- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Man, you are in for a treat with that lineup! Also, I really love the bale of rice hulls in the background. :+1:

I agree with both you and @iamyou_youareme :100: on Bubba being the one. You might not need the stake, she’s sturdy.

Also agree completely on the pruning of the LJ before, at flip, and during early flower. That’s the trick to getting her tops centerfold-worthy like @iamyou_youareme . I’m impressed at how well that cut will produce if you veg her enough, but she does NOT stretch hardly at all, so plan for that with your distance to the light. She goes wide rather than tall. She will also eat a lot during flower, but isn’t too hungry in veg. If you like the flavor and effects, she’s a legit keeper.

Definitely agree! I’m guessing all the things we care about with weed are deficient if their nutrition is deficient. It’s a fact that lack of nutrition results in subpar growth and development of every living thing, and I suspect low nutrition = low metabolite production. That also higlights one of the potential pitfalls I see with judging phenos which fade early. I’ve noticed that phenos I think I know well turn out completely different when I run them perfectly or poorly compared to just an average run. To me, that inconsistency of our home grows is a serious consideration when evaluating keepers. The difference between a perfect run and an average run is huge.

I bet you’ll get some seeds on the preflowers if you’re in the same house, but that’s a bonus imho!

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Awesome, glad to hear you both give your perspective on that. I keep toying around in my head with the idea of adding a 5th large pot (bubba or Irene if she rooted - have to check the aero cloner). Not sure, but am going to start cleaning in there in a few, and then transplant.

I’m really excited about everything. All the potential downsides I’m reading of these things don’t sound bad at all to me. In some cases they make the strains sound more appealing to me. One’s trash is another’s treasure and all that I guess. Bubba to me sounds like something that will resonate with me, so putting it in a 1GAL pot isn’t at all my way of brushing it off.

Those buds look spectacular. I rarely feel comfortable saying I see X in so and so buds but when zoomed in it really looks to me like my Tall lav jack buds that have been structurally improved a bit. I can’t wait to see if the smell is like the Tall one. That whole grow looks phenomenal to me. If I had the space I would have started using SIPs already after watching all you guys kill it with them all this time.

Sorry if you’ve posted your thoughts before on her, but how did the LJ affect you when consumed?

Absolutely and I think anyone looking at any of my grows should always keep that in mind when gathering info for potential seed pops - my plants are grown under moderately high stress in 1 GAL pots often.

As long as they aren’t fully seeded I don’t mind too much. I moved the males to another area over some parchment paper to collect pollen and they are hardly dropping any. They do smell pretty strong though. I’ve been able to keep them in a separate area in the past but paranoia about the whole thing may prompt me to just cut the males down and throw them out as well. We’ll see.

I did find some tomato cages - not the ones I was looking for as these were more expensive but it is what it is. Got 6 just to be safe. I’m a bit worried about the coating (paint?) so I won’t be using these for more than one run - I’ll use them for peppers outside after this run.

rice hulls AND dog.



Seemed to work out well, especially with the tomato cages. 5-6 would have been too tight I think. Could possibly do 1 in the center but it would be really tight with the cages & saucers.

bubba / tk / Trip Sun G in the middle


Bubba was the first cutting to root and still looks pretty good. Bubba → LJ → C91 → Pinesoul / TK in order of root speed this round.

Sadly I lost my spare cutting of F so it will be a while before I get to test that one out.

Edit I should add -

TK was 100% - it just took a few days longer
Bubba was 100% - fastest to root
I think Chem 91 and Pinesoul were either 75% or 100 -
Lav Jack is currently the lowest - at 25%

I’ve given away extras locally and space is going to be an issue again at some point. Delicate balance in such confined spaces. At some point I’ll have to transplant the cuttings to become new moms too. Still hoping to give my one potency-loving friend a C91 + tk.


I think your plan’s solid and your setup looks great. What potential downsides are you referring to? Would love to get an idea of what issues you’re expecting, and why you’re expecting them (based on what info?).

I think the effects and potency are the only area where this NN cut of Lavender Jack isn’t a 10 for me, but mostly because it’s a low/mid potency relaxing hybrid. I was hoping it was more Jack Herer like in effects and potency, but I guess you can’t have it all!

