Strawberry Hill Seed Co

I’d be happy to grab a couple of packs to help keep the heat on…Send me a message and let me know how to pay for a pack of OGKB 2.0 and ScoutBreath. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


hi there

it’s pretty much a cash in the mail thing as I’m not set up for anything else.
let me know and I’ll set some aside for you :wink:


Getting ready for bed but I’ll hit you up tomorrow and get the deets on where to send the cash.:ok_hand:


Thanks again @SHSC-1 my order arrived safe n’ sound and is gonna get wet come 2024 for summer outdoors! :partying_face:


My Christmas present to myself arrived. :sunglasses:

@SHSC-1 Thank you for a this years quality genetics, you are an awesome OG and a great person! It’s going to be a Fantastic New Year.


Nice batch of seeds @Heliosphear . That’ll likely stink up someplace! Which Jaw’s did you grab?


very nice!! @Heliosphear and thankyou for the support and kind words.
stuff like that is very much appreciated.
Good to see some Goji Ghash f2 freebies still availlable. Those are some dynamite beans :wink:

I could not be happier with the feedback I am getting on the Coastal Blueberry. Those beans are proving that they deserve to stand with the other known blueberry lines out there and are very worthy of garden space.
I hope to refine that line further and still have a few thousand seeds so expect to see this line stick around into the future.

Gonna talk with my vendors and get set to make the next drop and after the holidays I will be putting a call out for some dedicated testers. Made a lot of seed in greenhouse 2023 and several lines to be tested between now and 420 :wink:


The lone Coastal BB I have flowering right now is very very Blueberry! Pretty sure she’s gonna be a winner.


With everything I’ve had going on, I forgot I had some CB. I bet those would go great outside. You know I’ll run some testers for you. Can’t wait to see what ya got going.


my elves have put together something special for you… I think you will have even more hard choices to make soon hehehe


Making it rough are ya? I can have the cats or Ranger, 14 months, to pick.


Well I’m definitely down for the chunky stuff, same with the LUI X G13 as well. I’d love to backcross some of chunkys stuff since I hold his personal cut of ogkb 2.0 now brother. Hit your boy up when you’ve got time brother


That was all his design, I just made it happen for him.
Best wishes Lucy! :heart_eyes:


Hope Lucy is getting back to her normal self.


Credit where credit is due. I always liked the design. Being a label printer I get to be an art critique too.


Thanx for asking @Emeraldgreen
Lucy is not getting worse as far as we can tell. She is functioning normally , eating and going outside lots but she isn’t herself yet. She seems kinda lazy and nowhere near here usual energetic self. Her nose is also still dry, kinda warm and a little runny so she is still fighting something. Initially they gave her the 10 days of broad spectrum antibiotics and 14 days of 2 pregnazone pills a day. After the first 14 days she is on 1 preganzone pill a day till Jan2 when she goes in for her next bloodwork. That’s when we will know if she is gonna be okay or not.
Her blood only had TWO platelets in the sample they intitially took and the vet said he had to really look to find them. So whatever is making her sick caused her immune system to attack itself.
So we hope for the best and do the best we can for her.
Thanks to OG’s grabbin some seeds the past couple weeks, we have the vet bills incurred so far covered and I am so eternally grateful !!!


Fingers crossed for her continuing recovery!


What version of gogi x ghash do you make f2s with soulfood razz hp or was it a Gogi x ghash you made? @SHSC-1


the Goji Ghash F2 were made with an original pack of Bodhi’s Goji Og x 88G13hp. They came in the little green baggies with gold label that Bodhi typically uses.
I don’t know if he ever released it as a regular line or if they were freebies, it’s been a few years since I got that pack. When I brought it up with Bodhi he asked that they only be spread around as freebies in case he decided to revisit the cross.


Hooked it up! Thank you so much! The extras sounds just as amazing as the ones I chose!