Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Coastal Blueberry has been very well received by those who have posted thier grows. I’m very pleased with the line and the selections I made to get there proved to be good choices.
I need to get some of those going myself although we do have a big phenohunt going right now at a friend’s place.

@nick131740 , I’ve been dropping seeds in smallish drops with @Great_lakes_Genetics for a few years now… 5 or 6 I think. I don’t have a large portfolio of strains like many breeders do. My love for the plant runs deep though and I am always making crosses of plants I think will compliment each other. A small portion of that work makes it to the seed banks and I have only recently been doing these flash sales to try and right the ship over here LOL
To answer the question about best smelling flowers and what might offer the most pungent nose and flavor;;;;; possibly the Pink x Long Valley Royal Kush frosty male… I am expecting very good things from these beans and am itching to pop some myself in a few weeks.

well… I see I have some messages to get to but the wife is getting dressed for ice fishing… I’ll catch up with messages this evening.

cheers guys and thanx for the kind words and feedback on the Coastal Blueberry
@CanuckistanPete … can’t wait to see how the Pimp Juice line finishes up for you.!!


Me too buddy…me too!


Thank you for the thorough response.

Both scratch crosses sound great so expect a pm from me good sir.


@SHSC-1 I think you should create a new thread for the sale. Its hard to know you have event running unless they are already following you. Grab peoples attention!

I also would reccomend your ogkb, lvrk and blueberry as I’ve had good results from all!


Have you thought about selling directly bud? I bet you would find much more interest that way.


Might be a good idea. I ran Old Timer’s Stash a few runs back. Packs a wallop! No bullshit weed. I’ve got half a pack still, I hope?


My wife was asking about that Blueberry, wanted to tell her it was gone, so I could hog the last bit to myself. What a treat.


I can send you more… :slightly_smiling_face:


I think this is a great idea!


I can"t wait to say this on october 2024!


:ear: Pardon?
It’s not nice to tease someone.


No tease…I’ll get it together and send it.


I love you Brother.
You Reggae.


:heart: :heart: :heart:


The main reason I haven’t done direct sales in the past is that I am not really set up for processing online payments. I am really not very computer savvy and not up to speed on the various online payment venues. I had a paypal account years ago but had a major issue with them screwing with my funds because the purchases were firearm parts related. They have been quite hostile to others in similar cases and it has cost a lot of people money they will never get back. So I am pretty gun shy LOL about dealing with paypal. There is also the cases like drgonzo13 where people can protest transactions after the fact and get your beans and your money… saw that play out here in several instances.
My other concern is my personal security. I’m in a real small town and high mail traffic is hard to accomplish without it being noticed. Being from Canada you are also aware of the personal risk we are all taking handling and sending out beans everywhere. This probably weighs on me the most.
So going forward I would like to have my own unique packaging, better pics of all my strains, and figure out some secure method of receiving funds. Right now I have to order all my packaging on amazon and hand write all my labels. I don’t mind doing it but it’s less than the professional appearance of many breeders out there. I would like to get a computer and associated equipment to be able to do custom T-shirts , hoodies, posters , stickers and my own labels. I can order stuff from sticker mule or vista print ect but along with the seeds , I would like to have a website offering printing services to the ganja community and such. Then I could also develop secure shipping methods instead of a stamp.
I have lots of ideas but times are tight so the flash sales are kind of a necessity. 2023 literally kicked my ass LOL so hopefully everyone’s 2024 is much better.

So anyways… these flash sales are kind of a trial run for now. Building trust in the community is important to me and I feel I am doing that. The folks @Great_lakes_Genetics have been so good to me that I kinda don’t feel right doing direct sales but I know for Canadians at least, it is pricey to order from the states these days. So I may continue direct sales but I don’t want to offer anything that undercut my retailers at GLG and . Those relationships are very important to me .

I sure appreciate all those who have grown various offerings from my garden and the positivity this is creating. I need to have a purpose and seeing people enjoying the plants from my beans makes me very happy.

time to make some dinner and then get to my messages :wink:


I love GLG, will gladly send them my money when I have enough to address the exchange/shipping overhead so I as well as many other :canada: 's appreciate you doing this when you can.

Anyone reading, it’s still 110% worth buying direct from GLG considering how well they run their operation (in my personal experience at least!)



That all makes sense. If I can help you out in any way just let me know bud. I am pretty good with computers and have a few other skills possibly, lol. Not looking for anything in return, would just like to see a brother succeed. So if you can think of anything or just want to pick my brain, feel free to reach out. :v:


@DougDawson I’m in the boat with @SHSC-1 . I’ve got my daughter going to set us up with some kind of payment. I like estate sales, but don’t quite have the pocket of $ like used to. It just seems practical.


I do love a good estate sale myself. I worked with antique vendors for many years providing security and moving crews. Got to see so many cool things.


good afternoon everyone. Had a slow morning. Fell on the ice the other day and well… I’m paying for it.

I really appreciate the interest shown so far. I also appreciate the conversation and the advice some are providing pertaining to my last post. I am going to see what I can do to make my work more accessible going forward.

I think I have answered all the messages I had waiting but if I missed replying to anyone , hit me up. I’ll be around for most of the day.

cheers and have a great weekend everyone!!!

Flash sale is still live Not really seeing a whole lot of interest but will leave this opportunity to grab my packs at half price before they hit the seedbanks.
***I can only accept cash in the mail *** which is a downer for many and a big ask for trust on my part. I’m just not set up for paypal or any other means of payment.
People are really snoozing on these beans though… killer all around.
I’m getting a lot of asks for Coastal Blueberry and was not going to list those in the sale as they are availlable at the seedbanks. I will be willing to part with some but can’t do the 1/2 off sale on those or I’d be undercutting my retailers which is not a cool thing to do. So for those who must have the coastal blueberry and want to deal direct , they are 80 a pack but if you buy 2 packs I’ll throw a third in for free :wink:

otherwise here is the list
Donations of 40.00 per pack and each order will get some cool freebies.

So first up are the regulars.
Using the Long Valley Royal Kush frosty male(LVRK1)
Pink Kush x LVRK1
Fire OGKB f2 x LVRK1
Grape Pie x LVRK1
OGKB 2.0 x LVRK1

Scoutbreath male crosses. Scoutbreath is OGKB 2.0 bx1
GSC x Scoutbreath
Oreoz x Scoutbreath
Scoutbreath F2 preservation

Black Scratch (sold out at GLG) -BC Black Tuna x Old Grandpa Scratch
OGSDN —(Old Grandpa Scratch “precious” cut x Darlin’s Net - this one never got a name and has only been shared with offline friends.
Sticky Lime (unreleased) - GG4 x Karma’s Crumbled Lime