Speaking of LJ, though, you’re going to want to plan for your LJ likely being half the size of the other cuts in your setup by the end of stretch. She looks like the biggest now, but will hardly stretch up - she goes wide rather than tall. So just keep that in mind in relation to the intensity of light she gets.


Yeah, this Bubba has only a little in common with the stories you read online about bubba imho. She’s pretty vigorous and not slow in veg at all, quick to root, and not very potent (imho). However, she develops a seriously delicious dark chocolate and coffee smell in cure that is undeniable. That smell has faded after 6-8mo in jars for me, so this cut is likely at its best within a couple months after jarring. But you could play around with the potency based on the harvest window - according to the recent Fletcher (Archive) podcast with orgnkid, people take this cut as early as 7wks after flip for better flavor, but then I’ve read people here saying they take her as many as 10wks for potency. :man_shrugging:

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


I don’t remember off the top of my head but any of the comments I’ve read where someone mentioned a perceived negative I remember thinking to myself that it doesn’t sound bad to me. The most common example I could pull up is potency on a few of the cuts. Medium potency herb is great in my book. Small buds and low yield don’t bother me either. If tk or c91 are agreeable with me and high potency then one can fill the role of a high potency mother. If not it’s no big deal since that’s not usually my favorite type of bud anyways.

I’m mostly just looking at anecdotes and opinions from here and other forums (icmag) of the various cuts. I’m not expecting issues really other than what I’ve been told and read about potential leaf issues on c91.

Greasy’s last review helped reinforce to me that you can only put so much stock in what you read anyways. I have to try them for myself, and make up my own mind. TK didn’t sound very appealing to me until reading his review for example.

Yeah that sounds sort of like my experience with the 3 Lav Jacks that I tried. I still liked them and would have grown them out again if I had enough presence of mind to take a cutting of them early on. One of the strains from summer fall (c91 x ssdd?) had a duration of less than an hour though and that was kind of annoying, so that kind of low potency isn’t what I’m after. I’d love to have both a medium and high potency mother going forward though.

That sounds awesome to me, I’m excited to try it. Sounds like it holds up in the jar better than my SSDD as well - I couldn’t retain the terps for the life of me on that one. The smell description sounds more appealing as well.


Day 1 after transplant - 1/7/2024

Chem 91

Triangle Kush


Lavender Jack can see another more established Bubba Kush joined the tent here in a 1 GAL pot.

Pollen is not really dropping in quantities that I hoped from the 2 Triple Sunshines. Going to be difficult to collect & store I think. Usually the males I’ve used in the past drop a lot more by now.

SSDD trying to recover but growing very slow. Looks moderately healthy in the new growth but I’m not sure about this one.

Also I tried the Redeye Jedi last night uncured.

Tasted very good and the early sampling was pretty nice. Didn’t seem standout in potency but it isn’t cured and I only took a few hits so the smallest grain of salt here. Smell is very nice and I get a different read on it every-time I go to it, so I’m not going to put too much effort into attempting a description. Glad I have a pack or 2 of this in reserve just in case - though one of these og / kush clones may scratch that itch.


I’d start squeezing all the internode spaces on that tk or they’re going to get even more exaggerated real fast. You don’t need to squeeze until the stem breaks, just enough that you can feel it start to buckle internally between your fingers.

How many days into flowering are the males? Looks like they’re not fully in gear yet. Id wager in a ~week you’ll be in business.


Yeah, she’s a hungry plant, and almost every picture I’ve seen of Chem 91 near the end looks like she’s pretty much eating herself, even the sugar leafs end up mottled yellow and necrotic. I wouldn’t worry too much about that though, as long as the buds fill out and get frosty, the leaves won’t matter in the end.

Those will probably work great, but noticed further down you have the same model of tomato cage I used to run at my old spot. They are actually really solid, I think they’re powder-coated paint, so hopefully they won’t rust or anything. I don’t know about any toxicity, but would hope that there’s none if they’re made for growing plants. I only got to use my for 2-3 runs before I moved to Oregon.

