- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Here are the 2 lav Jacks I’m thinking about tossing before I get started (green tags). I just transplanted them so I know they will green up as they root into the new media. My transplant timing was about a week off of the optimal timing though.

Don’t know when I’ll be able to get to them again but don’t think I want to keep the mom around while I wait for a flawless run. A few local friends indicated they are going to try to keep a mother of it (and TK) anyways.

@MrHamilton here are my 4 Triple Sunshine F2s (white tags) - 2 Baba Kush F2s (yellow tags)

Will attempt to flower out any that show as female. I intend to pop more of both in the future if space allows.

May not do a real log of this grow but will definitely post pictures if there are plants worth posting pictures of. Will also obviously log info if I come across any intersex issues.

Yeah my interest was sharing pros / cons of experiences with certain varieties so you can make better choices when it comes to finding something you might prefer. The negatives are a pretty important component of that. Don’t know how many hundreds of tomato varieties I’ve grown out over the years but even your favorites will have traits that you can critique… There will also be traits that make varieties not worth growing even if the harvested fruit tastes good.

Same here with people and forums - most people just don’t care that much about it in depth - which is cool to me.


are these moms you found from seed? and would you be tossing them for good?

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No doubt we are a bunch of weed nerds here. When I do give weed to people, especially people that are not heavy smokers - they mostly seem to go off their nose. If it smells crazy good to them, then if must be good. Even heavy smokers are often swayed by how something smells, you form an opinion of something even before you ingest it… even I’m guilty of it, and it even factors into if I really like something or not. It is cool though that everyone can be as interested as they want to be in it… I’m just happy that more and more people are getting to experience good weed, and finding out how truly medicinal it can be.

Haha, no doubt! It’s been a trip seeing everyone run some of these same clones and giving their opinions on them. But hey, if you don’t like something, you don’t like it. If you don’t like the Lav Jack now, I really doubt that even with a perfect run, it’s gonna come out that much different for you that you will like it. I shared a bunch of bud from all these clones with my friends who are heavy smokers, and almost everyone has had a different favorite. My one buddy can’t get enough of the Bubba Kush, while other people say it doesn’t even get them high! He likes it over the TK and Chem 91. His wife prefers Tropicanna Cherries and Lav Jack and SCBD, that’s all she’ll smoke. There’s something out there for everyone!


No they are the same nn cut - one is in “hot soil” and the other is in “hotter soil”. I don’t expect that I’m going to germinate any Lav Jacks any time soon. Will mostly focus on trying out some of these pollen chucks and maybe some other seeds. It’s possible I’ll try out some malawi sometime this year as well… Very low chance of any Lav Jacks making the cut though with everything I want to try. I impulsively ordered some new beans that were on sale for 4/20 so I do intend to grow those out alongside the pollen chucks as well.

Everything this round is in soil with 2x the usual amendments as a test as well. I just saw a few hours ago some (4~) TKs are rooted out in rapid rooters so may cycle a few of those in at some point.

Yeah I can relate to that too but I will say that I’m often wrong as well. Lav Jack smells very nice and attractive to me. The uplifting Goji phenos that I grew didn’t smell like anything special. Sometimes the stars align and the herb smells great and the effects resonate as well (SunRa cedar pheno). Trip Sun to me just smells weed. I like it but it’s nothing unusual to me. I agree with you fully that all this is individualized and comes down to personal preferences.

I liked the morphology of the dried BK buds that I grew and thought it was cool how they rained trichomes down when they were disturbed. The cocoa smell was fairly unique and novel to me as well. Effects weren’t stand out or anything special, but it was psychoactive for me. Wasn’t even bad or undesirable effects, just not what I’m after.

Lav Jack just makes me tired.



Yeah me too, as I found out with the Bandaid 7. Doesn’t smell, or taste like anything I would really select for. But I really do like the effect of that one. I wouldn’t have given something like that a chance in my garden, based on it’s looks and smells alone, I’d probably have chucked it. But now, knowing that I do like the effect, I’m somewhat drawn to it’s strange musty floral smells. It’s like a switch flipped in my brain, not unlike when I was a teen and started drinking beer. At first, I didn’t really like the taste, nor smell of beer, but after drinking a couple of times, and getting used to the effect, I somehow started thinking it tasted good, and could even start smelling the nuances between different styles. I guess it’s good to give most things a chance, and look outside of your comfort zone every now and then, never know what you might end up liking!

