Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Those are nice ones.


Random question: that’s the yellow type isn’t it?

Oh wait, is that Barney’s or Spice of Life? If it’s the first just ignore the question.

I think those are the beans from the Shishkaberry 3F3 seed increase from a year ago.
They originated as Spice of Life Shishkaberry 3 , worked by Ustad seeds to F2.
Ustad was a breeder , rumoured to be from southern ontario, who dropped seeds briefly at Hemp Depot in Canada around a decade ago. So the seeds @CanuckistanPete is growing out are F3 of those seeds. They are not and never will be for sale but I’m pleased to say that dozens and dozens of OGs from all around the world were able to get them in thier mitts for free.


Is the one pictured above the yellow variety or the red?

This is a beauty. The one I’m growing outside is fantastic and even smells like fruit/berries already!


When breeder steve made shishkaberry 3 he used a different set of parents, choosing the more “acrid” or rough of the two afghans and I believe a different blueberry male that the 1998 release. Now I am going from stoner memory from stuff I have read from the time where steve was in switzerland do further breeding work. In my mind I have it as Afghan the Yellow was the sweeter more refined one used in Shishkaberry F1 1998 release and Afghan the Red is the rougher more acrid one and was used along with a different male blueberry for the Shishkaberry 3. Ustad did a pretty good job of preserving the line in the F2. I did no selection work when I seed increased to F3 , I just worked with whatever the pack of seeds gave me which was 5 females and 2 males.

If you are interested in the original version , or seed derived from the original Shishkaberry line… head over to the Seed Run Co-op section and follow the current grow that is underway right now by @Alaskagrown :wink:


Very nice, beautiful plants!

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well… it’s been a bit since I posted an update.
Plants are suppose to be out in the greenhouse but the weather has just been too cold at night so they are still indoors for a few more days. Big storms working thier way across our area too so it;s cold and wet for a bit here yet.
The 20 Coastal Blueberry seeds yielded 18 normal growers and the 2 slow growers.
I kept those 2 slow growers going and they have really impressed me despite thier growth rate. Really healthy and stinky plants and when the faster growers started having issues, they just stayed nice and green and did thier thing. The stems are sticky and they both carry the blueberry smells so I kept them going. As things would go, one is male and one is female.

So in the end it’s looking like 9 males and 11 females although the 11th “female” is still not convincing me. A few more days and I should be able to tell 100%. The pods look female but there are no pistils protruding so that one sits on the undecided list for now. I am not doing any breeding work this run unless I find a standout Friesland male. This is more of a grow and show but exceptional ladies will be cloned for sure. Been having some learning curve issues with the HLG 600 Bspec in the 5x5 tent. I was going to blame PH issues or something up with my well water but then I decided to turn the light down to 40% and the plants started behaving normally again. Took some bad lower leaf damage but they are on the mend. Let’s chalk it up to a good stress testing LOL

Here is how they looked yesterday
The females

and the males to be culled

The males are getting culled and the females… as the weather permits… will be transplanted to 15 gallon totes to ride out the season. Should allow for some good sized plants at harvest time.

The Friesland… 5 females from the 12 seeds which is good because it’s males I am after anyways. there are 3 males I set aside for now with one that really interests me due to a sticky stem rub and really powerful stem rub but he is dank not berry so we will see. One of those males is really aromatic and berry smelling on the stem rub so I dunno. Gotta evaluate those more before I decide what to do with them.
Females… they look really bad and had the worst reaction to the program. I dunno the only difference in methods here was moving the HLG Bspec to the tent so it is much closer to the canopy than vegging in the bigger room. I’m figuring it out as I go LOL

Friesland females , the 5 against the wall.


That’s all for now… next update will be in the greenhouse as I get my season underway


Loving the oreoz ogkb pics. The og coming out really appeals to me.

