Swazi Red (Afropips)

I’m trying to get my Swazi Red into dirt today before dark. Along with others! :wink: I have all of my current stuff up potted or waiting to be, and some in flower already. So, outside stuff is late but gonna happen.

Best vibes with the Orange cross. Sounds fun. The sun is shining and hot today. It makes me wish the others were ready, but it actually works out good. Pics soon! peace :pray: :v:


Best vibes to them with you. happy growing thx dude! :sunglasses:


After my F2s almost 10 years ago, some of my new F5s second time in California, good vibes and big up to my friend Kagyu thank you Coastal Seed Co.


I think that zamal is a hybrid of kalite Tizane and mango pepper= kalite poivre(pepper in english)

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Absolutely beautiful swazi line. I would be growing them now if I had unlimited resources and the law allowed. Someday soon. Hoping to see some of these grown out by some OG’ers soon.


Ok this is what I figured out after talking to or well more like fumbled around and figured out that the origin pack is a hybrid of all the different zamal phenos off the island 3 -4 I think idk if they open pollinated them together or if they are just in the pack together I’m still not clear yet ? Lol oh @upstate I always forget till after I post to tag you and remember that your a busy man :slight_smile:

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What are you basing this off of? That they both have the word Kalite?

According to this breeder/collector in situ, it appears that the following lines may be found in unique landrace populations:

Mauve poivrée, Mangue Carrot, Kalité poivré, Fil Rouze, Sekopie, and 3dwa.

Could there be some cross over or hybridization? Could very well be, but according to this particular source there appear to be 6 lines.


@US3RNAM3 As far as I knew there are 3 different landraces on the island. Sounds like they have their own hybrid cultivars of these landraces and they have given them their own names. Perhaps they are even inbred lines at this point https://frenchtouchseeds.com/?v=7516fd43adaa
There are these 3.
Mango pepper ( Mango Poivre)
Mango zamal
Kalite Tizane.
French Touch is the only place I could learn anything about Reunion Islands landraces. They have been selling the seeds for a number of years now and are in good with the local Bourbon breeders… They carry 2 of the 3 land races, and a hybrid with Kalite Tizane, the rarest of the three. I also spoke briefly with one local guy on instagram that named the same three landraces. I honestly don’t think the island is big enough to allow 6 different landraces. 3 is alot For such a small island
Kalite poivre Sounds to me like a combination of two of the landrace names.
Mango Poivre x Kalite Tizane = Kalite Poivre
It is not uncommon for people in other countries to think that any Cannabis that grows there is a landrace because it’s local.


How much is this in us dollars? @upstate I don’t even know what the symbol is lol


@drgreensleeves They don’t ship to the states buddy. I’ve been wanting these for years myself. Perhaps someone in Spain can’t help us out with an order😬 @George
Each euro is probably close to a dollar fifteen


If talking French Touch & Spain try OA Seeds . I used to get ACE stuff from them until US banks became available . Never had a problem & their stealth works even with original breeders packaging .


Just whistle disimulando, you know how to whistle, don’t you? beer3|nullxnull


I think Zamal has like 4 lines in 2 like all pure sativa from Colombia to Bornéo to South Africa ^^

Pepper, cigar, earthy (Black/Red) (more potent from higher spots)
Fruity, spicy, herbal (Gold/Green)

Kalité means qualité means quality. Tizane means tisane and means Green kind, lower quality but with unending flowering.

Of course another rarer variance is mauve, purple, simply.


Sometimes sites have a conversion drop down box in the upper right hand corner of the page. If they ship to a particular country, it’ll have the conversion.


Thanks buddy. The Freakers have talked abut the importance of preserving Zamal varieties. Maybe soon.
@Roms no doubt the Reunions are a melting pot of great cannabis. Probably some Arabic influence along with the ones you mentioned. Indian too.
It’s like a Landrace Haze in a way.


Oh wow :flushed: , that’s interesting indeed, I didn’t think about it like that I’m sure back in the like 1400- 1600s the pirate era (dates are probably off a bit :slight_smile: they ( pirates / smugglers ) probably used the island quite a bit burying treasure taking breaks rolling joints throwing seeds on the ground maybe even planting some with intent plants growing birds eating seeds birds pooping many years later “landrace” :slight_smile: lol @Upstate kinda like that?

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From the FTS website:

Perhaps there are fields selected for particular phenos of a line that have become predominant in a particular area? You’re right it’s a small island, but I would give credibility to the preservationist/breeder that is living there. It’s also possible that as you said these are inbred lines. Hard to say without growing all of them out in good numbers and comparing the results :grin:


How do you distinguish between the pepper phenos of black/red and the spicy phenos of gold/green?

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I think the Canna patches are on the smaller side these days, due to police pressure on the slopes of the volcanoes. I think these are just local strains in several cases. For comparison, Colombia has near half a dozen landraces and has an even more varied climate than Reunion, which is a 30 mile circle of less than 1,000 Square miles. Colombia is around 450 times bigger.
This wouldn’t make me any less interested in those 6 Zamal lines, if they are all still composed of only traditional Reunion genetics. I’d snag the uncrossed Landraces first.
If there were 6 reunion landraces, French Touch would have them all imo. They’ve had a long relationship with the local breeders.


No i think La Réunion Zamal is landrace in itself since very long time and from Madagascar principally, the word zamal comes from Malagasy zamala btw. Arabic no zero but Indian, Indonesian mix African yes full. A history that go by far before the modern era. ^^

I would say that the distinction of spiciness is more dark, earthy and caustic for black/red, ginger and metallic too and more smooth and floral carroty for gold/green (cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, cumin).