Strawberry Hill Seed Co

People don’t quit their job. They quit their management. And im all for whistle blowing to expose bullshit. I’m gonna stop there before this turns into politics and such. But I support you. Know that.


Some more Coastal BB.


right on thanx for posting those pics @Kyumonryu !!
From all the feedback i am receiving on the Coastal Blueberry those beans are proving themselves worthy to stand beside all the other known Blueberry strains out there… and for far less $$ than most. Makes me real happy :wink:

Flash sale is still live for another week I guess. Not really seeing a whole lot of interest but will leave this opportunity to grab my packs at half price before they hit the seedbanks.
I can only accept cash in the mail which is a downer for many and a big ask for trust on my part. I’m just not set up for paypal or any other means of payment.
People are really snoozing on these beans though… killer all around.
I’m getting a lot of asks for Coastal Blueberry and was not going to list those in the sale as they are availlable at the seedbanks. I will be willing to part with some but can’t do the 1/2 off sale on those or I’d be undercutting my retailers which is not a cool thing to do. So for those who must have the coastal blueberry and want to deal direct , they are 80 a pack but if you buy 2 packs I’ll throw a third in for free :wink:

otherwise here is the list
Donations of 40.00 per pack and each order will get some cool freebies.

So first up are the regulars.
Using the Long Valley Royal Kush frosty male(LVRK1)
Pink Kush x LVRK1
Fire OGKB f2 x LVRK1
Grape Pie x LVRK1
OGKB 2.0 x LVRK1

Scoutbreath male crosses. Scoutbreath is OGKB 2.0 bx1
GSC x Scoutbreath
Oreoz x Scoutbreath
Scoutbreath F2 preservation

Black Scratch (sold out at GLG) -BC Black Tuna x Old Grandpa Scratch
OGSDN —(Old Grandpa Scratch “precious” cut x Darlin’s Net - this one never got a name and has only been shared with offline friends.
Sticky Lime (unreleased) - GG4 x Karma’s Crumbled Lime


I was trimming up a few plant yesterday, my wife says oh whatever that is its my favorite, smells like Grapefruit…I says to her hold on and open up the Coastal Blueberry jar…oh no, THAT is my favorite! Wow!

Coastal Blueberry


reports like that make me smile :wink:
thanx for posting @Fitzera !!


Anytime brother, it’s fantastic smoke. I only wish I grew more of it!


I like the look of that.


I was holding the temps around 21° and the last few weeks I brought it down to about 17/18 when lights out and she purpled up really nicely. She might have done it anyway but that temp change seemed to bring it on really fast.

As soon as I’m done working out I hitting some of that!

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Oh man…I get the wishing you grew more of one you like.


I’ve got more seeds so I’m content. But I know what to look for for this pheno, of the 3 I had going this one had extra long petiols. It stood out.

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I wish I could help right now

Ive been having really bad luck in response to my general kindness…even related to this site…

and then in-person…it seems everyone I know is using me as a ATM . And I finally stopped as it got to the Point i have severe anxiety checking my phone anticipating messages of loans.

And I guess i have been enabling these people for years

it’s so sad to be taken advantage off

I also only work 7 months out of the year So I budget accordingly .

I would love to help but my wife would kill me right now as I’m owed alot of money from people that I already loaned money to behind her back.

I was blind to what I was doing

Don’t want to leave you hanging . I appreciate everything you’ve contributed to my growing journey


when I made the seeds there were three females
before I chose the name I gave away a bunch of seeds here in the various giveaways
Those seeds included all three females and were just called Fraser Valley Blueberry Hashplant x Atomic Blueberry Northern Lights (F3) . There are probably 50 or more of those packs in the community labelled as such.
**I gave away a very limitted number of the F2 packs … like 2 or 3 of those
When I released the line after friends got back to me with thier results , I held back the 3rd females seeds. Not that she wasn’t great… she was and she had the most astringent blueberry syrop smell. She expressed the singular male pod in the flower tips after week 5. So her seeds were held back from the official release that was named Coastal Blueberry.

So the early packs , before they were named Coastal Blueberry, contain that long pistilled , strong syrop type profile. I haven’t had many reports of intersex from the line overall but I didn’t want to risk the chance of releasing the #3 female’s seeds in the official release and in breeding the line going forward.

Hope that all makes sense.


I believe that’s the one I harvested, the tops each had a singular nanner pop out around 5-6 weeks. Not so much astringent though, all syrup.

Can see the one on the right with longer purple petiols. It was obvious to me that is differed to the other two.


Flash sale is still live.
If you have messaged me and not received a reply please hit me up again. I have a real hard time with the message inbox here as it only shows avatars and not usernames.

My sponsor account is coming due… it’s a toss up as to whether I will continue as a sponsor. Not that I don’t want to , i’m just not seeing the interest I had hoped to see for my work. Been at this a few years now… might be time to re evaluate.
I do appreciate everyone who has followed along and grabbed some of my work. I’ve got some soul searchin and thinking to do this week.

Will leave the sale up until Sunday evening.
cheers and thanx everyone :wink:


Well, hello :innocent:

Does your black scratch also use the precious cut of old grandpa scratch ? That thing is a beast.


Good question.
Black Scratch is the BC med community cut of Black Tuna , also known as the Tilray cut. Tilray is a large licensed producer from vanouver island going back over a decade.
So that is the female side of the cross. The male used was selected from the old grandpa scratch line and was the most similar to precious. He was also used in my breeding program in other crosses on the male side and as one of the building block males in my subsequent path to Precious OG which I haven’t released online except one pack to @crownpoodle .

The OGSDN uses the Precious cut crossed to an incredible male from @SmokinJoeMGF 's Darlin’s Net that I called the Ripsaw male due to the double serrations on all the leaves. He was a real stud that one. I didn’t release this one because in the greenhouse I found the odd late nanner in one of the plants. Since then , and with pretty much all the GG4 type crosses I have ran from various sources… anything with gg4 in it may potentially hold a few plants with some intersex traits. The smoke is killer though so it’s a line i will keep for growing personal stash now and then. Figured I would make a few packs availlable.


Wud up shsc! Had no idea you sold seeds, been following your threads for a long time. What would you recommend as the most consistent best smelling flowers. The more pungent the better, thats my only criteria. Thanks dude


His Coastal Blueberry is getting super consistent happy customers, not sure if its the most pungent he has but I have heard people say its the best expression of blueberry released in a long while.


I loved growing his Coastal Blueberry, and currently have his Shiska and Oreoz just started, as well as a couple of Pimp Juice flowering. Pretty happy with everything so far.


I want to grow some in soil outdoors this year. Just a couple for me, hoping the sun and fresh air will help bring it out. Weekly compost teas too.