Strawberry Hill Seed Co

they are here waiting for you @TopShelfTrees1
One day you will have to take a trip out west in winter time, I’ll show you around :wink:


Oh it’s absolutely on my bucket list brother, trust me. I gotta experience it once, and with someone like you showing me around, an epic bonus! It will happen.

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Can I invite myself to come along too, I can share the costs. I would love to pull one of them up through the ice.


ya man, for sure!!

Enjoy the shit outa them for me @SHSC-1 as I have anaphylaxis with fish!

All my omega’s come from Hemp Seed oil as a result. :ok_hand:


You three, together?

You won’t do any fishing…you’ll be creating some super strain of cannabis.


Let’s Gooooooooooo! Hell ya


I have lots of spare rods and extra ice huts if needed.
Would be something special to have a few of you come out and do some fishin :wink:


I could also go for this, very much so ! East coast salmon Kush! Woohoo ! :fishing_pole_and_fish:


I hope you know I’m 100% going to be trying to figure this out. As I know I’ve told you before it’s literally a bucket list/dream for over 30!years now


It’s good to see things turn around for you @SHSC-1

I got way behind on this thread but caught up finally…

Be well, and have a great day!!


LOL. I do love ice fishing, but with a dipper.

My dad made his, his dad made his, and they both taught me when I made mine. I leave it at my folks though as I have no use for it.

Fishing was time spent with Dad on the ice and catching food for him,mum and me sis.


These are still some of my fondest childhood memories, just fishing with the old man, both smiling ear to ear, out in nature. And catching fish. It’s absolutely unreal how vivid some of them are to me as well


My step dad was not a nice man and a terrible father although he has tried in earnest to make up for that over the past 20 years. However… He did make sure us kids learned how to fish and enrolled us in programs that gave us exposure to the outdoors and the basic survival skills. I remember the first rainbow trout I caught as a kid, paddling the crystal clear shallows of Evans lake in a canoe. I remember it like it was yesterday and when the camp staff cooked up that fish, frying it in butter… I can still remember eating that fish and and marvelling at how tasty the fins were all crispy from the butter fry.
That day I became addicted to fishing and have been ever since. Hunting I had to learn all on my own… not sure why I got into hunting but the lifestyle always fascinated me and as a kid , if adults were talking hunting , I was always listening intently and eager to get a glimpse of pictures. Dad was a pilot in his free time, working towards a career as a bush pilot but family responsibilities took precidence… I think he was bitter about that for many years and the reason he was such an unlikeable asshole when we were kids. But dad’s friends were pilots… one an ice pilot stationed in Resolute Bay in the far north. He loved the camera and always showed up at our place a couple times a year when he was on leave. He would bring a projector and screen and load it up with hundreds of slides of pics from the Arctic. We saw more cool artic stuff than anything they showed us on TV. Polar bears were super common in the town so lots of pics of those. Plus the inuit hunters would take him along to take pictures and those were always cool to see. It was special when Doug would show up. He never married, never even dated a girl , he was an odd fellow and not gay hehe. Just super nerdy and socially awkward but his influence in my life sparked my desire to adventure in the outdoors. Then there was Fred May (rip) another friend of my dads… a real bush pilot who started that career very young. He flew a twin otter on floats and he was a hunter and a fisherman and like doug would show up with loads of pictures of his adventures. He would bring crab and cod and salmon and halibut… but the best was when he brought venison. I first tried deer meat when I was probably 8 years old… and from that day on I knew I would hunt deer one day. In my late 20’s I became a hunter but didn’t get my first deer until after 5 years of bumbling about in the bush … learning how to get it right LOL

But anyways… ice fishing is one of my favorite things, especially when friends are gathered for the fun. It is always a good time spent tellin stories and laughin our asses off.
We gotta get @shag , @Kgrim and @crownpoodle up here too !!

fishin roadtrip anyone hehehe.
Season is generally january thru end of march and most years well into april but this year is wierd and we have about 1/2 the ice thickness we usually have for this time of year. Still over a foot right now which is safe enough for groups and machines.


Update on Oreoz x ogkb.

This girl is already been set to flower as she was growing fast.

This is the more jurrasic looking plant. Loves its double leaves. Shes in a 5 gal but I’m going to give her a bit more veg time as nothing about this plant says large stretch.

This is the last lady and from the leaves looks closest to ogkb2.0 .Still needs some veg time.

Oh and for reference here is the ogkb bx4 i have running again.


