Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Glad to hear, sounds like you’re working it out.

Flash sale? Like I need more seeds…tag me, I’m all in!


hey everyone… first , thankyou all for the kind words of support. It’s like a therapy group sometimes on this site. I am honored and blessed to be the recipient of such support.
Now the past couple days has been real hard… but I finally managed to get the wife to open up. You see she usually has no filter, she’s a bosnian serb LOL but the past few months she has bottled up wayyyy more shit that I even realized. Stemming from issues at her work of all things. It’s a serious enough situation that I am consulting a lawyer firm that deals with defamation, harrassment in the work place and civil liberties violations by her employer. It’s a serious situation I was only casually aware of and just figured there’s always bullshit at work. No idea it was affecting my wife and some of her coworkers to the point it has. Someone came on my property and left a hand written note on the driver’s seat. I won’t get into the content but let’s just say… the note is in the posession of the rcmp and is being fingerprinted as I sit here and type this… fuckin crazy town LOL

So I may update that situation at a later date. Next I need to apologize to all the people waiting for letters from me for the big contest and a few other commitments. I will have everyone’;s stuff in the mail this friday. The past 2 and a half months have been pretty brutal over here with reactions to coming off the gabapentin to these issues in my marriage fueled by ad potentially caused by the shitcanery going on with these bitches at my wife’s work. She wants to leave this place altogether … and I want to die here LOL

Anyhow… I did not kill the garden after all which is good news. I set up a 5x5 grow tent today and just need to get it plumbed with ventilation and such and will be finally starting a flower run here pretty quick.

I have the seed list prepared for the flash sale. Just going over my quantities and what I might need for packaging materials. The sale WILL go live tonight.


Keep your head up brother, praying things improve drastically for you guys, if there’s anything I can do just ask , I’ve got you absolutely.


I learned that as well at the end of last year, so many people understood my difficulties and offered lots of support.

OG is the best.

Stay strong, persevere and trust life itself as even tough times are only temporary and often teach us things we can’t learn otherwise, at least in my experiences.

Hope you have a good day, and things improve a full 180 in the opposite direction!!

But let me know if I can help you in any way like I mentioned previously in this thread. @SHSC-1



Her angry must be all like:


ya dude… you know it. But I’m 1/2 irish so we balance each other out. I toke in the house… she doesn’t toke but I know all that second hand ganja smoke assists me in navigating those nuclear moments. Luckily I am not the kind of guy that does much to draw her real anger LOL


removed most of that last post LOL enough of my crazy life for now. Normally it’;s pretty mundane but lately… wowzers.

So here is the first part of the list for the flash sale. I will probably have a few more to add tomorrow. As in the last time , I can only do cash in the mail which I know for many is a not starter but it is what it is. Donations of 40.00 per pack and each order will get some cool freebies.

So first up are the regulars.
Using the Long Valley Royal Kush frosty male(LVRK1)
Pink Kush x LVRK1
Fire OGKB f2 x LVRK1
Grape Pie x LVRK1
OGKB 2.0 x LVRK1

Scoutbreath male crosses. Scoutbreath is OGKB 2.0 bx1
GSC x Scoutbreath
Oreoz x Scoutbreath
Scoutbreath F2 preservation

couple more additions and a few more once i go thru the last batch i pulled.

Black Scratch (sold out at GLG) -BC Black Tuna x Old Grandpa Scratch
OGSDN —(Old Grandpa Scratch “precious” cut x Darlin’s Net - this one never got a name and has only been shared with offline friends.
Sticky Lime (unreleased) - GG4 x Karma’s Crumbled Lime

hmmmm maybe some fems and I have some of my older (but not so old) stuff that dropped at GLG but i didn’t restock due to small quantities remaining and some I never did release again due to smaller seed batches. Some of these are excellent beans to sift through so will have details tomorrow on those.
I should back on top of all my comittments here by the time orders roll in so things should go smooth. We had one order from the last sale not arrive when others sent the same day made it so no worries , that is now enroute @j0ebob :wink:
all orders will be sent with regular postage although canadians can request other options if they want to cover the extra cost. The sale is only availlable for :canada: and :us: so I apologize to those who may miss out.
edit to add… in order to respect the seed banks that carry my stuff , I can’t undercut the seed bank pricing on things like the Coastal Blueberry and others that are currently listed in stock. Hope folks understand


I am going to drop a 40$, dealers choice, to be added to @Amendment3’s Coastal Seeds prize pack for throwing down the most generous donation for my recent charity auction.


I know…I’m the problem child :laughing: It’s literally the first time ever having anything sent from Canada and of course it didn’t arrive. Thank you for resending @SHSC-1. I hope things get better for you soon, my friend :pray:


Thank you. I look forward to the surprise.


Damn… looks like another e-transfer! :drooling_face:


now that one has my interest for sure, let alone the whole list


Ooh lots of goodies! Awesome you knew you had me with a few of those :wink:


Added a few more and am still going thru some other stuff to see what I can drop.
I was going to throw down some fem beans but I really should finish test growing all of those before I put them on the market at any price eh?

I don’t have a call out list so feel free to tag your friends :wink:
The list will be live until the 10th.


Sent you PM.

1 Like

Oh man! You just keep adding more fire!


Pm incoming!

@THCeed @sprinklememaynee @Pigeonman @Foreigner @MissinBissin @madouesse @Mr.Sparkle
@Tappy @TopShelfTrees1 @Neb @Oldguy @DougDawson @Wizdom @Loggershands @anon60559124 @Barefrog @Fitzera @duo @Tricycleofdoom @chronix

Strawberry Hill Seed Co - #509 by SHSC-1


I would love to help out again but I’ve burned through my winter nest egg already (weeks ago lol) and still have my Florida trip coming up quick. Once I’m back to work though… :wink:

I hope everything works out for you guys, communication is huge and seems you guys are headed on that path so kudos to you both! Opening up is step 1, you can’t move onto steps 2, 3 etc if you haven’t done step 1.


Ya the wife has been holding back a lot of stuff that has been going on at her work. If I took the time to tell you all about that and what I now know about the last 2 years of the goings on in that place under this current manager… you would be shocked. There are 3 individuals on staff that are total mental cases and between them and the current manager the workplace environment has become so toxic it has changed my wife and at least now she realizes she never should have shut me out of that. Now it is affecting me , my life and my future here in this place I love. So ya, hopefully we get thru this. My wife wants to leave here… she actually wants to move to South Dakota as she is a huge fan of the state governor there. I know there is hunting and fishing of sorts but there is no ice fishing for kokanee and I have no clue about thier state weed laws. I dunno I think instead I am going to use lawyers to beat them with a big stick and sue the hospital for breach of civil liberties… big time. Some of the staff should be investigated for elder abuse too but that is a whole nuther matter

anyhow, messages are rolling in and I will answer them all today. I gotta go do some garden chores and get some food in me and I’ll be back