- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Haha, none from me. Flip ‘em! Let’s see what happens…


Yeah Blueberry is one that holds most of its smell in the jars, though it does seem to change slightly for me - the sharper blueberry notes disappear and it becomes more sweeter smelling to me. The Chems have held their smell alright. TK has be good too, even though I messed up the drying, when I break up the nugs, most of the smell is there. The Church has held its smell really well too, but it too changes to a more musky smell. I think part of the reason why fresh frozen hash rosin is so popular (at least in my area) is because all the terpenes are well preserved, and when you open the jar it’s almost like smelling the plant live. The hash rosin is also stored in a refrigerator, which helps hold on to those volatile terpenes. Does anyone store their stash in a fridge or freezer once dried? I’ve thought about that before.

Definitely a good point. I keep everything in half gallon jars, and pull from there for my smoking stash… but I open the jars quite regularly and they definitely lose something.

You can also try propping that one up if it gets buried.

Looks about right, I flipped my TK when it was about to the second ring on the tomato cage, looks like you’re about there. The tops of mine are about 6 inches above the top ring on the cage now, the top colas measure exactly 4 feet from the base of the plant (where the plant meets the soil), so I think you’re good. Looks like you have a little room left in the pots to top dress once or twice too.

That was my plan, to suck a bunch up and just leave it in the syringe that is capped.


OK, I’ll set the timer to begin 12/12 tomorrow.

Chem 91



Lav Jack

Also added a few spare Triple Sunshines and an SSDD to attempt a manual pollination on. I also want to make sure the SSDD is actually SSDD. I think it is, but I forgot to label this layer of clones after discovering the intersex stuff on the og x 88. I was in the process of taking cuttings on the OGx88 stuff when I noticed the issues. That sort of side tracked me a bit.

And some male pollen - still not dropping much compared to other males I’ve had. Should be enough to get the job done hopefully.

Yeah for sure. I’m hoping to lightly mulch them also but we’ll see if that happens.

Yeah, I have another area I could put it in as well if need be. Mostly just considering the (lack of) stretch.

Ahh, ya… Good call. I’ll do some pinching again today to see if I can hold it back a bit more. 6" above the top circle may be pushing it (light intensity).

Interested to see what you think of it and if you end up adjusting it at all. I’ll probably order another bottle of gel and keep doing it. Seems to help streamline the process.


I do! A few years ago I bought a $40 dorm fridge on Craigslist that’s almost exactly this from like 5-10 years ago.

I keep my flower and dry sift in there, the flower cures at basement room temp of 65-70F in Grove bags for 3-6 months then when they smell right to me I pack them up in either smaller heat sealed Groves (increasingly my cut down reused ones) or in glass Mason jars (really cheap and shitty Anchor Hocking ones from Walmart that I’m scared to can in because of the number of air bubbles) and PET Skippy Natural peanut butter jars (I eat about a pound of peanut butter a week, off a spoon from the jar so I buy the double pack of 2# family jars, I’m a freak).

I like keeping the flower and sift in the fridge which sits at 40-45F, they keep curing real slow but it’s different and the terps really open up when they come out and warm up, I also usually hydrate the bud back up from 58% to 62% RH before smoking and I’m amazed at how fresh it stays stored like that. The dry sift in particular loses terps at room temp really fast, I’ve been finding. I’ll post a photo of it in a few minutes when I’m down there resetting my tents, finally got everything cleaned up enough that I can put some faith in IPM to control whatever bugs are left in my space, and getting a round flowering soon!


Nice! I think the TK will be a decent size once the stretching is over. Bubba might be a bonsai but still worth a shot.


I think she’s gonna get to a real nice size. Hopefully not too big. Here’s a couple pics of her from a couple runs ago for an idea of how she stretches:

TK Day 6

TK Day 22


Just my .02

The only time I grew the bubba was in a 1 gal and it did really well ime. Although I’m not sure what good bubba and bad bubba is, I think it turned out good. There was plenty left in the soil for her to go two more weeks but I don’t think it was necessary.
You do really well growing in smaller containers, I’m sure this will be a piece of cake for you


Awesome, thanks! Love seeing examples like this. My concern wasn’t quality as much as sufficient stretch post flip. For example in recent memory if I flipped my Trip Sun C cut at 4" it would hardly fill out, whereas the A mother would get over 2ft tall. The more I type my thoughts out the more I realize that I don’t care - I’d be fine with only having 1/4oz or so even haha.

Your plants look(ed) great by the way, I hope mine look half as good at that stage! Usually I start getting necrotic leaves that I have to pluck off before then.


Got a quick half ass job done of trimming the SHP 2.

