Strawberry Hill Seed Co

I know. I was thinking about the merganser too.

Those solo trips are just as you describe @SHSC-1 - amazing.


Yeah bro! Nature is the place to be. :slightly_smiling_face:
Spiritual indeed.


Well said. Getting in touch with the land and our primal roots is intense. Weā€™re not so civilized, we just barely walked out of cavesā€¦hunting should spark something inside of us. Some people might not feel the spark because of living so comfortablyā€¦but Iā€™m sure when you havenā€™t eaten in 7 days, then take the life of an animal to sustain yourself, thatā€™s when it gets real.

-my broken thoughts and ramblings courtesy of Godā€™s Bubba wakeā€™nā€™bake!


Good Morning my friends.

The seed harvest/cleaning is near complete from greenhouse 2023.
I have been getting quite a few requests from folks wanting to get seeds from me directly over the past little while. Typically I direct folks to greatlakesgenetics or growingupganja as these are the two seedbanks that carry my work. Most of the requests I get are from Canadians which is understandable.
The issues I have with dealing direct are that I donā€™t want to compete with the seedbanks I drop at and I really have no way of processing payments other than to accept cash only orders.
The other thing is that for most of the lines I have dropped, I do not have sufficient stock to sell from so what is at the banks is all that is availlable of those lines.

Anyhow, I have been smacked with some big bills this year , one after another it seems and itā€™s making life very difficult at the moment. With vet bills over 2grand for the dog and a gas furnace that just packed it in overnightā€¦ I just might have to open the door for direct orders but not for any of the lines currently availlable at the banks.
Not sure exactly what I am going to make availlable but I am going to put a sale on some regular photoperiod selections ahead of them officially dropping at the seedbanks. This will be a cash only kind of dealā€¦ and I do so with hesitation but itā€™s the only way unfortunately. My nephew might help me put together a website and bitcoin perhaps but that is for the new year.
Basically if I want to keep doing what I am doing , I need to generate some funds to keep the heat on LOL
more details to come




Line starts hereā€¦>>> :slightly_smiling_face:


First in line :joy: damn your fast
@SHSC-1 hope this gets you back on track. So curious to see what shows up

Well, Iā€™m happy to buy some seeds and keep you cranking. 3rd in line :rofl:

The suspense is killing me. :grin:

Lol @CanuckistanPete knows my raised hands is VIP so heā€™s 1st in line after me :rofl:


You did have two hands up :joy:


I just noticed you sitting in the last photo. Bet I looked 10 times at the photos. Just enjoying the beauty. Itā€™s nice to be successful in your goal of filling the freezer. Itā€™s also nice to be able to appreciate the other details.


Lol, thatā€™s some good camo!
Hehe, you actually made me do a double-take also.


no no noā€¦ thatā€™s his decoy he uses to hunt the other hunters. :ok_hand:


LOL was wondering if anyone would notice that. I set the camera up on a fallen tree that was across the trail and set the time delay.
That area i was in burned a few years ago during what was called the Elephant Hill fire. One of BCā€™s largest fires of recent years. Iā€™m happy to see that the wildlife have returned to the area after such a devastating fire.

I got a bit pre-occupied last night but I will put up a seed list before the end of the day.


Are there any grow reports of your stuff you would recommend a person check out before ordering?

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Someplace in my rantings, you will find some info on Old Timers Stash. I donā€™t care remember much, but thatā€™s good. I remember problems. This might be one I needed to stake early on. What I do recall is it was strong. Quite strong.


Would love to help you with your bills and get access to some more of your hard work! Sending positive vibes and waiting patiently for what will be on offer.


sorry for the delay folks
Iā€™m back on the coast for a family dinner tonight. Puttin a lot of miles on the ol 89 cherokee LOL

I will be adding a few more listings when I get home but for now. Packs are going to be 40 each and will be 10+ regular seeds per pack.
Iā€™m going to include 3 free feminized seeds with each pack ordered. I will choose the freebies but they will include : Oreoz x OGKB 2.0 {reversed with sts} , Scoutbreath x OGKB 2.0 {reversed} , Long Valley Royal Kush x OGKB 2.0 {reversed}
**these are not tested but if you have followed my grows you have seen the plants that made these beans.
So regular packs up for grabs :

  • OGKB 2.0 Bx2
    -Oreoz x Scoutbreath
    -OGKB 2.0 x frosty Long Valley Royal Kush
    -OGKB 2.0 x BBX (father of Coastal Blueberry)
  • Scoutbreath preservation F2

so thatā€™s the list for now. Many of these will be headed to GLG in a couple weeks so this is a chance to grab them before they drop and at a 50% discount from my usual listings.

Message me for orders, questions.
I have to limit this to North America only

Gonna do the family dinner thing, hang out with my brother and nephews for a smoke out later. Then leave around midnight or 1am for the road home but with a detour through that same huntin spot the pics I posted a few days ago are from.

So I may not respond over the next 24hrs but packs are limited so first come first served.

Thanks everyone and I hope our American friends are having an awesome Turkey weekend


Pimpinā€™ some Pimp Juiceā€¦