- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Spot on what I think too ^^


You found chem more “indica” in effects than TK? Worth pointing out that I took it 84 days also which I’m sure is affecting the feel of the high a bit. I’m also not smoking a whole joint or anything so grain of salt with my opinions. I’m taking about 3-4 hits when I consume the chem, but 1-2 hits of TK feels stronger to me. My biggest mental hangup is the nanners when grown in my environment.

Gave about an oz to my friend last night and he said today the chem is “magnificent”. Can’t really extract much more detailed info from this person - but I did give him a like 6 cuttings of it a few months ago. This person consumes a lot more than I do so I read that as him saying he found it sufficiently potent for his very high tolerance.

Put the 4x Triple Sunshine F2 , 2x Baba Kush F2 in the flower tent with some TK, TS , LJ and Irene. Still way too early for them to reveal genders but I imagine they will get flipped before showing, and will just cull males as they show. May veg for a few days and flip. Not sure what I’m doing still or if I want to log this grow. A bit disorganized this run because of the spacial and timing issues.

There were some gnats in the veg tent and I hit everything with gnatrol a couple times. I assume that issue will be accelerated with the new soil that I just brought in for transplanting (hydrated with gnatrol). Definitely a predicament and not looking promising when I think how perfectly the LJ needs to be grown. Also considering how early fungus gnats were one of the cited issues with my unhealthy LJ plant last round. Impulsively it feels like they should just get pulled now to make space for something else but will wait a few days to see what the gnat population looks like.


Yeah 91 is definitely heavier than the TK is for me. I only took mine to 74ish days if my chart is accurate :thinking: Still tho.

:ok_hand: same for me. I think the 91 is close, and it’s the closest between it, the chem4, and the chemD, but no cigar. I can see why some might prefer it over the TK, but the TK is my jam.

:partying_face: That’s gonna be a nice run! :wink: I’m currently in the middle of taking clones and up-potting my veg plants and will flip to flower tomorrow morning. Also starting a pack of Mother’s Milk F3 “OG Structure” from @catapult for the wife.

For gnats I usually just set the sticky traps at an angle above the soil, so they essentially have to fly into or around it to get in or out of the soil. Seems to knock out 99% of them in a week or two :man_shrugging:


Others told me in this thread that they considered the chem to be night time bud. I thought I read a few comments about it being ‘headier’ than tk too though for some. We all do react to this stuff differently I guess.

Interesting. I always just assumed Chem would be hyper-disorienting (confusing effects) where 1-2 hits is sufficient for someone without a prodigious tolerance. That’s definitely the impression I got when I’ve heard people speak about chemD, but really I previously had no real interest in Chem so I went into this a bit blind.

Not trash talking it - I would actually probably gravitate to it if I didn’t have the dogs. I know I used to seek out herb like it for sure. Don’t like the nanners but that can be put on me. I think I just require more forgiving genetics for my setup. Still have a mom of it for now, but I don’t have a ready cutting to cycle in this round.

I’m not worried about the gnats and they are a constant here when I’m bringing soil in from outside. They should be under control within a week or 2, and if not I’ll get nematodes. I also have sticky traps on hand.

More-or-less just demoralized about the LJ and if having slightly yellow leaves in early flower & fungus gnats was the reason I wasn’t blown away with it then we’re going to have a repeat since I have gnats. Was just thinking I should pre-emptively get rid of the LJ and put something else in there to occupy the space it’s taking up. It’s clear from the start the LJ run isn’t going to be pristine in other words.

MM fgens sounds like it could be fun to explore. I remember for a while here it seemed like a ton of people were running that MM #31 or whatever it was. Haven’t seen much about it lately though.

Soon enough I’ll reduce my mom count and get the area set so I can cycle through more seeds again as well.


I don’t consider it night time bud at all, but definitely less functional than the TK is and leaning more towards a narcotic high without being excessively so. I mainly used it for after-work weed but could work on it if I needed to. The chem4 was a bit more functional but I ended up not liking it as much. 91 x mediocre haze/nl5haze imo. The variegated Chem D cut is more nighttime weed for me but rather one dimensional like newb was saying. I wouldn’t even bother with that cut, nor the chem4 really if we’re having similar experiences here. There are a few different chem D cuts tho. I’ve only tried that variegated one.

Honestly, I think I had a good rendition of that flower, maybe from one of your benefectors ^^, and it didn’t blow me away at all. Was a nice bodhi plant but nothing like Jack Herer. Taste and flavor were up there but meh imo. I don’t think it’d be that hard to find something similar or better in a couple packs.


