Strawberry Hill Seed Co

That’s a unique one. Really a cool purple.


No worries man… I was thinking of popping those Sour Grape myself and maybe making that same cross here with the coastal blueberry. Seeing the plants coming from the cross @Heliosphear made shows the potential that’s for sure.

Time for a little update over here. Not much to see as the plants are wee little seedlings stll but they are progressing under the HLG600 bspec for a few days now and liking it.
It’s day 16 today so 5 more days they will get up potted to 1 gallons until they go outside in a little over 3 weeks.
2 rows of Friesland Indica IBL on the left (12) and all the rest are Coastal Blueberry. Those 2 seeds that were late to sprout both ended up sprouting but are super slow and lagging behind. They are healthy so I will just let them do thier thing for now. I they don’t explode with some vigor soon they won’t be getting a spot outside.


Nice batch of youngsters. I usually let the ones that lag keep growing. If the grow, fine, but if I have to mess with them much I chuck them.


My early planted Coastal Blueberry is :pray: ing cause it’s loving it’s life right now!



Just more inbreed the cookies? Why not take it to the coastal blueberry or ssdd or something instead? :yum:


hehehe more inbred cookies… no that is not really my intent.
I got the OREOZ from a friend who really likes it so i thought I would try it.
The crosses that were made might be one time only releases unless something really grabs my attention in the offspring. The goal was to try and add some layers of flavor to that clone.
What I like about the clone is it yields really well and it’s highly trainable. The vigor and hardiness is another thing. No matter what happens … bugs, lock out, rootbound… whatever I have thrown at the clone to try and torture it …it bounces back immediately once a happy medium is reached and stays rock solid stable with no intersex expression. So there might be some potential there but really the Oreoz crosses are probably one offs.
Now the OGKB 2.0 clone, this is not your average cookies and really sets itself apart from any of the cookie lines i have ran. It also breeds very well, is super stable and for me it is one clone and seedline that I pretty much will grow till I’m in the grave.

My recent drop at GLG is heavy on the OGKB 2.0/Scoutbreath as I wanted to ensure that these genetics are saved and spread far and wide. I was actually surprised some of the selections did not sell out over the 420 sales. When Chunkypigs dropped these lines originally, GLG had to do it in the middle of the night to avoid the mayhem once the news broke. Drops were literally selling out in minutes when it came to Scoutbreath and some of the other Cookieboi (ogkb 2.0’s brother) crosses. I suppose it has been a few years now since that “hype train” happened on these genetics. It took time though, breeder permission was a big part of that.
I’m not out to rehash the cookie scene but I will work with and release seeds of any plants I feel are truly worthy of people gardens and stash jars. The OGKB 2.0 and it’s counterparts are very worthy.
Then there is the Aficionado/Mandelbrot Long Valley Royal Kush work… 1 male from 40+ seeds … and he is a stunner. Maybe people have forgotten about the LVRK , I dunno… I’m not really a guy that follows the trends and runs my program according to my personal tastes at the time. In the LVRK’s case the line is one of my favorites and carries some serious potency.and unique flavors. When I need to get really blazed… these are jars I’m reaching for LOL Finding that frosty and very aromatic male in the 40+ seed hunt last year was a godsend so naturally I put him to work.

The future for me is always in a state of flux and always on the verge of me throwing in the towel LOL but I don’t do this to get wealthy. I do this to find those special plants that truly make my life better physically, mentally, spriritually and sometimes I just want a joint to blow my hair back and put me on my ass. It all has to taste great and be free of intersex… these are the goals.
anyways… there’s a morning ramble… time to roll a joint :wink:


Judging from that, I should have started mine sooner. LOL


well these seedlings are rockin right along and showing signs of needing a transplant so today is the day. Transplanting to 1 gallons and moving them to the 5x5 tent so I can use the big veg room to do a flower run. I’ll swap the HLG600Bspec to the tent after dinner.
One last pic in the starter pots… Friesland are the top two rows and the rest are Coastal Blueberry


:drooling_face: :cup_with_straw:


Exact reason I had homie make oreoz x el chapo og, hehe


well… another week has slid on by over here in the strawberry patch and things are starting to happen fast now. Won’t be long and these little ones will be outside.
Got everything transplanted and into the 5x5 tent lit up with the HLG600 Bspec.
2 rows of Friesland Indica IBL on the left and the rest are Coastal Blueberry and a bunch of clones… some look really terrible LOL But the seedlings are all doing thier thing and getting thier legs.


Another week in the veg tent has served these plants well. 10 more days and they go to the greenhouse. (far left row is friesland indica ibl)


Very nice uniform looking plants @SHSC-1






Simply gorgeous, my friend.


Hows your (the wifes :grin:) Coastal Blueberry stash? Need a refill?


That is amazing smoke, I have been trying not to smoke it all before October. :grimacing: :rofl:


Frickin’ nice!


Nice work there @CanuckistanPete , I appreciate you man :wink:
Interesting the expression of the oreoz x is mostly green. Another grower posted a harvest pic and the flower was so purple it was near black. The mother cut purples regardless of temps so it’s good to see that she isn’t necessarily dominant in that regard in the seeds so far. I have a few friends offline growing those too but several weeks till harvest yet. I didn’t officially release any of the fem crosses other than the 10 packs as freebies in the 420 sale. I did share some around and a few people got them direcly from me. I am highly curious to see the results people have with them before I make larger batches of them.
Right now I am testing out the OGKB 2.0 S1 and the Island Pink x OGKB 2.0 reversed …
Unfortunately I had a fan mishap and nearly killed the one Pink x ogkb 2.0 … pretty much lost the top 3 nodes and one whole side of the plant. That said… it responded without a hitch so I left it in the bud run I am getting in to restock my jars for august and fall.
I’m crushing hard on these plants and I’ll get some fresh pics tonight maybe as it might be feeding night. They are much bigger now but here are the pics from 10 days ago

OGKB 2.0 S1 #1

OGKB 2.0 S1 # 2

OGKB 2.0 S1 # 3

Pink Kush x OGKB 2.0 rvsd # 1 … unfortunately this is the one that the fan fell on… she was gorgeous… but at least she is still alive and I will see how she finishes.

and Pink Kush x OGKB 2.0 # 2

I’ll update these every once in a while… I think they are going to turn out real nice.