I do really like the structure of her buds, they break up nicely, and they’re soft and fluffy. The trichs dry out nice and sandy. I do agree with most others here that her potency is her weak spot… I do find her really relaxing though.

Did you experience similar effects from other Wookie crosses? I’ve really only tried three of them, Lav Jack, Purple Wookie, and Sun Ra, neither of them have been really strong, but certainly psychoactive. I have high hopes for Space Monkey, as I really like GG4.


You’re the only other person I think I’ve read say they thought SunRa isn’t that strong. I’ve had people on RIU assure me the SunRa they grew was very potent, bordering on some of the strongest herb they’ve grown. The cedar pheno was definitely one of my favorites that I found from seed but I didn’t think it was that strong either (or any of the other females I came across).

I don’t remember too much about Granola Funk other than being unimpressed and feeling like it’s missing a crucial part of the normal Cannabis effects. It didn’t make me sleepy or tired though.

Sun Ra for me was kind of similar to Triple Sunshine and TK in effect. I’d rate it closer to TS in potency or maybe weaker. Effects were a bit more up and energetic as opposed to TS being more calming, but still the same general feeling I get. Very good summertime herb with buzzing euphoria and focus enhancement. I’ve never had SFV before but I’m assuming those were SFV/OG effects.

My favorite Space Monkey was good happy herb in low doses but too strong and disorienting for my tastes when pushed a bit further. None of the 4 females that I sampled there made me tired, including the lavender (w15?) pheno. I have been told by others that consumed my pine pheno that it was too strong and put them to sleep though.

All 3 of the Lav Jacks that I grew from seed made me relaxed and feeling tired but there was also a decent amount of amber present. That’s why I was thinking initially that taking the nn cut at week 8 instead of week 9 may result in a different experience. I had the idea that it’s possible the flowers ripened faster here than they did in other environments where 63 days was closer to the sweet spot. If I remember correctly it wasn’t uncommon for space monkey phenos to be ready around day 50-55.


For wookie crosses I’ve only had the NN Lav Jack samples and some dispo Space Monkey flower I bought. The dispo Space Monkey was very similar in smell to the Lav Jack, just lacking the terpinolene but everything else was there in my memory. I think the Space Monkey was slightly more potent and was straight daytime work weed for me. My wife hated it :joy: but she liked the LavJack for just-before-bed weed, which was all I found it useful for. I couldn’t smoke that LavJack throughout the day without wanting to pass out.


Really? Gawd, that’s so weird. I thought it was so good for just chilling in the backyard in the sun, but I didn’t find it to be “sleepy” or anything. Very positive kind of high.

I kind of feel bad now for talking that one up so much haha. I liked it a lot, though. It really put my head in a very upbeat,”Life is great…” sorta mindframe or whatever. Not energetic or anything, but more of just a,”Why are we worrying about anything?”-type of high.

And I like that. Anything that gets me out of my usual,”I fucking hate everybody!” attitude is awesome for me haha…


I found lavjack to be similar to you. Good anytime bud - not too racey to chill at night and nice enjoyable headspace for daytime. Havent found it sleepy or lethargic… and I took mine at like day73.


Out of the three, that one was the strongest. It was a sample given to me graciously by another grower, and it was very good weed. Still though, for me personally, it seems like the Wookie stuff doesn’t have “legs” or longevity in the effects, they’ve been a quick up, and gentle down fairly quickly. Take all that with a grain of salt though, three samples is not a good sample size.

Yeah, this is how I experience it as well. Feel good, mood lift, not energetic, but also no crash for me. It just tapers off and I feel back to normal. I can smoke it anytime really, but I rarely wake-n-bake these days. Another thing I like about it, is that it doesn’t give me the super munchies. I feel like some strains will turn my stomach into a bottomless pit, haha.


I would tend to agree with that, yeah. What kind of stuff have you found to have noticeably long legs ?


Most recently out of what I’ve been smoking, Bandaid Haze 7 and TK last a long time, I can take one or two tokes and be good for a few hours. Chem 91 is the same, but i don’t have any on hand. Also, the Nigerian Rafiki has some legs, that one kind ramps up for me, so it takes a while to “peak”.


I got that to an extent but it was more tiring than anything. I find that specific comment interesting because you are one of the people here who enjoy the strain and I agree with that being the theme of the herb. Xanax weed.