Reminds me a lot in many ways of a cutting of “Skywalker” that I was given in 03. Extreme potency, trichome production, and odor on that one. Was very sticky too. No clue on the authenticity of the genetics or anything like that - was a friend of a friend thing. Blueberry x Mazar-i-Sharif was supposedly the genetics there. If I’m to assume it actually was Skywalker, that’s more than half Afghani given the Afghani content of BB.

I don’t know how exactly to describe the smell. When trimming I was getting a blend of woodsy rubber buttery-skunk - slight adhesive / coffee. Sharp, intense, penetrating aroma. Smells “hashy” to me. Probably my current favorite smell of all the OG x 88 plants. No clue which way it’s leaning and I’m not getting any fruit or mango type smells out of this one.

Didn’t have flash around so had to take some low-light no flash shots instead.

Buds are pine cone / christmas tree shaped and don’t appear to be ultra dense.


Why would you think you might? Just curious.

Nugs look good! Haha.


I can speak for him but I’ve run across some mango type smells in some of the 88g13 crosses I’ve run. DLA 5 F2 had it, Dank Zappa F2 had it and so did clusterfunk.


Spirit Hashplant is Ghost OG x Ghash. Those smells sound like the Ghost aka OG Kush. Looks like an OG leaner to me too.

Maybe some ghash traits coming through in there, but not much to my eye…


I think I read somewhere, maybe ICMag, that the 88g13hp could bring melon or mango accents. Also many of my OGx88 phenos had a mango type of component to them. That sharp, sweet, semi-citrus smell of dried mangoes. REJ had the most of that smell present out of everything this round.

ICmag appears to be down now so I can’t verify that, and I have to get ready to take the dogs again. That’s basically what I was thinking.

Good info! Yeah I feel like I’ve read a few other people mention similar experiences with 88g13hp offspring.

Yeah, very well could be. I’ve never had Ghost so I’ll never feel comfortable IDing it, but that was my initial thoughts as well. Especially with the stretchy growth and the way the buds looked.

In other news -

Here’s how I’ve been collecting and storing pollen. If I had more space I would have let the pollen air dry for a few days prior to putting it in vials, but I’ll let the last batch air dry once the plants come down to be safe.

Silica beads in a small container or bag - whatever.

Scrape up pollen - attempting to get out as much plant matter as possible in order to reduce moisture content. You can see some plant material “contaminants” in this pile but I’m not worried because I’m going to use it within a few weeks.

Small amount spread out across multiple containers.

Labels made → put in a container (bag) and stored in fridge.

Oh and because I want to be like minitiger I got my 12" pots loosely mulched. Don’t have it in me to manually mulch the 1 GALs like him though.

Trip Sun F with the funky looking lower leaves

E realized year is wrong on labels - leaving it but will update labels on pollinated branches.


Picked up a cheap extension tube set - probably need to stack a few more to achieve the magnification that I’m hoping for. Seems to negatively impact focus. Here are the test shots

Triple Sunshine Male (H I think)-

Triple Sunshine A

Not sure what to make of it yet, but am going to toy around with it a bit more. Makes autofocus take a lot longer.

Trimmed up, bagged and the 1 GAL pot yielded approximately 1/2 oz of flower. Very easy to trim. Stickier and smellier than previous runs. Best attempt at smell Woodsy , Rubber, Sour with hints of adhesive , spice , mint , coins. Not an uncommon Cannabis smell.

I feel like I should be getting in to the OG x 88 stuff but really all I want to smoke is the Trip Sun A, and since I’m really only smoking once a night that’s what I’m gravitating towards.


Longer the extention tube, smaller the depth of field. Focus gets narrower and narrower.

You also lose light and the image is darker the longer the extension.


Would that mean attempting to focus stack with tubes would be a bad idea or would I need to change the steps? I made 3 attempts and all images came out pretty low quality and blurry on completion. Seems like the autofocus was having trouble keeping up across the board.


I can’t answer that haha, but those pics really do look fucking GREAT, whatever you’re doing. I just wish you’d use a brighter background; I’ll never understand why you use such a “funereal” one haha…


I didn’t use a dark background in any of them. The male shots had a yellow sticky trap background and the other ones were taken in front of that stainless steel tray. The very first one looks dark but it has the same background as the others - just lighting is different because there’s no flash (focus stack attempt with extension tubes). Sometimes the shots come out with a dark or disappeared background because of camera settings and lighting. When the flower is close to the camera and lit up well it can make the background appear invisible.

That and I’m going for an embalming fluid / funeral home vibe too… haha

Maybe one of these days I’ll order some bright construction paper to use as a background, that would probably be useful.

Something like this (not my images) :


The background’s dark, dude! Whether or not that was your intention, shit is dark! Haha.

But those pics do still look very, very good.


@minitiger approved backgrounds?!