- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Are they? I haven’t clicked on the Bodhi thread alert thing yet, but it sounds like there should be some amusing posts to read. Can’t wait! Haha…

Plants look good! Haha. I do find it interesting that the REJ still looks so far behind the other stuff. I mean, I think that’s a good thing, but it makes me wonder if that whole “Sativa OG” thing was maybe true and possibly why Skywalker was always one of my favorites.


Well, I’m disappointed… haha. I read them and they weren’t even amusing; it was just poorly-written gibberish. I honestly don’t even know what that guy was trying to say, other than his chucks won some award at PiffCon. At least, I think that’s what he was trying to say… haha. It was really hard to tell.


That makes me feel so much better, I was beginning to think I needed another dementia test!


Sounds like a good plan, but I know how they can change.

Yeah she’s a weird one, way slower than the Bubba in growth and puts out weird branching. She’s weird to clone because of how many weird suckers she makes.

TK def doesn’t mind the stem pinching/crushing, neither does the Pinesoul. Both will rebound fairly quickly and you’ll have to pinch again before you know it.

:sweat_smile: I think you’ve got it pretty well covered! My setup is sanitizing the top of my washing machine with alcohol and bleach and doing all the work there :grimacing:

I do use nitrile gloves though, most times, unless it’s cutting for myself, then I’ll usually just do a bunch glove free.

I’ve seen some people using ZeroTol too, for their cuttings, but lately I’ve just been using my normal IPM spray if I feel it is needed.

That’s great those plants are ready to be cloned again already… the cycle continues! I’m surprised how fast they’re growing, must be under good care!


Nahhhhh, you’re good! You always makes sense! Haha. I might recommend a dementia test for the dude who wrote those posts, though…


Someone must have put up a bright neon sign over at RIU (and probably on Instagram too) pointing people to OG to trade/gift pollen chucks and F2’d seeds—in exchange for cash. Then those same people get bent out of shape when their posts get flagged for being off topic in threads like the Bodhi plant guide, which is explicitly for pics and comments directly about B’s seeds grown out.


Woops, didn’t mean to post it to hype it up or as an outrage post. Was just continuing the discussion from your thread and was rushing to get back to work haha. Basically just me admitting you guys were right as I was more skeptical and playing devil’s advocate the other day.

Good observation! The REJ looks substantially frostier in person but I think it’s just because the trichome stalks are longer, but they probably have a smaller diameter head.

Yeah for sure! One day at a time and we’ll see if everything roots. I’ve read that the tk is finicky about rooting so we’ll see what ultimately happens. Whoever these cuttings came from didn’t appear to have too much trouble so that gives me hope at least.

I’ll have to check that out, I think I saw someone else mention it over on RIU (advancebuffalo?). It’s basically just stabilized peroxide if I remember correctly, right?

One for me as well… I’m going to blame (suspect) post covid brain fog in my case though.

Which is insane because of how cheap Bodhi’s packs are currently.


After following along with @JoeCrowe 's hash making adventures, I’ve come to the conclusion the head is best, lol!


Octopot work great. Jetdro doing some experimenting with some cheaper mini octos. If he says there as good as the original octo that would be the way to go.


Nice, good to hear. They are tempting for sure because I’m in too small of a space ( I think ) to use the citypickers or other common diy options. Seems like a good compromise to just buy 4-6 pots for the purpose of going through clones. Right now my pots are all bone dry but I have to take the dogs in a min and don’t have to time to shower so that I can go in there. Would be nice to have a bit of a buffer to avoid watering extremes. Will think about it for a while either way, I just got some ~“6 GAL” pots so that’s another option. Dog for scale

What do you think about the octopots for running 4-6 plants in a small (35x35") tent @CrunchBerries ?


My favorite is when somebody hits you up for seeds here and their post history is almost entirely in the Free Seeds thread :see_no_evil: I’m not trading with anyone on here that just sits in that thread all day every day.


Crunch will know more than I but if I remember right, you’d be hard pressed to fit 4 full size octos in a 35inch square base :thinking: the mini octos tho, I bet you could fit 6-9 of :thinking:


Ya good catch, I am talking about the 3gal ones.


I’m not sure of the 3 gal but the 6 gal octo are 16inch square I believe


The 3 gal octo are 12inch square


I’m about to test out some of the micro octopots too. I bought some of the 6 gal octos but realized they’ll be better for growing a small number of large plants versus a larger number of small plants. So I changed directions slightly and got a half dozen micro octopots to test out instead.


I’m betting you’ll have a pretty good success rate. TK is a little slower to go than the others, but if you catch her at the right time when she’s really happy and putting off lots of new growth, then she’s not too bad. One thing that has improved my cloning success, is leaving a node right above the final cut before you stick it in your cloning medium.
(not my image)

I like cutting off the growth at Node #3 (petiole and any new shoots), then a diagonal cut slightly below Node #3, dip in hormone, and into plug. I’ve read that the area around the node is likely to store energy and hormones for the plant, so it’s good to leave that part as a reserve, while the area around the cut repairs itself and works on building roots… there’s also SlowNickel’s thing about letting the cutting callus before rooting, that may be something to look into, though I haven’t tried it myself.

No one should be charging for seeds in that thread, or really on any thread on Overgrow, seems like the entire point is to give and share freely to, ya know, Overgrow the world!

Yeah I think so, I’m sure it could be replicated at home with a little work. like HCOI.

lol, just looking for that tennis ball! Bigger is better with organics!


Ahh cool, I’ve always done that and have read the same. Forget where I first learned it but probably a guide on the original OG. I did the cut under water thing for a while but with a dedicated sharp cutting tool I’ve stopped doing that. I still stick them in water so that the rooting powder will adhere to the stems a bit better. Sometimes I strip node #1 and #2 and cut below #2 though if I don’t have as much vegetative matter to work with.

You using any hormone, “natural” hormone via aloe , or just straight into medium? I know the IBA isn’t actually necessary but it makes me feel better haha.

Sounds interesting to me! I know I was taught that it’s pretty much necessary to do with succulents and is really common with other plants as well. I’ve accidentally let cuttings dry up causing them to callus and they rooted without issue, but I’ve never intentionally done it with Cannabis. Will have to read up on that more and play around when the plants are big enough to do some side by sides.

Haha ya she came flying in with the tennis ball and had to inspect the pot as I was in there making sure the saucers fit. Tennis ball got picked back up within 5 seconds of taking the picture.

Ya this sounds like a good compromise for me long term. It’s going to be hard to limit myself to just 4 plants - given that it is my right to have 12! Interested to see how they work out for you.




I just don’t have the space. I still have an area I can put a few 1 GAL pots in addition to the main tent - but I’m mostly confined to a 3x3 flowering area and a 2 or 2.5 x 3’ shallow area next to it. I can only let plants get about 1.5-2’ tall max in that area.

With octopots I’m guessing I could get at least 7 pots in the 3x3 , maybe 9. The tent poles will be the limiting factor if there is one, so I could do a row of 2 in the back, 3 in the middle , then 2 in the front as well.

Same situation with the new white pots.