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Well things are underway in the greenhouse finally. I plan for June 10th every year as the day the plants go outside but this year it was just to poor of weather conditions so I waited. Oddly enough the Summer Solstice brings the good weather LOL So the plants have all gone out on the 19th and the 20th was the first full day of sunshine.
Coastal Blueberry plants are still waiting to be transplanted but will be doing that this afternoon. I wanted to wait a couple days for those so I could see how the other plants reacted to the reammended soil mix after getting watered in. Everything looks good so I’m going to start transplanting to 15 gallon totes when the day cools off in early evening.
There is 11 females including one of the 2 slow veggers… which are catching up.

A little note about those 2 slow veggers that I was going to cull earlier on… I am glad I let them run because I have some ‘very’ interesting observations.
Yes they are slower than most of the plants in the seed lot… BUT… nothing phased them. They stayed green and healthy while all the other 18 plants seemed to suffer some issues. I am attributing those issues to the learning curve with this HLG 600Bspec in a tent… I followed the same veg program as the plants I flipped in my flower room and those are in near perfect health from seed to day 30 of flower. The only difference being that they were vegged in the 7.5 x 7.5 x8 veg room with that HLG Bspec at 6 feet from the floor at 50 to 60%.
In the tent the light is a foot and a half closer to the floor and I had to dial it down to 40% to get the plants back to a happy medium and I switched from feed/water/water/feed schedule to a feed/water/feed/water schedule and they liked that a lot more.
Okay back to those two slow vegging plants… so they handled all the stresses that made the other 18 plants give me problems…
I also have a mild case of thrips the last few weeks and those thrips will not touch those two slow veggers. Not even a nibble.
The other interesting thing is they both smell of blueberry , not strong but it’s the dominant stem rub smell and the stem rubs are tacky.
I kept the male… I might do something with him to test an idea.
Slow vegging I can deal with if the plants are going to be stress and pest resistant… just need to work a side line with those traits going forward and see what gives.


(I need to make dinner or i’d have shrunk those gif’s down so they auto play! lol)

Great update @SHSC-1! Looking forward to seeing the BC weather make the magic happen!


Coastal Blueberry plants are all in thier final homes.
now the fun begins :wink:


How’s everyone’s Thursday going?

Happy 4rth of July to all our American friends!!!

Today is a hot one here in the Strawberry Patch. I need to get some fans going in the greenhouse to get more air moving on the ladies.
Been a little over a week since last update and the Coastal Blueberries are starting to push the growth now that they have acclimated to the totes and the outside environment. Won’t be long and they will be bushes :wink:


Nice! Plants go off fast if they’re happy. Those look happy. It’s back into the seed vault for me. Those 4 nice Precious OGs were all nice males. That might have helped someone, but not me. Not sure what my @SHSC-1 choices are, but I have a bunch and they’re all killer!
I had 16 plants total. Got 5 females. I’ve had packs with mostly females too, so I’m sure it works out long run, but those plants had some love and time involved. I hate that.


ahhh bummer about the males but it is the way it goes.
My Fpogs last year at start of the season all came up male as well.
happens to the best of us hehe


With the 40+ heat headed our way. Do you do anything to em?
Shade or something or just ride it out?


I just ride it out man.
Same thing last year the greenhouse was hitting 52F and all I could do was keep the oscillating fans going and positioned for best affect. Had some plants stress out a bit but overall everything finished really nice last year. They were also in flower by light dep last year when the heat hit. This year they are riding out the full season so we shall see how it plays out.



Close to the US boarder problems yo!



Right on, I wasn’t growing in that last heat dome BC got.
I added my veg tent and don’t think with everything I’ve upgraded, the ac will run without busting breakers every time it turns on.



Did you happen to take any photographs of the LUI x G13 plants in flower?

As a side note, I would like to thank you for the incredible work that you have put into your breeding projects. Genuinely, this is the most excited I’ve been to witness a garden metamorphose into art.

From the years of selections made to create the Coastal Blueberry, to the recent LVRK male finding, your dedication has not gone unnoticed.