Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Sorry I have to go on about the Coastal Blueberry, but this plant has been dealing with temperatures well below freezing for the last few days. -9 C this morning and she’s still hanging in there. Not sure what others think, but I don’t think a plant has to prove itself past that point.
She is drab now though and the bigger fan leaves have died off:

Check out the contrast between the cloudy trichomes and the dark leaves:

The only smell I could detect today was vanilla, but I’m willing to bet that the berry smell comes back once it’s hanging.

Going to try for a November 1st harvest, which is insane for my location :smile:


Damn. :open_mouth:
That’s definitely proving her alright, lol.


What a stud! What strains did he get to pollinate?


He pollinated my cut of Romulan! I’ll be doing some giveaways this winter, so keep an eye out for that :pray::v:


Wow! That could be absolutely epic. If you remember to please remind me when those seeds are ready.


nice pics and comments on the Coastal Blueberry guys. Nice looking plants too :wink:
I have to tell ya all how much I appreciate folks posting thier pics and results!!
I have been busy with hunting and fishing over here and not home much for most of the month.
The greenhouse harvest in nearly complete. Just a few more paper bags of flower to weigh and transfer to one pint canning jars. Each jar gets a weighed ounce and makes it easy to count the harvest totals. Then it’s deseeding time for all the pollinated branches from this run.


I love blueberry and might have to give your coastal blueberry a run.


I’ve only jarred about 1/2 lb of it so far, but it already smells friggin’ awesome. If you like Blueberry, this one has it!

Great job @SHSC-1

8 Likes and @Great_lakes_Genetics both have good inventory of Coastal Blueberry and offer fantastic promos and freebies.
@ChinookKing , I know you asked me about shishkaberry seeds from this run but I didn’t make any Shishkaberry gens this greenhouse season. it was just about proving out the selection process down to that one female. She will be rendered to hash and then evaluated once the hash is cured. Will be months before I decide if she will be used for breeding. Early samples in joints are nice as far as effects go, she is strong but the flavor back notes don’t lend well to smoking in the joint. I think were she will shine is in her hash production and quality… time will tell.
Once all the folks on the shishkaberry 3f2 seed increase list get thier seeds, there will be extras of those. I may send the bulk of the remainder here to @PineTarBastard as I don’t need to put away that many seeds in my stash and it was his seeds that were sent for the seed increase. Right now though I am too preoccupied to handle any mailouts other than satisfying the commitments on my plate.


A few Pimp Juice doing their thing…


I always enjoy this one , are those f2’s ?


F3 I believe


very nice to see the Pimp Juice getting grown.
Chunky’s drops were always small and sold out in minutes LOL
Pimp Juice was a standout and I’m not done working with those. I did several different F2 combinations in the packs I grew out. Some intersex popped up but I set those seeds aside and didn’t hand anymore of them out. The ones I put in the prize pool were further exploration of what I called the centerblade expression. It’s got the normal leaf but also grows an anomalous leaf on top of the leaf in the center… so centerblade for my breeding reference. So in the seeds @CanuckistanPete are growing are pimp juice centerblade female #3f2 x centerblade male.
All the pimp juice plants carried complex flavors and rock hard flowers so hopefully the good qualities are elevated in these seeds and no intersex pops up. Due to the polyhybrid structure of these genetics and gsc and gg4 are at play… it will be prudent to watch those lowers for late nanners. Otherwise they are a reasonably easy plant to grow and can handle being pushed a little on the nutes and calcium.


Thanks for the further info @SHSC-1 …and, of course, for the Pimp Juice!


I was lucky enough to get a Chunky pack and bred a few girls to Creme Brule , I’m running a few atm, love the baked goods tastes.
I can’t wait to drop some of your Pimp Juice crosses , I’ve been putting it off too long.
Thanks for pumping out the fire SHSC-1​:v:t2::v:t2:


I’m going to start releasing some stuff in the new year based off of Chunky’s lines. It will be called the Dank Shop Collection and will deliver that dank bakery shop essence as the back note of the lines in the collection.

In the coming weeks once my hunting season winds down I will be looking for a small but dedicated group of grow n show testers. If you are serious about testing some of my creations and can run them soon after getting them, keep an eye on this thread for the tester call out. Successful candidates will be rewarded but that is for another discussion :wink:

I’m getting ready to head to my hunt camp, rollin up some joints and making sure i have propane… gonna be a cold night up there where I’m headed.


Dibs! I mean I’m in! :grin:


Have fun brother and fill those freezers! :facepunch:t2:

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I didn’t manage to connect with any bucks but it was a good day enjoying nature and reflecting on life in general. Being in the forest on these solo hunts is near spiritual for me and harvesting an animal almost becomes secondary to the experience.
As chance would have it, this little guy, a fledgling hooded merganser actually waddled right up to me while I was having a snack. It was actually running as best as it could and every 5feet or it would land on it’s face, poor thing. Now all the ponds are frozen solid and the nearest one was probably 1/2 a kilometer away so this little guy was running around trying to find water. Too young to fly so it was a late hatch, probably 2nd hatch after the first clutch were taken by a predator or bad weather. Our lake is starting to freeze up but will have open water for a couple weeks yet so I brought the bird with me in a box and let it go down the road where there are lots of ducks, geese and swans as well as hooded mergansers, loons ect. Hopefully it can learn to fly before winter sets in and the lake freezes up.
Here’s some pics from my day trip.


Soo… do you now have a new Duck?

:thinking: / :crossed_fingers: