Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Today I am prepping the veg room so i can move my mothers onto an 18/6 light schedule to prep them for cloning. Once they root the moms, as nice as they are will need to be killed. Hoping for two rooted cuts of the dozen or so mothers plus I’m going to take a couple cuts from the most blueberry stem rubbed females from the 11 in the totes.
Looking at how tall the Coastal Blueberry plants are getting, They will be pushing the boundaries of the greenhouse by harvest time… Hope they don’t get too tall LOL
The 11 of the autoflower plants I have going will be done at the end of the month, the other 2 look like they will go longer. Once they are done I will be moving the Coastal Blueberry plants to maximize the greenhouse space.
Can’t wait to see the flowers forming :wink:


did you ever get any of those coastal blueberry seeds ?. if so are you going to run any ?.

peace …


There is coastal blueberry beans for you in the package I am sending crownpoodle, @JAWS
I’ve just been slown getting it sent out bud, sorry to keep you waiting


awesome to here, very interested in mixing the blueberry with some sort of cheese strain for-sure.

very cool indeed …


I haven’t run the Coastal Blueberry yet. The pack was in my hand yesterday, thinking about upcoming grows.


I’ve had grow more SHSC on my “to do” list for a bit. Had a couple false starts with my health issues. At this point, the Coastal Blueberry have been out for a bit. Quite a few posted grows of her. So we all know that’s a winner. I’m thinking about growing something I haven’t seen, curious guy that I am. I’ve got some Matt Berger pre 98 Bubba Kush x Cherry Mist. CM is a 50/50 CBD strain. The couple CBD crosses I’ve run were great meds. I’m thinking that cross might be too . I’m almost out of DMT Dream. Might need to address that.
With so many off the chart choices, I want to use my space wisely.


Over in the bubba kush thread people are claiming the Matt Berger and the pre 98 are different cuts. Ive only ever grown the Matt Berger cut. And some people claim the pre 98 is actually the original cut. But, in my 15 years of growing ive always heard and believed the berger was the original. I thought swerve named the cut he marketed as pre 98. Its all so confusing anymore. All i know is the berger is the nice chocolate coffee smelling and tasting cut.


I knew someone would comment on the bubba. Me…I could care less about who’s claiming what.
@BuckBreeder I grow weed. That’s it. I’m not interested in politics, or the politics of weed.


I wasnt trying to ruffle your feathers or argue over who has what or made what. I was just trying to conversate with ya over the complicated cut name game.


But anyways, i picked up a pack of shsc coastal blueberry and a pack of his bubba royale. Plan to run both here in the near future. The bubba royale is labeled as pre 98 bubba kush x long valley royal kush.


No offense taken @BuckBreeder . I just know there are certain strains that set guys off. It’s almost comical to see. That Bubba Royale is one I need. Nice choice.


I have it and there’s also a bit of tootsie roll in there :ok_hand:


Also speaking of Coastal Blueberry:

It’s a freaking tree!



How’s the coastal blueberry with mold/ bud rot outside?

She’s looked amazing in all the photos I’ve seen of her to date. Waiting for bud shots and smoke reports


Looks like a pound or two plant by the time it’s done.


Holy shite!

What a specimen! I think it’s time for me to run the Coastal BB. The Coats BB x Sour Grape was unreal. I think there is some excellent breeding stock to be found in there.

Doh :star_struck:


No idea about the pm resistance. I have a fogger, ocd, and a h0cl generator


I got 2 of the 3 :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The Bubba x cherry mist were not made by me. The package was labelled MB pre98 bubba x cherry mist and they came from a friend that used to be on the forums, mostly icmag.
I have not grown those myself but i did share some around with friends.

Bubba Royale was made with an awesome pre 98 bubba kush S1 female found in Verdant Green’s initial releases. The male used was from a hunt thru the original release of Long Valley Royal Kush in 2016? I’d have to go back and look… it was the emeral cup after Mandelbrot passed away so I would say 2016. The stock my current LVRK male is from is 2 generations of my selections from the male used in Bubba Royale.

Coastal Blueberry is getting the torture test right now in my greenhouse. That said, last season a couple growers reported excellent resistance to the late season woes. I just can’t recall user names to tag them.
These genetics were bred in the BC west coast climate down at sea level so they are subject to lots of humidity in summer and lots of rain in fall. Then I did my work here at nearing 52N, 3000 ft elevation over the past few years. My friends here grew the seeds of my breeding work each season outside in light deps and full season greenhouses/cold frames. Results were so good they were eager to test the next batch of seed every season.
Here we have big temperature differentials outside from peak highs of 30 to 38C down to night time lows of 7to 12C. It can snow in June here and we have had snow mid september some seasons. Frosts are usually steady by the 15th of september but we do get late summers here like last season. Hopefully we get another late summer this year.
There are mites and things in my greenhouse that are trying to take hold. They tend to target certain plants but I have not had to spray any plants except the ones I was taking clones from for a friend… just to be sure I wasn’t sending pests with the clones. Otherwise the predators have moved in and are well established now. I can see them hunting and doing thier thing. Overall, looking at each individual Coastal Blueberry in the greenhouse they all seem to be thriving and are not suffering any issues from pests, the enviroment ect.
Fall will show me just how hardy these plants are and I’ll say it right now… I do expect to have to fight it out with mother nature to get these to the finish line hehehe. I am contemplating adding a wood stove to the greenhouse if I can fabricate one in time.


I use a fogger on mine too. This is my first year with a fogger, wish I got one long ago!