Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Who did the friesland ibl? Is this different than the freezeland from eastern canada?

Looking very good, you garden last year was insane. Cant wait to see what you do


I will ask the guy that made themā€¦I always forget the name of the seedbank they were released to but they are a known reputable for this line. Itā€™s the legit Friesland line from the 2017 IBL reproduction. I also have the 2021 release as well. I believe this is an old quebec/northern ontario bred line that originated here in Canada but has become popular in other countries over the years with northern growers.


So I think itā€™s time to make a little announcement that gives everyone a chance to support OverGrow and put some fire beans in your pocket!!

I have made an arrangement with @Ris and his awesome seedbank so that now, when you purchase Strawberry Hill Seeds from his site, my portion of any sales will be directed to help fund OverGrowā€¦ thatā€™s right, 100% of my portion of sales now goes directly to help support the site. I am really happy to see this come to fruition and I am pleased to be able to use this vehicle as a way to fund our home here.

So growers now have a choice , they can source Strawberry Hill gear at @Great_lakes_Genetics which supports me and GLG or shop at and support OverGrow and our good friend and valuable community member @Ris

This has been in the works for a few weeks now but I just wanted to make an official announcement .


Congratulations, and what an awesome show of support. Everybody has to try your Coastal Blueberry. Hurry up, before these ones are sold out.


Super OG of you @SHSC-1!


Sent out your order yesterday, and I was trying to find some different freebies for you.

Sent you two other auto flowers that I made using Tonyā€™s GG4 fast auto.
One with RUIK from Urban legends.

And one made from double whiskey sour or something like that from 2020 genetics. It was a freebie and I canā€™t find the name at the moment.:crazy_face:


Very honorable of you to do this @SHSC1. What a great gesture. It makes me want to buy some seeds. My wife was giving me the gears after my last GLG purchase (Like you need more seedsā€¦she says with closets full of shoes!) and says to tone it down on the seed collectionā€¦then I won $250 worth from Copa & GLG! :rofl: :joy: :laughing:


You got the golden ticket, heck yeah!!! Congratulations


@CanuckistanPete you cant grow shoes!!


I was wondeing who won?
Congratulations on the big win. :wink:


Thatā€™s a nice win in my book. You spend it yet @CanuckistanPete ? Great score.


I havenā€™t spent it yet. But I do currently have a bid on some of @Buddertons ā€¦even though I already have plenty of his as well!

Yes, itā€™s a sicknessā€¦but my wife doesnā€™t have to know that.



To be more on point, thatā€™s awesome of the both of you @SHSC-1 ! :heart:
I was gifted a 10 pack of those Coastal Blueberryā€™s and Iā€™ve had em on my desk the last couple days trying to figure out a way to fit them in my current run. Unsure itā€™ll happen before the fall tho, but definitely on the list! Thanks for the hard work over there!


I used to give the missus the per bean price. Any freebies. Extra seeds over count. ā€œSure I spent a bunch, but look what a good deal I got.ā€ Which is true. Those GLG freebies are frickinā€™ awesome.


The only problem is there ainā€™t none of your seeds for sale there now ! :frowning:


I told her after my GLG purchase, and then win, that we were actually UP money just because I bought more seeds. :grin:


thankyou @Great_lakes_Genetics , you guys are the best!!!


Thatā€™s amazing of you @SHSC-1 . I was smoking some of your Coastal Blueberry grown by @CanuckistanPete last night and it was truly delightful.


If I see something I want, Iā€™m not worried about 10-20% sale prices. Iā€™m waiting for some $, not a sale. Then Iā€™ll check out GLG.


hereā€™s what I doā€¦ When those auctions are on on some of the reselling sitesā€¦ or strainly listings. I show my wife and say ā€œsee hun, some of the seeds I have are worth far more than I aquired them for , think of them like collectable baseballs or other collectables that increase in value upon rarity statusā€¦ so if worse comes to worse , we are sitting on a gold mineā€
She just looks at me and shakes her head LOL
Thing isā€¦ my wife collects Piggie figurines and piggie banksā€¦ One can look around out little house and think someoneā€¦ not saying who LOL ā€¦ has an obsession.
There are well over 100 little piggies, perhaps close to 200, of all shapes and sizes from all around the world.
The difference between my obsession and hers isā€¦ hers serves no purpose but pleasure (to her LOL) and has no retained monetary value. While my obsession could help OverGrow the World :rofl: