperate 500milliliters of R/O water
Once both are mixed well , slowly add silver solution to the sodium thiosulphate solution in a 1 liter spray bottle.
The solution is ready to use with no diluting needed.
I’m no pro at this , I have been making regular seed for many years and this is my first crack at STS as well.
I don’t have pollen yet but there is no shortage of “male parts” all over the plant. They are growing like dense custers of bud. It’s pretty cool to watch the transformation taking place.
Fun times :wink:


A question for you. I’ve seen you mention a gypsum flush, then just water and molasses to finish. With the gypsum are you feeding gypsum certain ppm or what? Been using it regularly for a bit now. I’m seeing some interesting stuff. Where I used to have some salt in my pots on the sides after I finished. Now I don’t. I get a fine film of what I’m sure is gypsum. Any thoughts @shag ? Yucca too. I water daily. Sometimes twice, depends on what I’m doing. Gypsum at least twice a week. Yucca almost daily.
At least I think it’s gypsum. Whatever I am doing, it seems to agree with my plants.

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Gypsum… now I have to be honest I am trying so hard to wrap my head around all the science of Gypsum and the various forms of it. I think Coastal and others from the labs were using a highly soluable form whereas I use agricultural grade. Still disolves nicely but does leave some fine sand. I wouldn’t use it with a watering pump that’s for sure. It would wear out the impeller pretty fast.
I am not always applying the gypsum but I do mix it in to the soil at the start and if I see the plants needing more I will add 5mls per gallon and I PH it to 6.8

Seems on the runs where I can keep my soil PH above t 6.2 the entire run, The plants turn out the best and dont develop any issues. So I try and input at 6.8.
Now when I cut the feed near the end say around day 50, I am replacing that nutrient mix with the Gypsum/Molasses at 5ml/7.5ml for any waterings between day 50 and 57. Then after that it’s water only… I drop the PH input to 6.3 during that water only phase. I do not flush anymore and only in the greehouse do I feed or water to run off where I like to see 20% of what I put in the top, come out the bottom.
I only do what I do because it seems to work very well for me and I like the finished plants and product. I don’t really understand it all and wish I did but I kinda leaned a lot on coastal/rykus when I started adding gypsum to my garden and the numbers we pounded out seemed to be an improvement over my old school ways


You talking Premium 97 solution grade gypsum? Nothing is left behind with it for me. I use pumps with it. Water is crystal clear after adding it. But, water needs to be ph’d below 6.5 before adding.

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There was a lot of chatter about gypsum awhile back at the other place. Aspen seemed to be having good success with it. I might have to go look again.

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