Strawberry Hill Seed Co

The Chilliwack/Vedder has claimed many lives, good to hear you survived.
My favorite part of it is from the #1 hwy bridge to the Fraser. Ive spent alot of time fishing near the train bridge.


I think I forgot to tuck in the Mindblower Haze i wanted to send over?.. Ill have to send another letter. Its my absolute favorite strain I have grown and I want you to have some.

Wow you are incredibly lucky… CPR is not like whats seen on TV. Most times when it gets to the point of cardiac arrest your not gonna make it and if you do there will often be will lifelong issues because of it. I imagine your ribs were broken as well. Glad your still with us buddy.

Yes outriggers are great for stability. There was one time I was paddling a VERY swollen river in the Yukon and the consequences of a dump could potentially be catastrophic - the river had completely spilled over the bank and was flowing through trees meaning if we dumped there would be no place safe to get to the bank. Were chopped down a few nice straight pine trees and lashed them to the thwarts of the canoes to them, making a trimaran and a catamaran canoe. We were able to finish the trip without incident despite huge boils and standing waves due to the swollen river. Good times.


you must know where the Vedder Campground is on the yarrow side? That part if the river straight out from the parking lot is where my misadventure took place.
I lived in Sardis for a number of years… those were some fun times


I sure do! Directly across from the Lickman parking lot for the Vedder trail. I spent alot of time around there too.
I like the Tamihi area and so many other great spots closer to the lake, but it isn’t safe to park your vehicle there now with all the homeless camps. I don’t even bother going that way anymore, its a shit show.

It has changed a bit in that area since the flood we had a few years back. Been awhile since I been there, I might have to go check it out in the next few days.


LOL. I did white water in ABS canoes! We bounced off the rocks that got in our way but seriously sometimes it was scary as hell shooting level 3 rapids with only 1 good route through the waterslide.

It also rained 7 out of the 8 days which was nice in a way as it kept the insects down :sweat_smile:

Dammit now I gotta re-re-re-watch “White Water Summer”. :grin:


I have always tripped out over ice fishing. Seems a bit harsh, but it might keep a few away.

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This post is so up my ally.
My daughter asked me the other day, if I could pick 1 thing to do everyday, what would it be?
My answer, right away was “Ice fishing”
My buddies used to go skidooing for the day and pick me up on the way back from their ride, as I would stop and fish some lake along the way.


what cracks me up about ice fishing is that you can go out and drill a little hole in the ice and sit there and catch your limit… but when there is no ice and the whole lake to fish… catching that limit is work haha
Ice fishing is one of my favorite things in life but we have all the items that make it enjoyable like a good quality ice hut/tent , a buddy heater, foam pads for the floor so the feet stay warm. Sometimes we bring the BBQ or the Camp Chef oven/stove and make a big hot lunch, pot of coffee and make a day of it. Lots of fun.
I enjoy my alone time icefishing too, lots of personal reflection and just “being here now”
Its not for everyone but anyone ice fishing with us is going to have a good time I can guarantee that !! :wink:


I love ice fishing too, but to me I prefer standing in the lake/river with water to my waist flowing fast and either swinging a big old 7 weight or so back and forth laying down that perfect swing, or standing similarly drifting with one of my pins…… that is without a doubt my happy place, I hate the tournaments, trade shows, trips to meet people, even guiding became wicked monotonous but to me there’s nothing like looking around watching the sun creep up over the horizon as it rises, not another soul in sight, complete quiet except for the birds and watching/feeling that line tighten up as a gorgeous trout/salmon inhales the fly/bead etc. Ice fishing is not far off but I just prefer the other personally. Regardless any day fishing is a helluva day!! :wink:


Ice fishing is awesome, probably only a few more outings this season. But then it’s time to fish the spawn and bust out the ol boat.

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Jealous ! I have access to a couple including the 14ft aluminum and 9.9 I would take out as a young boy. (Man that’s nostalgic af EVERYTIME) but I want my own boat SOO BAAADDD!

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It’s a 17 foot havoc, nothing crazy. I beat the piss out of it and it just keeps running. Great for fishing with the fam and getting back to places “nice boats” can’t.

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My nice boat wouldn’t be so nice either , at least not for long :wink: plus new boats are ridiculous! ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS.

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Yes, yes they are. It’s a tool imo.

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A lot of times where the best fishing is! :smile:

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This is what I love yaks or inflatables for, even getting in places boats can’t get in


Exactly! Makes for a much nicer day, no other boats going by rocking the boat or messing with lines.

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Yea I really miss my yak, I had to sell it when we left Texas because I just didn’t have the room.

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We might have to do some fishing this summer.


Was this in Ontario? I have heard Ontario has some beautiful paddling. Shield country up there so I imagine the rivers can get bony and have some fun features.

As far as the rain… I have been canoeing since I was a wee lad and have been on too many trip to remember. But the ones that always stick out in my memory are the ones with more trials than tribulations. Usuallly that means rain haha.

Its too bad they stoped making canoes out of the Royalex plastic… those boats are bomb proof.

Flying into the bush in North Sask