Strawberry Hill Seed Co

I grew some MK Ultra that was crossed with Durban and it was some great smoke.


Thatā€™s (mkultra) one Iā€™ve never tried but it always sounded good. Iā€™m pumped to try the lui x g13, I remember buying lui along with champagne many times in Vancouverā€¦the nostalgia is strong!


Iā€™ve got some champagne hashplant beans going right now. Hopefully be able to make some more beans with those. Also will be running Cannacopiaā€™s Magnum soon as well (champagne x deep chunk) to hunt for interesting hashplants
Mk Ultra ā€¦ the cut comes from the BC cash crop circles and was usually found running beside the Pinks and death bubbaā€™s in the BC black/grey market operations. Pretty stoked to have this cut and will do my best to keep it around awhile. I am going to S1 the cut and get those beans out there as soon as possible,


Looking forward to watching these progress!

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hey all sorry Iā€™ve been neglecting my threadsā€¦ got a whole lotta life crap going on I donā€™t want to burden my posts with. Lucy seems to be back to somewhat normal though a little less energetic. They never did have an explanaton for what was making her immune system attack itself. I guess there are tests they can do down in vancouver but they cost big money. Part of the problem with cost is she is such a big dog. They have to mildy sedate her just to cut her toe nails or stick a thermometer in her ass LOL ā€¦ poor dog.
Whatā€™s really kickin my ass is the cost of replacing the furnace in the house. The wood is doing the job but itā€™s daily labor that my body shouldnā€™t really be doing. Iā€™m weaning off the Gabapentin they perscribe me for my nerve pain so Iā€™m smoking joints like a fiend and eating 25mg gummies twice a day. Fun times.
So I am pondering doing another flash saleā€¦ Iā€™ve had quite a few people make inquiries in the past few weeks so bear with me and Iā€™ll throw up a list and details.

In other newsā€¦ not much happening on the breeding front at the moment as most everything I have popped for seed will be to get a look at a few lines, test some of the Fem seed that was made in the greenhouse and a couple of the crosses. Transplanting the 8 week old plants to #5T and a couple will have to go into #6 because my former friend I discovered to be too much of a drunken fuck to be friends with anymore LOL never returned the 24 #5T pots he borrowed for his greenhouse a couple years ago.
Donā€™t ya hate that???
So thatā€™s my update for today ā€¦ Iā€™ll get some pics rolling here soon I;ve just been far too unorganized and preoccupied to get into it the past little bit.


Iā€™m not a religion guy , to each his own is what I practice , donā€™t push yours on me and I wonā€™t push mine on you , all are good books, an aggregate collection of values and morals.
Reading SHSCā€™s story reminded me of something that one of my customers told me way back that his grandfather had told him a long time ago.

ā€œJust when you think that you got it all figured out, the Good ā€œInsert deity hereā€ will pop up and give you a slap on the back of the head with a whole new set of problems that you have to figure out.ā€

I believe this to be a true statement and I will battle this till the end of my days but I will not let it beat me .
Head high SHSC, Iā€™m sure that you will figure this one out .


I appreciate that post.
For all my flaws I profess to be a god fearing christian man. I am not one whoā€™s example others should live by when it comes to that path so I donā€™t advise people on spiritual matters for the most part. Through all I have been through in life , there is no way I wouldnā€™t be dead or locked up if not for divine intervention. I believe that those who struggle to walk the path are constantly faced with tribulations to make them question thier faith and stray. In fact I had that moment today and had to take a drive to be by myself for awhile for a joint and some reflection. I am never one to assume i have anything in life figured outā€¦ except fishin and deer hunting maybe LOL I just try and make it through each day being as good a person as I can manage and just being thankful I wasn;t born into part of the world that lives in squalor, war and misery.
So much to be thankful for but even then, life and faith is a struggle


Thatā€™s exzactly what Iā€™m sayin, no judgement on anything , how we figure it out is what counts .
For example,
I bought some garlic dill pickles the other week, got home, dint like them at all, so a problem cause I spent money on somethin I dint like.
Solution, poured out the juice and poured the juice from a bottle of gherkins, one week later the dills are awesome.

Iā€™m now ready and waiting for a slap on the back of the head Lol


Iā€™m with you here buddy. I have made it to here. Do not follow my example. Spirituality and religion are not to be confused. I was raised in a Lutheran church. Do I follow or practice that now? No. But that background likely saved me from a life of misery, if I was lucky.
Lots of gratitude here too boss.


So happy to hear Lucy is doing better. Give her a hug and belly rub and forget whatever other BS is bothering you!


Amen brother, as am I . Itā€™s crazy reading that post ! Truly I have these ā€œtrialsā€ thrust upon me often and thereā€™s no question someone was looking out for me or Iā€™d have been dead 10-15 times over easy.

Much love and respect brother, very glad to hear Lucy is better and back to herself, nothing worse than seeing them suffer and being unable to help.

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Sorry to hear youā€™re going through some shit @SHSC-1 hopefully things start looking up soon. Thereā€™s always something eh?

Some pics of some coastal blueberry I have going atm. I think theyā€™re around 4.5 weeks or so since flip. The taller phenos still look pretty small but plenty of time for them to blow up. The shorter ones smell very strong. They look better in person the cam isnā€™t the greatest at reproducing accurate colour. Smells range from hashy blueberry, blueberry syrup, ā€œpooberryā€ syrup :laughing: and blueberry muffin type smells. I canā€™t wait to see how they develop since thereā€™s still plenty of time left.


Hereā€™s my FV BBHP x Dr Atomic Blueberry NL BX1 f2 chopped at 10 weeks. Iā€™ll get more pictures soon.

Itā€™s nice that you have the option of the wood stove, I wish I had a place with one. Itā€™s such a comforting heatā€¦and clearly you could use it after dealing with the firewood!

I hope this year treats you and Lucy better!


wow dynamite pictures guys :wink:
@Fitzera , yours is technically Coastal Blueberry as well but some were released before I chose the official name. Exact same seeds though
That one sure is a frost bossā€¦ wowzers!!!


Oook! I wasnā€™t 100% sure and didnā€™t want to be giving incorrect info. Good to know Iā€™ll go back to Coastal! She turned out so nice I canā€™t wait to sample. Thank you for these!


I went cold turkey off the Gabapentin.
That really fucked me up.
The shit didnā€™t work for me. But the side effects and withdrawls were unreal.
I hope you feel better soon! :slightly_smiling_face:



Very nice @CanuckistanPete :facepunch:t2:


How long were you on the Gabapentin? Dosage? I havenā€™t noticed any side effects.


I think itā€™s been close to 3 years now. I started out at 1200mg per day, requested a drop to 900 a few months ago and now I am down to 600 as of this past week.
the side effects I experienced so far.
hot flashes, dry mouth, dry eyes, foggy memory, easily confused and forgettful and losing blocks of timeā€¦