Sun Valley Garden of Grew Some Things

Cheers mate… didn’t document it much as i get a bit paro at times but yeah its well worth it


That’s some nice tight looking bud there mate. Is there any more info floating around about it?

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Its a Nepali OG (goji mom) x Goji f3 crossed to GG4 clone. Stellar strain bro


For whatever reason the GG line just doesn’t work for me. I’ll put that down as operator error.
The nepali line from what I’ve seen/done tends to thin out,it helps though.
Goji, well, that’s a whole different barrel of fish.
I would like .to set some of @50State goji against a wild afgani I picked up awhile ago; maybe next season if I’ve room.
Or if I’m allowed, maybe build a new greenhouse, lol, yeah, the missus says no.
OG the world brother


Yeah read a few peoples havent had much liking to the GG4 … the crosses seem to do a lot better. Never tried the cut as im on another continent but the gg4bx2 worked out really well. Goji is a great strain and seems to compliment pollen chucks.
That plan of yours sounds good man :ok_hand:


Hey Sunvalley. Hope all is well and the move is going smoothly!


Cheers bruv… its all going gradually… been feeling a bit lost not having all my plants. Most are moved to another farm so long with a few mothers still to go across… was lucky to pass through a police check stop without being stopped for a search. . would have been quite a different December otherwise. Think had over 50 plants in the truck haha. Man im not getting younger… Hahahaha
Smoking some Adhesive OG today

Happy Holiday to all


Damn. Roadblocks. Sounds like where I grew up. I had to move away from that kind of control. I never got busted in one but could have in almost every one.

Merry Christmas buddy!


Glad you made it through unscathed!

Happy Holidaze!


Ook close one man, lucky you got through.


I admit, the only things that I know about South Africa is from the news and history. So when you say things like police check stops… I get very nervous and I don’t even live there. I envision assault rifles and such.


That’s pretty much it. Most of them carry R4s as well as the usual police issue pistols… used to to be CZs but think they moved over to glock now. Its sketchy as fuck since our cops are so corrupt… you never know whats going to happen… the good thing is though., you can generally pay your way out of anything here. I drove for 10 years with no license and when stopped would just pay them a bribe. Shit ive bribed a cop with a slice of pizza before… just as long as they get something… scum bags

Edit: I’ve paid a bribe and still made the cop give me 50 bucks change… i shit you not


Last indoor run doing good … Shot of some lower frost on the Lemon Dawg

Other things going on still…

My Granadilla is going off


Lemon Dawg

New Zealand spinach

Kale for days

Locomotion x Blues


It’s not a bride bro, you just buying them some cooldrink. :joy:


Damn sun, not sure if I think that’s fucked up or maybe good for people breaking the law…

Nah, that’s fucked up. Sounds like the roadblocks are a way to raise a little beer money for when they end their shift.

Half of our government is in full assault mode to try and turn this country into that. Sad thing is they may succeed. Gonna be a fucking battle though.

The greens sure look good. Are they in a greenhouse? peace


Yeah it is fucked up, they pretty much prey on people for handouts. I got stopped once with no license and the guy wanted a bribe. Had no cash on me so after some a bit of back and forth he just let me go, even after ASKING him to write me a ticket…lols.

Wish they would pay the shitty politicians less and the cops more so they dont need to be corrupt. I wouldn’t be willing to take a bullet for the low pay they get.


Cops make a killing though… id say off all the bribes they take they proabably on about 100k a month including their salaries…
To be honest corruption runs things out here… some times you dont have cash they will drive you to an atm and clean out your daily withdrawal limit…

Then again if it wasnt so corrupt i would have been locked plenty of times …

Those greens are running under shadenet @GMan


Are you talking all of SA or where you’re at? What section of SA are you guys? Man, it would be cool to visit. Never been off our continent except to Hawaii.


It’s all over SA, you can easily buy off cops if you running heavy shit. The cops also run some heavy drug ops themselves so, yeah very messed up. I know of a top drug unit cop who has a huge grow himself. SA is awesome to visit, lots of cool places and people but you need to hook up with a guide or contact to avoid the hectic shit.