Swazi Red (Afropips)

That Red Raid is sexy as hell. I like the looks of that one. Very nice. peace

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Thanks @GMan here’s RR again grown by @SydBarrett, topped plant quite pure sat impressive, perfect mastering by Syd thx!

(16 weeks)

Spicy floral classic pheno out of some others more fruity.

Syd : This pheno not very strong but good quality of effect.In the beginning was quite dreamy stony actually,now it is very nice positive vibe that is good to relieve tension .Good old school stuff.

I would say that’s a Gold kind of pheno because some others more precocius and less productive are more Red kind level up resinous and potent i think.


Doesn’t resin also protect from the cold? I can see how it could help keep a plant from getting dehydrated in really dry conditions as well.


Yes Aliens for sure


 sure, it’s a plausible theory, but do we have any proof that these so-called “humans” ever existed at all? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know for sure that it doesn’t, but I never have read that resin helps with cold. Maybe it does though. Flavenoids called anthocyanins that cause purple/black/ red/ maroon colors give cold resistance. Apparently good to eat too.


@Herrsquidward @Upstate Yes trichomes functions are diverse and need more studies i think, all about its densification process according temp and UV, also about its size according altitude. (?)


Sugarcane, like coconut and banana Austronesian’s dispersal! :wink:


I never thought of that, but I think you’re right. The biggest Trichome heads are found in the Hindu Kush and in the Himalayas, so far as I know. The question is whether or not this is due to breeding or altitude. Both areas have some of the oldest cultivation of cannabis on record.
Are resin heads of tropical varieties also bigger at high altitude? If so, you’d think altitude alone is responsible.


Well, they say that trichomes are for sun protection, so if that’s true it makes sense, because in the higher elevations, the sun becomes more and more intense. :thinking:


Ya tropical or equatorial trichs of pure sat are smaller and the density is also relative to high UV and T° so little montagnard or sub-alpine altitude helps but nothing compared to extreme alpine situ of Hindu Kush or Himalaya.

Bigger trichs is the transformation and adaptation of very high extrem limit elevation which goes hand in hand with broad wide leafing and smaller stature. All logic and so simply, i’m really surprised to be the only one? to have understood this indica (Nuristanica) process of evolution!

Anyway no places at 3000m alpine for pure sat tropical or equatorial :wink:


Shots by @JustGrowing420, cheers bro good curing ya come! :star_struck:


Very interesting. I have to go back and really digest it all, better. Very cool info. :v:


:rofl::joy::rofl::rofl: I just saw this​:grin: pollinate. Lol!


I did read of one place in Sumatra where reportedly cannabis was seen above 10,000 feet. Lo and behold, short Indica type plants were recorded. I’m keeping the location of this one to myself and one collector I told. Hoping he will track it down. How cool would that be to have such a short Indica
/sativa" ?
Imagine the thcv potential. I know it’s location within 10 or 20 miles. Maybe i will go myself one day.
The article made it sound like a landrace or heirloom
( not cultivated).
Altitude seems to bring with it some cbd % as well, but this is only based on Hindu kush/ Himalayan plants and maybe Federation seeds celestial temple sativa from the Andes, but no elevation was listed for that one.
I wonder where and what elevation the highest cultivated ( or not) Tropical Sativas are at?
Colombia? New Guinea?


Highest Treeline on earth is in the Andes at 17,000+ feet. Southern exposure. Not sure how the trees breath that high. I Google earthed this one. No massive forests. Just small clumps of stunted trees growing on the slopes of a Volcano.
In NY the treeline is less than 5,000
feet. Here’s a neat treeline link
How High Altitude Polylepis Trees Prove the Guinness World Records Wrong | CondĂ© Nast Traveler


Ya thanks for your researches @Upstate

Latitude play big role also, my thoughts Nuristanica were for northern hemisphere so ^^

Andes around 30°S and Hindu Kush 36°N

Eswatini 26°S

For highest pure sat cultivated i think Colombia, Equator, Peru is good ones, its Black/Red kind of lines sound good and echo to South Africans Lesotho or Swazi. And imho same NLDA Austronesian source for both! Yes Indonesians are very interesting like New Guinean or Caledonian, need fossil pollen more new studies aboud NLDA ^^


Machu Pichu ^^


Yes, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador. Bolivia possibly. ( I hear of a Colombian brought there and to Chile= Chilombian.
There is almost nothing available from any of these countries, save Colombia. I’ve been saying for years that perhaps some of the purest Colombian strains will today be found in Peru, not Columbia. My research Came across the fact that some of the weed that was reported as Columbian was grown in Peru back in the day.

I agree. Is anyone even looking? Someone should be. This plant has been so important to humanity. I really think we could trace at least some human migrations/ ancient trade routes through dna testing this plant and the length of time it has been in a location, and from where it came too.


Old Mexican like Oaxacan or Chiapas are also related to antic times and Austronesian NLDA, soon Californians $s will go into new studies no doubt i just wait my Atao royalties haha! Good vibes to you @Upstate


Interesting. I agree southwest Mexico has a different genepool unrelated to other Mexican varieties.