Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Nice to hear that optimism in your post.

I’m going to miss NOT having the Coastal BB in my yard this year, it was a real joy to grow. But I do have your Black Scratch and Pink Kush LVR going along with a bunch of other stuff…just gotta figure which are going outside. Pulled a few males today but they aren’t showing yet.


Farmers saying here on the right coast is,
“No planting till the first full moon in June.”


Wow @madouesse that isn’t till the 21st of June.
I haven’t checked the farmers almanac for my area but I usually put plants out June 10th in the greenhouse. Last year everyone who planted may 24th into beginning of June lost everything that wasn’t protected by a greenhouse or cold frame. We can get some wild weather here in the May/June transition from crazy thunderstorms with heavy hail to full on snowfalls LOL.


Don’t worry, I hear it is growing in your neighbor’s yard. :wink:


Well I am quite pleased with germination results :slight_smile:
I did nothing but a light scuff in my seed scuffer and into the paper towels
When I binned these seeds I have kept the 3 females seed seperate and the release to the seedbanks was female 1and 2 combined. So this seed pop is 10 seeds of CB-1 and 10 seeds of CB-2 and I’m going to keep them labelled seperate for the whole grow. They are 10 random seeds each from the same 2 bulk bags I drew from for the seedbank drops.
So an hour or so ago i checked the paper towels, barely 24hrs after setting them to germinate and there are numerous sprouts in both paper towels. 7 out of 10 CB-1 are popped so i potted up all 10. Looks like about the same or more in the CB-2 so I’m potting those up too. The Friesland hasn’t popped yet but those are from the 2017 IBL reproduction lot. I have fresher ones from 2021 I can dip into if need be but wanted to try the 2017 lot first.


Did you ever find a suitable SB?

I like whats going on here though ill stick around :sunglasses:.

Nice to see someone else interested breeding flavor and effect over all else.


Hey there @CARE_giver … I have a regular grow thread as well and am documenting those in that thread as I am just growing this current seed run for flower. Adventures in seed poppin and pollen tossin - If I find a killer female I may clone it for future flower runs but no, the sour bubble at this moment in time is not in my breeding plans. I want that to add to my personal smoke stash hehe
Going forward I will be concentrating on working within the Coastal Blueberry seed lot until I find the ultimate parents that check the boxes for an F4 and I’m looking for stud males to do some crosses. I have 100’s of seeds I can sift thru but I a hoping I find those plants in the first few groups of 20 or so. I don’t do any of my breeding fast hehe. It took me 4 years to bring the OGKB 2.0 Bx2 and the Scoutbreath Preservation F2’s to a point where the necessary plants had been found and isolated while the clone mother, ogkb 2.0 were thoroughly stress tested indoors and out.
Chunk D Hashplant was a limtted release to greatlakesgenetics a few years ago and after a couple growers did grow n shows… those sold out fast. I have had many personal requests to do another release of that line which started out as Northern Lights 5 x Deep Chunk (tom hill) that I won in an auction several years ago now. I worked those to F3 and the plants were fantastic with amazing outdoor potential. Sadly the grows were documented on z-labs and that site seems to be no more as of 10 days ago :frowning:
Chunk D and Coastal Blueberry will meet for some intimate time together and hopefully produce some amazing plants but this is the future, not the now.
Lastly my Precious OG… which is an F1 isolation from a little over 70 seeds of Karma Genetics Old Grandpa Scratch Ltd. Only 100 packs were released to the public and in 2017 I managed to snag the last 7 packs from the old seedbay. I called that F1 cut “precious” because she most certainly is. She is held tight by a small group of growers who take good care of her so I can call on cuts whenever i get back to it. Anyways… Precious OG is a further isolation of the precious cut in F3 right now. I have given away 3 packs… of her in the current state but will be again, working the siblings to F4 and then a BX to the mother cut before releasing as Precious OG.
I have a lot of work on my plate but for now… I’m just gonna cruise through the summer on auto pilot and not let my head get wrapped around the work to be done once hunting season is over in the fall.

damn I can ramble on eh? … meh… that’s just me and how I roll LOL


Sounds very similar to my situation.

Im doing the same with Sour Bubble. I don’t expect to finish up within my first couple runs. But if I do itll be a happy surprise.

Better to look at it this way anyways. For your sanity lol.

Sounds good though dude. When I find something special I can probably help you out. Fully dedicated to SB so its only a matter of time.


I tried to log on to Z-lab earlier. Wondered what was up. I think some of those guys are on phenohunter and pollenchuckers.


I’ve been invited to join the sites you mention as well as several discords and I guess maybe those who tossed the invite at me are probably a little insulted i didn’t join. Problem for me is I don’t have the ability to spread my time over multiple platforms… it’s just too much for me. I don’t do facebook , tried instagram and found it incredibly hard to figure the platform out to use it properly. Same with discords… I just can’t seem to get the concept… it hurts my brain a little. So I tend to gravitate to one place with a smattering of involvement in a couple others… thats about all I can handle LOL I am also on firearm/hunting forums so probably 5 sites in total. Z-labs was a good landing pad and gathering place for members who have been around for a long time now and prefer the quiet corner that it was. Maybe it will come back, new and improved? I’d gladly pitch in to see that happen but have no way to converse with zoot other than trying to attend the gathering this july and talking in person, assuming he would be there.


I have similar feelings about Z-lab. Pretty low stress place to exchange ideas. Learn stuff. I have had device issues and could only log on with my phone. So I could log in, but not see shit. Then nothing. Bummer. I looked at Phenohunter and Pollenchuckers. Nothing wrong with either for me, but I just need one place. There’s one breeder I see more of there.
Can’t imagine these guys who run a thread 3-4 different places. Yikes!


was going through my calendar and breeding notes into the wee hours late last night. I’ve pulled a bulk bag of Precious OG from the freezer. Gonna let it sit in the fridge until fall and then get on with that program. They flower 9 to 10 weeks so not a candidate for this summer’s greenhouse fun. This is what we are looking for going forward… this is some killer bud right here.

I know @crownpoodle has some of these and more coming :wink: , I sent a pack to @Mithridate that he should be receiving soon. I can’t remember the third person but they are from this site. Anyways… you can see why I am eager to return to this line. ‘Very’ strong cannabis with unique flavors of what one seasoned toker described as the essence of grandpa’s basement workshop. Leathers, terpentine, woods, pine, hint of citrus leaning to lemon, hint of earthiness. Powerful stuff hehe. So grow em if you got em :wink:


Seedlings are moving right along and I moved them under the sf4000 on 50%.
Hard to see in the pic but 14 of the 20 Coastal Blueberrys are breaking the surface :wink:
Nice to see the vigor in these seeds. No surface action on the friesland yet but i bet they will start poppin up by tomorrow.


Now THAT is some distinctive looking flower. So beautiful!


Yeah those are looking crazy lol. Dont see that too often.


I’ve got some of those coastal blueberry beans. I’m glad I got here in time to see them grow. They are on my short list for the winter grow.


You will not be disappointed, so yummy.


beans are sprouting nicely with 2 of the 20 Coastal Blueberries lagging behind. One just started breaking the surface today so maybe the other one will come up too.
In the pic the bottom row is Coastal Blueberry, next 2 rows area dozen Friesland IBL and the rest of the rows are the Coastal Blueberry as well.
off to the races as they say :wink:


Your greenhouse is going to smell delectable this year (not that it doesn’t every year! :grin:)


ya man… GG4 RIL fast autos and Coastal Blueberry goodness… can’t wait till harvest time and things are just getting started LOL