Been fighting some incessant gnats here for a bit; a couple inches of sand on the tops of my pots has had the most impact for the least effort and cost. I still use sticky traps and gnatrol, as needed. But the sand really put an end to the cycle like nothing else has been able to for me lately.

Good luck those MMf3’s @HolyAngel great to see some getting wet. I just hit a second batch for my summer pheno hunt. Looking for a comparable boy to hit the MM31 cut as well as any girls for a more selected f4. The #2 pheno was my favorite of the F3’s

Speaking of the 31, here she is about a month or so in. Got a couple going atm.


With a TK…

And, since I’m out here sharing (hope that’s cool w syzygy:) my latest muse is my Cat Scratch Skunk #3 She about 6 wks in


Here’s your x’s getting started. One of the SSDD isn’t growing, but I’ll let it go for a while and see what happens. I’m excited to see what these produce, I would love a good male from the TK’s to hit any and all females.


Ooh that’s a really good idea! I think diatomaceous earth would work too now that I think about it :thinking: sand definitely cheaper tho!

Thanks bro! Got the whole pack wet last night so we’ll see what pops up here soon ^^ the sour 91 pack definitely hasn’t eye but wife wanted pure MM so gotta wait a bit :sweat_smile:

Plants lookin great! May have to bump the cat scratch skunk up the list a bit :wink:


Of course, cool to see you’re still running it. Have you run the TK before? Interested to hear your thoughts on it.

Ya, I honestly don’t expect too much of a change in effects but was trying to give the benefit of the doubt. In any case, it’s clear this run isn’t going to be pristine, so this isn’t the run to put it to the test anyways.

Yeah, I think that’s what I was trying to communicate by calling it night time. I feel like I’m fighting the effects more if I have to do something whereas the TK is just enhancing for me.

Awesome, thanks for posting these here! My TS F2s are much lankier but that may be from having a weak light on them. Hoping I get a couple females to test out this run.


:joy::joy::joy::joy: I can’t stand people like that haha. It’s like,”Dude, come on… I just gave you a huge bag of weed for free and all I ask in return is that you tell me what you think of it.” I’m pretty sure that that’s why the few people I used to know who actually smoked weed don’t come around anymore, just because I’d pepper them with questions a week or so later. It’s like anything more than one-word answers is too much for them or something haha.

That shit doesn’t work at all. Or it never has for me, anyway. All it does is form a sort of concrete-like “barrier” on the top of the soil after a few waterings; whenever I’d chop the plants and recycle the soil, I’d have to pull huge, matted chunks of DE and mulch off the top of the pots first and throw it in the garbage. And it never killed the gnats, either, so… haha.


I know what you mean but this person just can’t appreciate subtle differences in effects. He consumes more in a month than I probably do in a year and passed me my first “elite” level cuttings decades ago. I’d much prefer him say something is “fantastic” or “magnificent” than make up a bunch of stuff to attempt to give me a thorough report. For him saying something is noteworthy in a sense is useful because at least I know it breaks through for someone that I’d consider to have very high tolerance.

Agreed. I’ve seen gnats dance around in dry DE as well and never noticed a mass of dead desiccated gnats afterwords. In my eyes DE is one of those home-remedy scams that can be dangerous to the applicator if precautions aren’t taken such as eye and respiratory protection. I’ll get the gnats taken care of, but seeing as I keep my soil outside I’m almost always going to bring them in when I do these large transplant sessions.


yellow sticky traps always work for me, but I’ve never had a really bad infestation


Mosquito bits and dunks I swear by for gnats takes care of larvae yellow sticky traps to catch any remaining adults I also find myself not having much issue with them with living soil I got predatorys that came in from my worm bins rove beetles predatory mites etc but if they do get out of hand a sprinkle of bits seem to work good for me


It does help, but you can’t really smother the surface w DE the way sand does. Sand also allows water to pass threw it for top watering, where a thick layer of DE turns pretty hard when wet and then also loses it’s effectiveness. I use it for periodic surface dustings when I know I’m planning to be predominantly bottom watering.

I def recommend it. Vigorous and stinky w quite a bit of the MM flavor profile w and a little more funk and much stronger branching. I would be looking for the slower smaller og type plants. My smallest and most overlooked had sharpie terps after dry. I think you would like those.

