Swazi Red (Afropips)

Yes good place in their pharmacopoeia no doubt, longtime ago at Bantu and Zulu migrations from Central and Eastern to the big South they quickly adopted this type of doping to fly into battles. But i think about also other mystic and spiritual use, i need to study it deeply. Anyway it reinforces my idea of ​​cultural antic African expansion from the South (Austronesian connection?) :wink:


Austronesian moves…

Date aren’t true and precise, just relative to artefacts found etc!
For example 2200 BP fossil pollen has been found in Madagascar :wink:




Extremely old pollen has been found in Namibia too. I want to say it was 10000 years old believe it or not But definitely don’t "me on that 1 it was a long time ago that I read it. Somewhere in these threads I posted about it. I recall for sure that it’s the oldest pollen found in Africa. I believe there must be older pollen in Madagascar. I doubt many people if anyone is looking for it.
I’ve always thought that the ancestor to Durban poison could be found in Madagascar…
I should say the ancestor to Mozambique poison could be found in Madagascar


Those austronesians were all over the place. I wonder why Australia was overlooked? Why only Australian bastard cannabis and old mother sativa?
You would think Australia and New Zealand for that matter should have landraces.


I could cry, knowing what’s about to happen to those plants. Anytime you see cops and pot plants in a photo, you know it didn’t end well.


Thanks i didn’t know about that old Namibian cannabis fossil pollen, quite surprised! Please re-find the study and link if you can!


Austronesian culture and people are very oceanic so i think logical for them to not be interested by Australian low fertile climat, low food ressource etc. Also i guess taboo, fear and big sacred peace respect from them to aboriginal native Australians.


Last glacial vegetation : (Thules’s map thx bro)

Tropical grasslands in green ^^


It makes sense. Cannabis evolved almost dead center of the Afro-Eurasian Landmass. And Madagascar would be a stopping point between Africa and India. 10,000 years ago might have been when Gobekli Tepe was still occupied. That would have been some time after the Younger-Dryas, meaning the Antediluvian Civilization (ADC) had collapsed, but people were still using old trade routes. Some of those trade routes are probably still in use today.


Imho NLD ancestor is equatorial, 12/12 from seeds ^^
Like coconut, banana… Probably from Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea or lost Mu!!! ? RIP



Another theme of reflection that came to mind, wibes bro GrowDan! We thought of the South Afro dog breed “Ridgeback”", known as the oldest breed of herding against the lions in South Africa. So there is also crests and ridgeback dogs in Thailand! :wink:


Wow iam king of kings! :v:

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That neat tidbit of info came up not too long ago. Maybe @Swe-can has seen them in Thailand?
I think that’s another bit of evidence to suggest there was some exchange going on between South Africa and Southeast Asia back in antiquity.
I waa thinking Cambo Red or Red Thai were the Red family ancestor but I’d like to see whats in China. The Southern portion is Tropical. @zephyr grew some Cangshan mt a couple years ago. Similar to a west Himalayan but had some choc terps. Made me think maybe the mt hashplants made their way down the Mekong and other river systems long ago.

It’s a huge blank( almost) for the whole area isn’t it? I’ve only NEARLY had my fingers on some Indonesian but it was lost in the mail. Love to try Sumatran. Borneo. Celebes.Solomons…( of course all you mentioned too)
And if MU rises out if the water again I’m all about it! MuHoooo!



Best friend’s young Rhodesian ridgeback lolita (my next black hovawart will polliniz oneday)


OooHuM we need high spots for the next deluge survival! I think that’s why BLD was indirect Hindu kush creation from Indus very old, from refugee people who had decided to live in the highest possible, like for Tibet but also like for Tananarivo!


Here’s Red connection with Zamal “qualité poivre” by the Hybrid Department, La Réunion.

Knowing the word “zamal” comes from Malagasy “zamala”!


Red connection with Hawaii

@blackpulpit said ;

I have a story, when I was 20 in 1990 I moved out to the Big Island of hawaii and stayed with a friend of mine who was from California (moved when he was 2), we used to surf waipio valley and some other local spots and he smoked with me THE best weed I have ever smoked and still to this day every once in awhile I get some faint taste of it from just thinking about it, weird.
One day I decided I was moving to Kaui and wanted to bring some of this weed out there with me so he said he would talk to his surfing buddy to ask if I can be in the know about the SECRET he always spoke of when dealing with this particular weed, turns out I was ok and he brought me to a farm in the highlands of the Big Island in a town called wameia (? spelling) which looked like horse and farming area were his friends father grew a huge amount of weed. I remember walking in to his barn were he had racks and racks of drying dank weed. We sat around smoking and trimming buds placing big buds in the big bowls and small ones in the small etc, etc.
I will never forget smoking this beautiful cannabis and eating the freshest slices of dried bananas which tasted like banana taffy. I remember the father saying the strain came from Swaziland africa and on Kaui they called it Kaui electric and the father was a big time local heavy grower who supplied all the Islands. I brought 1 1/2 oz of it to Kaui and smoked with some guys who knew my friend I was staying with and when I returned home from surfing hideaways one day the place was broken into and all my herb and money and plane ticket were stolen, it turned out ok because I stayed another year to save and got to surf more, also met a cool Rasta who grew and live in the Napali coastline, Oh well true story hope you like it, not sure on the original strain but this is what i was told many many years ago, take care all.


Very cool! makes sense too. I have an old swazi hybrid heirloom from a pacific island. Guy told me the swazi phenos will make you break out into a sweat.