Great find, and simple solution. I stopped using the gel because I felt like it doesn’t stick to the stem of the plant as well. So I’ve just been dipping everything in the same rooting hormone, probably not too wise of me, considering how many pathogens and viroids can be spread via sap. I do have a 5 year old bottle of CloneX I need to use up, so I’ll use this method going forward.

Looks great! It’s going to be interesting to me to see you grow the TK and compare to this one.

I think that was my mistake the first time with her - not vegging her enough and feeding her well through flower. She def likes to sprawl wide instead of tall. She does remind me a bit of @syzygy 's tall lav jack now that I’ve had her fill out a little more. I really wish I could nail the fresh frozen hash rosin - this plant would make incredible hash rosin if you could capture all the nuances of her smell. I did extract her to just bubble hash last time, and she lost some of the more sharp notes, but the effect is still there.

Yep, good point! I know I don’t nail every run, life happens, and this isn’t most of our full-time jobs… It’s good to run these cuts multiple times before making rash decisions.

Cha-Ching! A couple little bonus seeds never hurt anyone!

Yep, agree :100: I really like the effect of the Bubba, though she’s not the strongest in my book, she consistently makes me feel relaxed and chill, I get the warm “melting into the couch” effect", but only if I’m already in the mindset that I’m “done for the day”. There may be some better Bubba cuts out there, but I really enjoy the smell and taste of this one, and the effects are good enough for me.

She does smell best fresh, like about 2-3 months in the jars I think she’s perfect, then downhill from there.

Yep, @Greasy 's write-ups are great, I really like how he keeps an open-mind about anything he grows and gives it a chance. I too, like trying to open doors, instead of close them.

I have this issue usually too, but looks like you have enough already for personal chucks. How do you typically store your pollen?

Yeah I like using the pinch and roll, just enough until they start to get a little wobbly, they’ll be fixed up in a day or two if you do it right.

Looks great! The unfortunate thing about running a bunch of different clones at once, is they behave slightly differently - when you pop a pack of seeds, most plants will be pretty similar in stretch, etc. You may end up having to raise some plants, or really control the stretch on some plants to keep certain plants from over-shadowing others… I’m sure you’ll figure it out though, looks like you’re setup for a pretty killer run!


The flowers have been opening for a week or so give or take. I forget when I moved them in - maybe 3 or 4 weeks of flowering. I’m mostly concerned with the space they are tying up as I’m juggling a lot of things in a small amount of area. Plus slightly worried about pollen contamination once I get closer to flipping the flower tent. We’ll see - I can always attempt to make F2s in the summer, and if not S1 or something if I lose the male. It’s also possible I just find TK to be a similar yet superior plant. Time will tell.

Just to keep them smaller or force out more branches?

For sure. Knowing in advance they are going to probably wind up necrotic and what not helps me go into it psychologically for whatever reason.

Glad I’m not the only one to find it useful or interesting. I’ll give it a shot next round of cuttings I take and see how it works, as well as how much more gel I end up going through. I got a pack of 20ml syringes with blunt tips and it was easy enough to draw up the little clonex that I had left in the bottle.

Ya the color ranges and bud structure looks very similar to me. Overall flower shape doesn’t look as NLD as the one I had but when zoomed in they look kind of similar.

Sounds amazing to me.

It seems like every time I do it I’m trying something new. First time I remember saving pollen from some of DJ’s blue lines I made tiny bags with silica beads and vacuum sealed them. I heat sealed them in a way that I could cut them apart so that I only had to take out 1 at a time for use. I don’t want to make up numbers since it’s been a long time but I know I kept pollen that way for at least a year in the freezer without issue, maybe longer.

I’ve done film cans, jars , bags , centrifugal vials, vacutainers etc in the fridge for up to 6 months without issue. I also add indicating silica beads to these containers. Maybe they would have lasted longer there but I haven’t tried.

I am hopeful (but not certain) that this won’t be an issue. The cobs are spread out enough that as long as I keep the plants contained in their general footprint the nearby plants should get enough light still.


Both. If you don’t do it at all she’s liable to hit 4ft with 6-8inch internode spacing. If you do it, she should stay under 3ft and will have more branches. You won’t lose any yield at all, if anything you’ll have more, but the main reason is she’ll be more manageable. No wasted space.


You could also just FIM it to get more side branching. If they’re not too tall you could try this so it doesn’t take away from all the mass you built up. You can do it every few days or so.


I’m not too worried about yield but do accept that I may run into some height issues. I did a light pinch on the stems just to be able to say that I made the effort.

Here’s the height and light to canopy distance I’m going to be working with. COBS will come on when I flip to flower.

42" from the top of the pot to the lights. I think I’m safe if I keep it under 36".

Pruned the lav jack as well. Will do some directional training to space out the main branches if I have the time (I should).

Also did some playing around with the syringe and cuttings. Seems pretty good but it does seem to use more gel than if you were to just dip. Using the syringe to apply to the stem works pretty well also and may result in less waste than dipping even - sort of like a precise hand sanitizer dispenser. I noticed after about 15-30 seconds a lot of the gel absorbs into the rooting cube, which probably isn’t a bad thing. Hormone will still be against the stem. I also tested out putting some rooting powder in a different syringe and that worked well also. I checked the stem afterwords and it had good coverage all around. It’s a bit harder to carefully measure out dosage but maybe a smaller syringe and or needle would help there. Maybe even making a slurry?

The syringes are also good for getting all the gel out of a low clonex jar and allows you to use it all. Also should store fine in a syringe seeing as it’s in a vacuum and has a cap.

If anyone has any their own ideas for how to make rooting powder work better I’d be very interested in hearing also.


Bit off-topic, but I’m curious which cuts you guys have found to last the best through curing? Underrated trait as someone who doesn’t smoke a ton and has lots of old jars that go stale ha. I’ve noticed some sativas cure out well… still have one jar of kodama from 2 years ago that still has a pungent sprite thing going - only 1/3 phenos of kodama lasted like that though. 3 year old blueberry jar still smells like blueberry juice!


I couldn’t chime in on the cuts but while we wait for their thoughts I think the first Redeye Jedi retained terps in the jars better than anything that I had. It’s possible through good drying and curing practices one may be able to retain terps on the ssdd but I have never been able to pull it off within the few years I had it. The week 11 Triple Sunshine seems to fade a bit in the bags but is still nice - it doesn’t have an unsusual smell or extreme odor level though.

From memory here are the Bodhi seeds that seemed to hold on to their odor well for me.

Redeye Jedi
SunRa cedar pheno

Baba Kush * haven’t had it for 6 months yet so may not have ultra long shelf life.
Space Monkey * around 5-6 months the smell did start to get a bit muted and transform a bit.


I opened a jar of the Blueberry x Silver Lotus I grew a whiiiiiiile ago (the label on the jar says 09/25/2022, so well over a year old) recently and it smells better than ever. And more “blueberry-ish” than ever, too. Maybe Blueberry and her hybrids are just one of those things…


Yeah I’ve always read blueberry lines have great curing properties - haze as well so it definitely makes sense that blueberry x silver lotus would cure well. Probably due to the thai / other sativa influences in them - makes me curious about indicas that have good curing properties.


I think one important factor that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is how many times you open the jar over those 2-3 months.

One trick I use is multiple jars. I put most of the flower in big quart jars and only fill up the small 5 ounce jars with flower I’m smoking on. This will keep the big jar closed most of the time and only open it when refilling the smaller jar.


Yeah I think that’s a good strategy. Similarly a good practice with pollen or seeds as well.

After skimming through the Bubba thread here I’m thinking I may take the Bubba 1 GALs out of the tent and then flip the tent to flower. After the 1 GAL pots put on a bit more growth I can move them back in. I’m thinking allow them to get 6-8" tall before flowering them out.

Maybe I’ll leave one of them for flip just to see how it fills out and move just one out to veg a bit more. Not sure yet.


I vote for leaving both the Bubba in flower. Even though they don’t stretch much, I think you’ll be pushing the limits of their happiness with only 1gal.



Sounds good and easy enough for me! Will see how it performs at this size at least if nothing else. I think the other bubba should be large enough as well.

bubba on left

bubba and tk - tk looking better than a few days ago. Wondering how this one is going to perform flipped @ this size.

Also pinched the stems again today on the larger tk.

So no objections on flipping within a day or 2 from anyone?