Yea, got the cut back recently and did one quick run w her in a 2 ga pot. Reminded me of exactly what I expected from back in the day. Great structure, love her slightly spicy earthy og terps. She’s not the strongest smelling, but potency and smoke quality are both excellent imo. I don’t quite put her up on a pedestal above all others, but she’s def in the top few.

At this point I think I would miss the Bay Breeze cut I’ve been holding and the MM31 more than the TK


Yeah, that makes sense. Still… haha. It really is like,”Dude, is it that much trouble to tell me something more than,’Yeah, it’s good!’”? Haha.

A buddy of mine came over yesterday, the only person I know who gives a shit about the subtleties etc, and I gave him a bunch of everything from the last round. He was picking up on different “smell notes” that I hadn’t noticed before. That kind of stuff is helpful (and interesting) to me. It’s like, what’s the point in growing weed if all anybody’s gonna tell you is,”Yeah, I like that one…”? haha!

Hm. I keep my soil in the garage with the lids off of the bins (until the rat showed up) and I haven’t had too much of an issue with gnats lately. I haven’t even watered with Gnatrol once this grow, just because I haven’t needed to.

It’s weird how sometimes gnats show up and sometimes they don’t, no idea what that’s about. But you know… Gnatrol FTW haha…


I’ve heard great things about mosquito dunks but I haven’t tried them yet. I have, however, had fantastic results with H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). I grow in coco, and I don’t know how well it plays with things like living soil, etc., but it’s been a game changer for me when I’ve had issues.


Gnatrol and mosquito dunks both contain Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. Have used the granuals, powder pouches, and aqueous suspension (Microbelift) and more. Any remedy you’re going to find online for gnats I’ve probably tried it… Mosquito dunks are variable in quality from my experience but when they work they’re great.

BTi products tend to work if they are viable but can take up to a few weeks as it won’t affect the adults. Sticky traps do catch the adults and are useful to pair with BTi applications.

It wasn’t really about gnats though and more about how there may be a few gnats in the LJ soil that I just brought in - which if is the case has already compromised the run (imperfect run). You guys can continue talking about fungus gnat strategies, it doesn’t bother me at all, but I know the point of contamination (soil stored outdoors) and what I need to do to get a handle on them.

Awesome, it’s always cool to read about other people trying different cuts and their own preferences. TK for me doesn’t come across as overly potent or unique, but I really am liking how much my system seems to agree with it. Very little to complain about or nit pick. Usually something feels off in most of the strains I sample (usually from seeds I sprout).

Yeah but I think about how sometimes I try to describe the smell of strains and I just draw blank. Then I read other reviews and feel like they’re completely making shit up in order to serve up a review that reads like a wine snob / connoisseur. Rather people hold back in an attempt to be honest rather than make stuff up any day…

Not to accuse B of doing it but I haven’t encountered any “green curry” smelling phenos in any of the Devil’s Hashplants (green curry OG / diablo OG mother).

It’s just fun and keeps it interesting trying new stuff out for me. I think most people would be happy with a quality cutting that produces a decent amount of high end bud without too much hassle.

I think something people overlook all the time on forums is that different geographic locations and environments will have different pest pressures.

Yeah seems like a good and cheap approach for hydro but I’m not sure I’d want to apply it to a biologically active “soil”.


Mosquito bits soaking in your water for a bit before watering has been very effective for me. Top dressing pots with it has some effect but not as good as just inoculating the whole water source. Gnatnix is also very effective for small grows


For sure. But that’s why it’s so helpful to me to hear what other people think. And I’m talking about people I know who smell/smoke the weed in person, not “online people” haha.

Absolutely. It’s like they don’t wanna admit that they just spent a few months growing something that really didn’t turn out all that great. Having said that, nobody I know participates in weed forums or even bothers reading weed reviews at all, not even the dude who swung by yesterday.

He did bring me an eighth of something he got from a dispensary yesterday, smelled great, very “raw power-ish.” I totally forgot that he gave that to me until just now haha, maybe I’ll try it today. But not until after I research it… haha. I don’t even remember the name, gonna check it out after I get done doing the Uber bullshit.

Right. I thought about that when I was typing that, that where you live is probably just a more “hospitable” environment for fungus gnats. It’s super-dry here all the time, probably not exactly where they wanna live. They do still show up here every now and then, though haha.


I often overlook this like hearing people talk about mildew and mold but here in Arizona I really haven’t encountered those issues even in packed tents for sure something I’m going to be more thoughtful of