- syzygy's journal - the clown show

I’m chopping the seeded TS-G tomorrow but haven’t decided on the unseeded one yet. Seems mostly ready but since I know the seeded plant will have some sensi buds on it I want to sample it at separate harvest dates. That will give me a better feel for if I want to keep the mom. I’ll start checking the trichs with the olympus around day 70 though and may decide it’s time anyways.

I did some pinching a few days ago but I’m thinking they need to be up-potted and vegged out a bit to flush out some healthier growth. I took cuttings a few days ago but the color isn’t great on the mom. Probably doesn’t help that it’s growing into the lights.

Kind of annoyed that I didn’t take cuttings a few weeks ago so that I could cycle some in 1 GAL to the flower area. Not really sure what I’m doing next round as TS-F is still mid flower. May get impulsive or keep it going. Also don’t want to mess up the timing on the Chem 91 cutting, so that may enter as well in a perpetual flower situation.

Only downside to that plan is the flower area is the only grow area tall enough to hold the TK in veg if I were to pot it up. Will think on it for a while as I slowly harvest.


Test seedlings - anyone know what’s wrong with them.

Day 68 - TK

Day 68 Chem91


Are you talking about that one freak seedling or the discoloration on all of them? The mutant is whatever, I think. It happens. The discoloration seems more concerning to me.

Have you fucked with your soil mix recently? Maybe added things to it that you didn’t used to or something? Which ones are these again?


Damn, that triangle kush looks like :fire::fire: @syzygy !

Grabbed a few photos of your SSDD f2’s today. 2 of them are huge. Just comically big. lol. I haven’t had plants get that big on me in soil in a long time. I was just so out of space I had no choice but to wait.

Otherwise, they all look nice! #2 is still my favorite so far.

#2, #3, and #1 (in that order). I think the purple/red stems is mostly just from the LED light being a bit too intense (since they are closer than I prefer) since the bottom of the stem is normal color. It’s only the top that is red/purple which from my experience = light.

I’ve had something weird going on with 2 of the clones of the SSDD f2’s. I thankfully have extras of all the clones. I am not really sure what it is. I ditched a #1 clone, and now a clone from #2 is doing the same thing. The leaves are just growing oddly elongated, and the new growth was looking funny too. Some curled leaf edges. And the color of the leaves looks a bit off too.

I almost thought it was maybe russet mite damage (because of the way the new growth was looking), but I scoped the plant and some leaves and didn’t find anything (fungi/mold or pests). So I’m treating the entire room (including the ssdd clones) for pests and I am also treating that specific ssdd #2 clone for mold/mildew. It’s only happened on those 2 clones in a room filled with plants, so I don’t know WTF is going on but I’m trying to cover all bases. Maybe it’s just the soil or something? I really don’t know.

Here’s a couple pics. The new growth looks a bit better today but you can still see the odd fan leaf growth.

The other SSDD clones look normal.


Where are they located? Like, in the room specifically. Could it be because they’re just not getting enough airflow? Are they tucked away in the corner somewhere? Maybe humidity levels/VPD is too high? Or too low?

I honestly don’t care about VPD haha (I mean, I do, but not enough to stress about it), but that could maybe be why those leaves are looking a little odd.


They are right in the middle of the room. That clone was sitting directly next to the other normal looking clones. They should be getting plenty of light. Airflow may not be the best, but there’s definitely some.

Not sure on VPD. It’s just a temporary space I’m using because I have too much going on. lol
I’ve been keeping the temps and humidity consistent though.

The clone was growing normally, then just started doing this.

Besides pests or mold/mildew/fungi, the only other thing I can think of is the soil they are in. I didn’t use the same soil for all the clones, so maybe that’s it? :man_shrugging:


Maybe move them, either to the front or the back and see what happens haha.


I’d say the genetics have some variegation and mutation. I don’t believe they are that way because of anything you did. I’ve gotten seedlings just like that from multiple hybrids of DJ Shorts work. They eventually will have normal growth. Up to you if it’s worth waiting for it.


Ya was my crappy attempt at starting the post off with a joke. They are less mutated than I expected them to be going off of previous experiences. These are seedlings from a mutated Vanilluna F2 (f3 or ix I forget). The variegation, crinkle, twisting leaves, and deformities were all expected.

Ya that’s weird. Almost like it lacks serrations on some of the fans. I feel like I’ve seen that before but off the top I don’t remember if there was a causal link.

Seems like a good reason to cull the others then to err on the side of caution.

Interesting! Any stem frost yet on any of the 3?


Yes, for sure.

Yeah that’s what I did with the first one. This one I decided to hold off for a minute. I moved it away from the rest and have been treating it with a rotation of hypochlorous acid and 3 in 1 spray. I wanted to see if treatment did anything, or if it was genetic or the soil or what. Since I’m treating the whole room for pests anyway, I figured I’d let it hang out for like a week and see what happens.


Ah, okay haha. Sorry, dude, I’m still feeling a little slow, probably gonna be another week before I’m all the way back.

What’s that thing they say? “Cocaine’s a helluva drug!”? I’m still hurting from like eight days ago…

Okay, that’s what I thought, but when you started asking questions, I was like,”Wait, what’s syzygy talking about right now?” haha. Like you said, though, I’d expect nothing less from Vanilluna f2’s.

Is that actually variegation? It looks like… I dunno… Just weird white spots haha. Seems early for any legit variegation to be rearing its head, but maybe not. I dunno.


This line does it from the time true leaves emerge (post cotyledon).

A couple past pictures

We’ll see if the seedlings stay or not. I was really expecting more mutated seedlings based on past experiences so I’m a bit disappointed so far haha…


Oh, wow, how crazy. Those are the original “f1’s”? That’s nuts…

Haha! I mean, you know… Mutants schmutants. I grew some Durban Thai Highflyer hybrid years ago that looked like that, though. Honestly, it looked like fucking cabbage or something for the first few weeks, definitely didn’t look like weed for a while.

I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve been in a similar situation haha…


One of those pictures was the same seed generation as these. The other (more mutated in a square pot) was a Vanilluna F2. I haven’t had any Vanilluna F1s since ~2006-08. Whatever year it was that I bought them I popped them all.

The herb isn’t very good from what I remember it’s just weird and different. It’s definitely lacking in terpenes and has powdery / sandy trichomes. When turned into rosin it has a glassy texture rather than sappy or sticky. Was just bored when I popped them knowing I may cull later due to space. I’ll have plenty of flower to hold me over so that I can play around with stuff that I don’t intend to consume. We’ll see… I would probably rather ‘seriously’ go through the few vanilluna F2s rather than these to see if there’s a mom leaner in there. If space becomes a pressing issue they will end up outside or in the compost tumbler…


Weird and different’s alright, though, I think haha. Anything out of the ordinary seems pretty good to me, even if it isn’t “stellar” or whatever.

I knooooowwwww, dude haha! I’m watching these seedlings and trimming the last harvest just like,”Shit… Maybe I should’ve waited to plant the latest round…” haha. I think I may have fucked up, too much weed from this the last grow and (maybe, hopefully) more on the way in a few months, but it’s too late now.

I mean, you know… Whatever haha… I mean, is that “bad”? Is it shitty to be like,”Wellll, fuck it. I’ll just toss those plants and sow something else. Doesn’t matter.”?


Yeah, I feel like I’m always in that situation but on the other hand it feels weird to not have a grow going even if I don’t need the flower.

Definitely not! It feels good to have option for sure.

I smoked an early Lav Jack sample tonight a few times and for me the initial effects I’m getting are pretty “indica” - tiring & relaxing but not overly potent. We’ll see how it changes through the cure but seems in line with the 3 Lav Jacks that I grew last year.


That’s my feelings on all counts :relaxed:

Interesting on the vaniluna’s! Especially the glassy texture. I’ve read things high in CBD and/or CBG come out with glassy shatter-like rosin. :thinking:


Right. I was already planning on shutting it down in July through mid-August anyway, but now… I dunno. I’m already stressing about May and June haha, temps and shit, probably shoulda planned this upcoming one a little better. But for sure, I’m like,”Fuck! I’m not gonna be growing for almost two months! I’ve gotta get one more in RIGHT NOW.”

Yeah, but at the same time, it just feels “wrong” to trash seeds/seedlings or whatever. I’m not saying I’m thinking about doing that (because I’m for sure not gonna do that haha), I was more talking about you and your situation.

Or something haha. I dunno. I’m fucking hammered.

It could be because you blazed it “tonight,” later in the day. I don’t think I ever smoked that one after maybe 3 or 4pm at the very latest and even then it was definitely a pretty “chill” high. I didn’t find it to be sleepy or anything, though.

I’m not a fan of super-lazy weed except for bedtime and I really liked that Lavender Jack, so…

How DARE you not feel the same way as I do about it!!! Haha.


Feels like where I always am too haha…

I think that’s a fair point when it comes to set and setting and it’s only my initial reaction to the first bud that was ready to smoke. That said with work, the dogs, and responsibilities I really only ever consume in the night now. Wasn’t a final opinion just an initial reaction. I want to grow a few of them in 1 GAL pots and harvest them at different times as well - I kind of want to see how it turns out when pulled at week 8.

I like having a jar of lazy weed on hand for sure.

Ya it’s just an initial reaction for me that may change as the buds aren’t even cured. I do share your appreciation of TK so far though haha. Hoping the day 70+ harvested buds are as euphoric as the ~day 60 bud was.


I know, it’s annoying. I don’t like driving when I’m high and since I don’t make shit doing the Uber Eats thing, I pretty much have to drive every day. I keep saying,”I’m just gonna take one day off and do nothing but smoke weed and play Madden,” but I don’t ever feel like I can take a day off.

I was planning on doing that today, actually, and getting into some of the new stuff, but yesterday sucked so bad that I’m forced to go back out.

One day… One day I’ll relax… haha.

Mhm, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. That’ll definitely be interesting to see the differences in how it smokes when pulled at different times, anyway.

I know I’ve already made this abundantly clear haha, but I did really like that Lavender Jack. Reading what you and Holy have to say about it, though, I’m sitting here wondering,”Have my tastes changed? Am I a ‘lazy weed’ fan now…?” haha.