We were discussing effects either in this or my other thread and the idea of “pacifying” herb came up with a negative connotation when I was speaking favorably towards components of either ssdd or an ssdd cross.

It’s puzzling to me because I find the LJ to be pacifying in effects with zero “sativa” nld or up characteristics. Not just the NN cut, even my sativa looking pheno was tiring and “pacifying”. Pacifying - putting you at ease and tired the way Xanax or nyquil might.

Honestly going into this I was most excited about LJ - you can read it in my first or 2nd post. In my mind I wanted to write @HolyAngel off as full of shit, especially since he hasn’t grown it, but I really do find myself agreeing with his take on quite a few of these strains. I also like hearing people voice differing opinions so I never had issue with what he was saying, I just assumed the majority would probably be “correct”.

We must just have similar reactions to this stuff. I don’t doubt anyone else here with their experiences and clearly I’m in the minority here. I wouldn’t be surprised (or offended) if others thought the Trip Sun smokes like hemp, but I really do like it. It actually weirded me out a bit when 5+ people locally gave it high praise because to me it’s not that strong. So ya, I don’t know what the point of this ramble is other than moral of the story is I’m probably just weird and react to herb differently than most people.

I would agree with that take so it must be right, no grain of salt needed (joking.) My Space Monkey actually lasted a while though (3-4 hours). I like weaker herb so it didn’t bother me that sunra wasn’t devastating.


Yeah LJ definitely reminds me of benzos… That’s probably why I love it so much haha


Man I really need to try these out. Only had TK in a cross


Some photos - still thinking about dumping the Lav Jacks and cycling in a few more TKs.

I know the TK doesn’t look great either but that doesn’t seem to hold them back as much. Irene is rootbound too but it is what it is. I guess I could put her in a 3 GAL before i flip…



Lav Jack

Baba Kush F2s

Trip Sun F2s


I dunno if I’d go so far as to say that it was “NyQuil-ish” haha, but Xanax-y might be appropriate. I like Xanax. I mean, I fucking hate them, but they work for my what seems to be never-ending panic attacks lately. Unfortunately, my doctors refuse to prescribe them to me and instead insist on giving me Gabapentin, which is totally useless. So I have to look elsewhere.

But yeah, I don’t think I ever implied that that Lavender Jack was “get up and go” weed or anything, but I also didn’t find it to be sleepy at all.

The panic attacks thing really make me place a high level of importance on weed that doesn’t have any sort of “rushy” come up at all. Anything that just gently eases me into being baked for a couple hours, I’m gonna like. And that LJ did that, so…


Yeah, I can relate to that for sure - I don’t like herb that causes confusion, racy thoughts or excessive introspection for similar reasons. I wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth with the effects, I guess I’m just trying to figure out what the actual consensus is on the LJ in order to decide what I want to do with it. That quote was helpful to me specifically and cleared things up a lot. All of the previous posts from people chiming in with how it affects them has helped me gain perspective as well.

A description from my other thread is a polar opposite of what I grew in the LJs :

My hangup is that the phenos I’ve tried don’t hit how I expected jack to based on what I’ve read about Jack H in the past (and present). OK, anyways time to stop beating this dead horse and move on.


Well, I mean… Who cares what the general consensus is? Haha. If you don’t like it, you should trash it. It sounds like quite a few people have that clone right now, so if you decide you miss it and want it back, I doubt it’d be difficult to source.

I really wouldn’t listen to anything that dude has to say about anything. Honestly, I’m not sure he grows or even smokes weed. That post sounds like he’s quoting from, like, the Greenhouse Seeds website or something. Straight Jack’s never, ever made me feel like I wanna “bring the uplifting dance music to any party” at which I’ve smoked it, never even mind the Lavender Jack. I like them both, but I’ve never felt like,”Whoa! This is a Sativa Masterpiece!” or anything after blazing either of them.

Haha, alright.


Yeah, I just meant the consensus on what the effects actually are for people who have had it. It’s sounding to me like -7 days won’t transform it into a euphoric energizing “sativa”. It clears up my confusion a bit because I was expecting/hoping for a more uplifting / energetic hybrid based on the jack in the cross.

Yeah, people are holding it locally I’m told as well.

Interesting! Never smoked jack and have only read about it (mostly marketing from seedbanks like sensi in the early 00s). This may also play a part in my confusion / incorrect assumptions.