Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Just be careful with spinisod. If you have any testing this product will fail you.

Sorry to hear about your financial situation. I was I wasn’t familiar with it, it’s a horrible spot to be in.


Man let me know if I can help I hate to hear good people are struggling so much in these times but if I can help somehow send me a message…


Beautiful plants, nice chunky nugs


Really love the coloration


Make sure to tag me when that happens please… you been good to me buddy. I am not a wealthy man, money wise at least, but Ill save my seed budget for 2024 for that.


Yeah! I let the dark period temps drop from 21°C to about 18 and that really made a difference quick.

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That’s a pretty destructive way to feel man. I’m certain your wife doesn’t consider you a burden but also completely understand the tendency towards feeling that way about yourself while struggling with a disability. I’ve spent the last few years feeling that way with my struggles and it’s led to scary places. I hope things settle and work themselves out for and your wife.


@MonasticDank I appreciate your words and the sentiment behind them. Heck I appreciate everyone who has posted and supported me over the past few months. Reality is we hav incurred debt that is getting to that make it or break it point and we live very modestly. I’m denied 2grand a month in disabiltiy because my wife makes more than 45K a year and only because she pounds overtime to pay the bills. So we don’t get much time together as it is. I want my wife to be happy and prosperous… so if I split, I get my 2k a month and I can help get rid of debt. Who knows maybe some miracle will happen but right now I am going to concentrate on sending out everything that is expected by my fellow OGs and then take the rest day by day. I don’t normally spell out my life for all to see but there is that chance I could log off one day and not be back for a real long time so this is a heads up I guess.


Hopefully things turn around for you @SHSC-1, lifes too short for it to NOT be good.

Well that would suck.


:sob: :-1:

Only the best projected at you from this family here to yours @SHSC-1 !

Like everyone else here reading, I seriously hope that the fuckery settles and you and your wife are in blissful days again soon enough!


3 days after it hit the water, this little girl has already reared her head! That’s pretty fast in my books.


well that put a smile on my face for a moment :wink: thankyou for that update @CanuckistanPete

guys, the way it goes is , a friend of ours locally was a single mom when we met her and for several years we tried to hook her up with a decent guy… which failed until a long lost friend of mine blew into town and we went moose hunting out back of the place i was living in. We got a moose and we had it hanging in my shop when this girlie friend of ours walked in. It was kismet… we were pleased. My wife is asked to be maid of honor with 5 other girls… so 6 of them. Well my wife decided it was a good idea to sign up for a credit card with a 10 grand limit and she didn’t tell me about it. We had agreed when we got married , one credit card for emergencies or online purchases and we both pay back what we spend within 3 months. Good plan right? Well the wife maxed that card by way of paying for lunches and clothing and other crap for other girls who couldn;t afford it… no one paid her back obviously and she literally paid it off last september. So 9 years later… that one is paid off.
Then when i was on a trip she went and got anotherr 3000 dollar credit card so should could buy things , eat out, do stuff and again didn’t tell me till after the fact. So I roll with it right… for rich and for poor and through good times and bad… That card is maxed and she is paying the minimum… for 4 years now. See where I am going with this LOL
I could have gone to the z-labs reunion last year and I could have got a plant sitter but I was too embarassed to tell my friends I was too broke to finally come meet them all down in Michigan. So a few months ago her cherokee needed some major suspension/steering work and a new exhaust and I did the rear main seal, oil pump, pan gasket. Anyways… over 5800 into the cherokee so it would be good to go for at least 5 more years of safe driving. We know our mechanic so he let us float the bill, with interest of course. Still paying that… almost done. But after we put all this work into the cherokee… for her to use as a daily driver here in the BC Interior… she goes and buys a stupid used high mileage mini van from another guy we know and gets that on payments…
So… I’m at the end of my rope really. And I have had enough LOL


Ok, fair enough. That’s a different story than the original. I’ve gone through basically the same thing with the CC with my wife, to the point where I threatened her we were done if she didn’t get her act together. She has, so far so good.

I hate being in debt…don’t know how some people can just dig themselves deeper and deeper with no concern.

Hope things work out for you my friend…do what’s best for you.


This is one of the many reasons my x is my x. It’s very destructive and doom inducing. I really feel for you man!


I wonder where I could backpack off to and find a live on site job in the canna community LOL
At 54 I got a few years left. The thought of getting my international certificate for teaching elementary or high school english and using it as an in for migrating to Spain is in the back of my mind. I could rebuild and continue my work there and be able to go to all kinds of canna events… I might bug a very good friend of mine in Ontario to give up Canada and make the trip with me. He is 50 and still single for some dumb reason so maybe he can find a hottie in spain. Me… no more long term relationships for me. I’m past that point of interest in life at this point LOL


had a sit down with the wife and the mother inlaw last night. Some progress perhaps.
Look at the end of the day my wife is an awesome gal and I love her to death. She just needs to work through some things. She has hit that menopause stage of life and I’ve been watching her spiral out. She has finally accepted this may be an issue and is going to seek some professional health care advice. Now that her mother knows about the credit cards … that is getting nipped in the bud. My compromise … my summer weed growing can’t prevent us from going on holidays like it has the past few years. I get it. so I’ll need to seriously work on that to come up with a solution.
I’ve also convinced the wife that we need mariage counselling and we need to find and make an appointment with a financial advisor. That way it’s not me explaining finances hehe
I was married before … at 19 to boot. Knocked up a girl and tried to do the right thing though failed miserably. I paid my child support and learned to live within my means and came out the other end with a solid credit rating and the knowledge to manage the $$ when times are tight. My wife though, she tries to do it all herself and it ain’t working LOL

Anyways, enough of my life troubles… everyone’s got them but I am so appreciative of the kind words of support from folks here I have never even met. It really does raise a guy’s spirits.

The next flash sale fundraiser list will be posted up later this afternoon for those interested :wink:


Here for you man! Sorry to hear you are going through tough times. This community is great, and the tight little group of canucks on here is the cherry on top!


Brother, it breaks my freaking hurt to read your message from yesterday…. :pensive: you have some GREAT friends here and as I’ve told you for years, I’ve got your back, you’ve always had mine and it means the world. PLEASE let me know how I can help. And without question I’m down. Times are tough over here brother, and I get it trust me. There’s way too many of us that have mad love and respect for you and will not idly sit by and watch a brother suffer like this. Here brother, ALWAYS :facepunch:t2:


I feel this. Mrs. P has early perimenopause due to a life time of :roller_coaster: hormones. :cry: .

:heart: :heart: :heart:

I also feel this so this may be the 1st year I’m not doing any indoors in the summer. I can automate my outdoors for a week or 2 but not indoors.

Im so happy to read about all you’re not easy but very important communications :hugs:. I feel similar to your wife in doing everything myself and that took a long time to work out appropriately with the Mrs.

Keeping an eye out growmie, and thanks for sharing the hard shares as we are all only human (i hope! there are sure to be some :robot:'s and :alien: 's on OG but so far so good. :crossed_fingers: )



Sadly this seems to be the new way of thinking for many, don’t get it either. My wife’s OSAP fees have crushed us for 25 years now and we’re not even half way through, and she doesn’t even work in the field

(Out of likes AS ALWAYS gentlemen or you know I’d be all over every post here)