Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Err… I’m on 1800mg and they were thinking about upping it. How about no. As soon as I get surgery I’m tapering off a few things. A reset if nothing else. What I would like vs reality.


U VA had me on a handful at a time of those, Im thinking 2400 mg or more they had me all fucked up in the head.
I stopped taking them and they wanting me to start back, all because my legs felt like the were full of broken glass


Since I broke in OT lemme ask a question. What type of buzz does the Fire Alien BX present? Git-err-done or couch lock?


I was on the gaba for about a year and a bit 10 years ago , found no relief , not sure what strength , just stopped with no issues .
Had a friend with fentanyl patches , gave me a bunch, told me to educate muhself to make sure that I knew what I was gonna be doing, I had a script for percs at the time , all that chit and booze included was just enough for me to keep my sanity and going foreword at the time .
A few years go by , sweat equity with physio, mobility a bit better, pain now a part of life .
No more happy spot from the narcs, eat 25mg of hydromorf and all I want to do is puke , 0 buzz or happy spot so I just keep with the sweat equity on physio and live my life .
At this point and time in my life, I’m not running out of hydro or the script for anti inflammation meds.
I look for sunup and sunset but do not jones for nuthin cause I have plenty of spares lol


Just broken glass? My wife uses a cheese grater on me when I try and sleep. Squirts alcohol on it too. Fun stuff Maynard.


hey @avr1
The Fire Alien BX is some strong stuff but I wouldn’t say couch lock if taken in some moderation. To be honest I have not had much feedback online from anyone who has ran the Fire Alien Bx except for maybe one grower who ran one or two with nice results.
I really liked that line and have plans to revisit it before long.


So I dunked some seeds for my next grow…several different strains including your Shiskaberry (which I thank you again for).

Anyway, I put them in water yesterday around 5 pm, and not even 24 hours later one of your Oreoz that I decided to try out already has a long tail on it. Sheesh!


Nice! Thats pretty epic!


very nice!!
I have a couple of the oreoz x ogkb 2.0 fems going myself. Should be ready to flip them pretty soon here. They are a bit beat up from the aphid battle I have been waging but some stresses are good in testing anyways.
A lot of the seeds were small this year and I was a bit worried about germ rates but a big dish of mixed seeds I put in the cull pile , sprouted over 80%. I try and do the finger roll test on every seed I package though so it’s good to get feedback on germination… especially long tails in 24hrs :wink:


I’ll have Precious OG going soon. They’re out sitting with some testers. I’ll keep you posted with germ rates, etc on these and any others. Which there will be. Soon as I have room those DMT Dreams will hit 5" squares.


The Precious OG beans are over a year old now.
I need to get into those myself and choose parent stock for the release.
Here are some pics of the mother cut I found and kept after hunting 7 packs of the Old Grandpa Scratch Ltd . There were many simply outstanding plants in those seeds but this one stood out for her incredible trichome output, very unique terpenes and raw potency. Guys I know who are older than me and have toked daily for years more than me… where stoned stupid off this plant LOL
So Precious OG is my selections through the fgens for siblings with her traits , bred together , reselected and then back to the mother cut. Male selection has been crucial in getting this done and I wanted to keep this as a regular seed line as I belive there will be amazing plants in this line that are a step away from the usual.
No ferts pushing that frost either… that is straight , water only organic soil based on the old archived Tom Hill recipe.


That looks like a potential hashers dream… :cake:


Oh my, that sure looks like a winner!


imagine the fresh frozen bubble eh?
I need to do that one day

** and I should add… Old Grandpa Scratch Ltd was an older release from Karma Genetics and was a colaboration with MeltingPot. Only 100 packs were released. I keep bugging karma to revisit that line as he told me has adequate stock of the originals. It’s been “many” years since he released those packs and my isolation has been far enough removed now that I am near comfortable doing a release once the beans are made.


What a unique look what’s the smell/flavor like ? so frosty wow!


The flavor profile on the mother cut is mix of subtle pine, slight citrus, leather, terpentine , motor oil and has been described by some to smell like grandpa’s basement workshop smells with a mossy earthy side note. It is very unique tasting cannabis and I have tried to preserve that uniqueness in the proginy.


You should revisit them!!


we will see what I am able to do. I have some plans this year that will see me mostly shut down from june to next winter. This means not many breeding projects on the books and mostly growing to test and show the releases and soon to be released stuff.
My financial conundrum is very real and in order to keep growing at all I need to figure something out. I am recognized by the government as a disabled person yet on technicality they refuse to pay me because a buddy gave me a lead hand job for 65 an hour for 11 months a few years ago and I didn’t have to lift a finger labor wise. So anyhow… my wife is our only income and I can’t justify the costs of my grows under our current budget.

So I am thinking of selling off a pile of beans from various breeders as well as my own stuff.
I need a couple days to compile a list. Drastic times call for drastic measures.
I can get disability if I leave my wife… see the government says she makes too much money and that disqualifies me… even if I had not taken that 65.00 an hour job in 2017 that saved us from being homeless and set us up to by this house. So If I leave her… I’ll get disability and she will be free of the burden of me. But I won’t be growing for who knows how long. So I figure I gotta liquidate and try and get ahead of this situation because I will leave the wife before I see her lose the house.

crazy eh?
So ya … I’m preparing an epic unloading of beans… stay tuned.


@SHSC-1 sorry to hear about your troubles bud. If I can scrape funds for seeds I will.

I’ve just got a coastal bb going right now ( and can’t escape the thrips). Great flavour on that cross!


Monterey’s Garden Spray with Spinosad< … (in Veg) will eradicate thrips and it is soil safe and will kill any in the soil as well. I bought a 1 liter bottle of concentrate off amazon prime a few years ago and it works so well I still have 1/2 the bottle. Of everything I have tried , it really works.