Strawberry Hill Seed Co

52C is 125F WOW! I got a 5000 BTU AC that runs 24/7 during a grow to keep the temp at 85F during veg and 77F for flowering. This year my electric bill skyrocketed by 33%, The heat here is relentless and combined with humidity… it sucks majorly! So I’m gonna do a outdoor for the rest of the year and see how it goes.

Gonna open a sign up for seed and prize providers for the 8 years of OverGrow Anniversary Celebration, I tag yah when it goes up. This year there will be some changes and one of them is that the logo of the person who provides seeds or prizes will be made available to the winners and purchasers of T-shirts. Requesting your permission to add your logo in advance if your interested in signing up for the Celebration as a seed provider.


While I would love to do more and help support the site, developments here in the last few hours have put me in a tough spot.
I am going to take a break from posting for a bit
There is a long list of people I respect here and many I am thankful to for showing me friendship and generosity. I say thankyou to those people and hopefully you know who you are.
Right now I am afraid all I can add is more drama LOL so I am going to cut my losses and move on.
Thankyou to everyone who has shown support for what I do, may you find keepers in every pack!!!


It’s been an absolute pleasure @SHSC-1 , take care of yourself brother. You will be missed. :v:


I have not really interacted much with you, but I have loosely followed you here. I have a lot of respect for you, and I’m disappointed things are playing out the way they are.

I completely understand you stepping away.
In the end, I suspect you won’t be the only one.


Thanks for being you @SHSC-1


I second middleman’s words, I feel the same.

I have a pack of your coastal blueberry I was hoping to run soon but as things would have it, they came from TST…


The ripple effect of his (TST) bullshit really fucking sucks. We haven’t really spoken but I enjoyed watching you Costal Blueberry stuff.


Nooooooooo!!! :sob:


@SHSC-1 I have your PO Box address written down and am happy to send you any future co-op seeds that i have a hand in. Like Black Lotus F3 and Dank Sinatra F3.

I’m officially bummed, but do understand.


no worries man.
Please don’t send anything to that safe addy.
Seeing as topshelf has it too… I won’t be using that address anymore.
I appreciate the sentiment but I’ll have to pass
my personal security has just become paramount all things considered.

@Pigeonman I fully intend to follow through with what I promised you man. As soon as this heat wave is over in a few days I will get those on the way to you. I’ll log in and message you brother, not to worry :wink:


Ok good to know.


Hope you find your way back @SHSC-1 I’ve not interacted with you much at all but have mostly found your posts to be helpful/sane/informative.

Stay well whatever path you’re treading. :love_you_gesture:

Edited2add: Just read that its the TST stuff. Mate why the f**k should you go anywhere? You have done nothing wrong.


despite my relatively docile appearance online, I mentored under bikers, patch members of the Outlaws, Sandy Richards was my mentor. RIP
While his name may not be known here… the man was one serious motherfucker and he taught me how to be the stand up, morally grounded individual that I am. He also taught me how to walk in both worlds without ever having to accept that patch. I earned the trust of others and was entrusted to running operations with HA affilliates for many years. This is why I can get real hot sometimes when I feel I am wronged or I see a friend being wronged.
I feel a certain way about how things should be handled and I am meeting resistance, even being personally attacked by one individual who felt this was the time to make digs at me LOL

Anyways, I can let my darker past get the best of me at times and I’m real good at fire and fury LOL Not so good at walking things back… but I am doing that and I think it’s best for OG if I just take a step back for a while.

My seeds , well, Coastal Bluberry, are availlable at , member @Ris 's seed site. My arrangement with him is that 100% of my share of the proceeds from my seeds at his site go to support @LemonadeJoe and the OG forums. This will not change, whether I am a sponsor or not.
So, with that, I gotta go spend some time in my garden and try and get all this shit outta my head


@SHSC-1 It sucks that some asshat causes all this bs on what, to me, has easily been the best site I’ve ever come across on the internet. I’ve enjoyed many interactions with you here, and hopefully some time down the road, you can come back on. Your Coastal Blueberry is certainly one of my favorite strains, so thanks for coming up with that one. I’ll leave you with a pic of your Black Scratch currently growing in my yard, and wish you all the best.

Hopefully we see you again…cheers.


@SHSC-1 hate to see ya leave brother over that bullshit. I received similar digs from the same person and am cut from the same cloth as you. Look forward to your return brother!



You know how I feel about you @SHSC-1 . Anything I can do just ask buddy. I need to spend the time at our other spot to get the photo deal figured out.
I have some friends here who have come to mean a lot too. But…the overall vibe here is like sucking on a bunch of pennies right now. Bums me out.


The site is growing a lot bigger…just like a city, with more people you get more cool folks, and more assholes. Its really too bad someone feels the need to rip people off on a site that literally gives away thousands upon thousands of seeds.


Dude! I didn’t even see this part until now lol.
Thanks man, this wasn’t expected at all but sure as is appreciated!



I think I will see you back here. I enjoy this thread. I read it all. I am very excited to try to fit your genetics in the lineup. They were challenging to acquire. Thanks again.


I also agree with @CanuckistanPete , I am loving the Coastal Blueberry and look forward to showing pictures of it in my garden. Maybe jump in once and a while to have a peek. OG is sure going to miss your presence. Remember that the bad apples get weeded out and are not worth our time. But that there are a lot of great apples on our tree. Have a smokin day.