Let’s goooooo! I’m so down


Fuck yeah bud. Next year I may be able to swing that… I’m inviting myself if it happens.

All my fishing gear got stolen out our if my car including all the tackle and gear that I was given by my pops. It’s was in the back of my car which got stolen. I haven’t really fished much since then as I have been so bummed about losing those heirlooms. The tackle box was actually my Gramps who I had never met… The only thing I had of his. I would like to get back into it though.

Alternatively what about a canoe trip next summer? I have access to lots of boats and could take care of most of the logistics and gear… Maybe the Kootenay River?


as a general rule, I don’t do canoes hehehe
I drowned in the chilliwack river back in the 90’s while out with some friends partying and swimming in the river. Wasn’t canoeing but still… my friends saved my life by practicing CPR that day, along with a ride in a SAR chopper and a couple days in the hopsital. It’s a wonder I even fish after that experience. I still get ptsd attacks in the shower if my eyes are closed and water gets in my ears… instant vertigo and panic I feel in my chest. My wife has been trying for years to get me to go white water rafting on the Thompson or Fraser but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I might get a kayak and try that on the lakes here but I dunno… I like my boats. LOL
I don’t go in water unless I have to or if I have waders on. The feeling of water on my skin and in my ears takes me right back to that day. It’s fucked up. But ya… I don’t do canoes unless my life depends on it haha


You get caught in a sweeper? I almost lost a friend to a sweeper on the Kootenay River actually… there was a huge log jam about 2 min down from the put in and a friend and his wife got swept into the almost fully blocked channel. His wife managed to jump up when she hit the log but my friend got swept under and was caught in the log underwater for over a minute. It was just luck really that he was able to thrash his was through. Super lucky and ever since then I am more afraid of sweepers and junk in the river than almost any rapid… many people die every year in that way. Their boat also got stuck in the log jam and it took 10 people and a winch system to get it off the logs… its scary how powerful water can be in a fast flowing river.

I have never been caught in a sweeper, but I was caught in a washing machine hole and got spun for at least a minute before it spit me out… long enough that the thought I was going to die went through my mind.


This was on the 2nd day of a 14 day trip in Northern Sask… I had to buck up pretty quick and get over it as the next landing spot for a bush plane was in the lake 12 days down river and there were quite a few rapids between haha. I almost had a panic attack the first rapid after but after I got through that one I was fine.

PS Talking of bush planes… I always freak out a bit when they land on a lake… it feels wrong.

I always feel a little freaked out in Kayaks… the feeling of having your legs stuffed in freaks me out a bit.


In the summer the chilliwack river gets pretty low. It’s a smallish river and in the part they call vedder canal, it goes through small sets of rapids and into pools and then just flows out to the fraser unimpeded.
The spot we were hanging out at was a nice gravel/sand beach with the slack water in front of us and the fast water on the other side. We would jump into a chute in the rapids close on our side, about 4feet deep and tuck our legs up and ride the chute about 50 yards/meters where it flowed into the pool by the beach. You would start swimming as soon as it spits you out into the pool to get away from the fast water. It was really hot that day and though i rarely drink I did have a couple coronas and doobies of course. On the 5th time I jumped in, I guess I didn;t start swimming soon enough. The pool was probably 75 yards to the tailout where it turned back into fast flowing water. By the time I started swimming, I was barely making any progress, the fast water was like an undertow keeping me in that seam between fast and slow water. I was moving down river too fast and my legs were getting pulled back. I remember my friends and my girlfriend all on the edge of the river yelling at me and the last thing I remember was yelling I’m not gonna make it. I don’t remember drowning and I couldn’t tell you which or how many of my friends went into the water after me.
I remember coming too , there was this massive thumping and vibration and I was confused , heaving from my guts and chest, massive headache, voices sounded like they were talking into a barrel… like a fuzzy echo… and I was blind. I tried to move and couldn’t because I was wrapped in a thermal blanket. I can’t explain the feeling but I was coming to in a helicopter and the last thing I remembered was yelling out to my friends. In the hospital a few hours later my sight slowly returned as my body reoxyginated but they held me for two days because I had died and they had no idea for exactly how long i was deprived of oxygen.
crazy eh?

for the kayak, a buddy has one and he made simple outriggers and it makes them incredibly safe. I guess the same can be done for a canoe but i think the kayak will be more stealthy for the fishing and hunting I was thinking of getting one for.

oh… and those beans you sent have landed!!! thankyou very much :slight_smile: